Chapter Twenty-two - Teaching

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During lunch I got to know Vera a lot better and that is just what I wanted after our little moment yesterday evening. We love to do the same sort of things like sport and being with friends and family is the most important thing for the both of us.

After lunch we went outside and said our goodbyes to Lynn and Max, and we went both our own ways. I am really excited to spend more time with Vera on the slopes as she will teach me how to snowboard. We are waiting for at the lift, I want to impress her since Vera has a lot more experiences than I do.

After an hour we are back down, "So how did I do?" I ask her. "For only your second day it is absolutely amazing, but I have an idea" she replies. "Okay tell me, I'm curious" I answer her, but instead of answering me she only looks at me and smiles. "What?" I ask her. Her smile gets even bigger "Nothing, just not going to tell you yet, it is a surprise" she finally says. "I can trust you right" I say laughing. "Yes, of course you can trust me, now come on" she says with a big smile on her face. Now I'm really curious what she has planned for us.

We go to an area where the slopes are a lot flatter. "What are we going to do here" I ask her. "Just trust me okay" she answers and I just nod.


When we're down at the lift again I could see how much Lando was enjoying snowboarding but was also still struggling. He could get down, but his technique wasn't very good yet. He fell quiet a few times, everyone with that little experience would have the same struggles. It is only his second day. I decide to get to the practice area so I could help him with his technique, and he will get even better, but this also might be a reason to be a bit closer to him.

"Let's go up" I say to Lando, and he just looks weird at me. "Sure" he responds. When we're on the top we go half down on our own and then I stop. "Why are you stopping" Lando asks me. "Well, I'm going to teach you the right way, so why not start here" I tell him, but he still looks a bit weird at me. "Not to be rude or something, but why in the practice area, I thought I did good" he says with a sweet voice not to come on rude. "Because here you can really learn your technique and I'm going to help you with that, I am your teacher after all" I tell him and laugh a little. "How are you going to do that when you don't even have a snowboard" he asks a bit surprised. "I don't need a snowboard to help you with your technique" I say while stepping out of my skis.

I walk to him and stand in front of him. "Give me your hands" I say while putting my hands in front of me for him to grab them. He grabs them and I help him up.

"Okay when you're going to make a turn I want you to put all your weight on your front leg okay?" I tell him. He nods and I help him, so he starts sliding. I keep walking with him and holding his hands while he starts to make the turn. This one goes pretty smooth, but the other one will probably be a little bit harder. "This was okay right?" He asks me when we stopped for a second. "Yeah this was great, just try to put more weight on your front leg" I reply. "Even more?" he asks me. "Yeah even more, I know it doesn't feel natural, but that is snowboarding" I say a bit laughing. He starts to laugh to. "Ready again?" I ask him. "Yes let's go" he replies.


I love it how she helps me. Max also told me to put my weight on my front leg, but he didn't really take the time to actually help me with the technical stuff. Vera helps me to start sliding again and I try to put all my weight on my front leg by completely leaning that way. When we make the turn I almost fall, but Vera keeps me up. "You okay?" she asks me with a really sweet voice. I love how caring she is. "Ye... yeahh I'm okay" I say a bit embarrassed for almost falling.

I start sliding again and the first turn goes smoothly again, but as soon as I make the second turn I fall. This time Vera couldn't keep me up and I fell on top of her. We laugh for a bit and look in each other's eyes. Our faces are really close right now. After a few seconds our laughing fades and we're just staring in each other's eyes.

Love Is In the Snow {Lando Norris & Max Verstappen}Where stories live. Discover now