Chapter Twenty-five - Hot chocolate

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It is two hours ago since we left the lunchroom. That means it is 16.30pm. Time flies when you are having fun. That is what they say right? Even though, Lynn and I don't talk much, I enjoy her presence. The sound of her breathing is just so comforting.

"I'm getting cold, shall we take a walk?" I ask her. She lifts her head off my shoulder, and she nods. We get up and put our arms together. She pulls herself closer to me and put her head on my shoulder again. "Where will we go?" she asks. "It will be a surprise, but it you will see the most beautiful sunset ever" I answer.

We walk for about twenty minutes when Lynn tills her head of my shoulder. "This is the way back to my hotel isn't it?" she asks. "That is one way to put it" I say as I give her a wink. "Be patient, everything will fall in place in a few minutes" I say to her. We walk further as she takes my arm again, just as before.

The sun is setting, so it is perfect timing as we almost arrive at the apartment building of my apartment. I hope she doesn't think it is too soon that I take her to my place. But the view is just amazing, she needs to see it. The weather all day has been beautiful, so the view will be breath taking.

It is 17.15pm as we almost arrive at the apartment building I stop walking. I take my scarf off and blind fold Lynn. "Trust me, you will forgive me for this" I say to her. "What you want me to see must be extraordinary if you won't let me walk by myself hahaha. But I trust you, so I won't be angry at you" she said laughing.


It is kind of weird timing. Why blindfolding me? It must be good, so I let him take control over me. I hear we walk into some building not far from the place he blindfolded me.

I hear an elevator opening, Max guide me at I hear him pressing on, but tons as the doors are closing. We are going up. It feels like minutes before I hear the door opening again. I hear Max getting a key out of his back. I guess he need to open up something. A door opens and Max and I walk in. It feels warm and smells nice. I just can't put together where we are. We walk some more and on the right I hear Max open up a door again. He takes my arm as we walk a few meters in some room. It doesn't sound hollow. So, it must be a really small room or a room with a lot of stuff.

Not long after we entered the room, Max is standing behind me. I feel his breath in my neck as shivers run down my spine. "Max what are you doing?" I ask softly. "Take off your coat" I hear say. I do what I have been told, I put the zipper down and take off my coat. Max takes my coat and I hear him putting it away. Then I hear another zipper going down. "This must be him taking of his own coat" I say to myself "Are you ready?" he whispers in my ear. "I freeze, hopefully I didn't give the wrong impression. Is this fate playing with me again?" I ask myself as I nod. I hold my breath as the bright light is blinding me.


We are standing in my living room by the window. "Close your eyes as I remove the scarf" I say to her. I take off the scarf and put my arms around her waist. "Open your eyes" I whisper. I takes a few seconds before I hear her breath again. "This is beautiful Max; I don't know what to say" I hear her say softly. "Don't say anything" I responded while I put my chin on shoulder.

We are looking in at the view while the sun is setting. Twenty minutes later Lynn turns a round. She gives me a hug, "Where are we actually" she asks. "My apartment". "Wait, this is yours?!" she says shocked. "Impressive, I never thought test driving could pay this of" she says teasingly

"It is my family's, so I guess you can say it is mine as well". It is kind of the truth, but I don't want her to know everything yet. "Do you want anything to drink?" I ask her.

"Yes please, I would like some tea, or do you have some hot chocolate?" she responds while she is looking around. I'm glad we don't have a lot of recent pictures of me here. That could ruin everything

I go to the kitchen and get us some hot chocolate with whipped cream. "Here you go!" I say as I give her the cup. Lynn already found her a comfortable place on the couch. "I see you feel like home already" I say to her. We both started to laugh.

Love Is In the Snow {Lando Norris & Max Verstappen}Where stories live. Discover now