Chapter Forty-seven - Just a friend

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Hearing her say this makes me incredibly happy. "We will definitely still see each other, like I said, McLaren still cannot control who I spend my time with. It might be hard sometimes because I travel a lot for work, but we can make it work, I know we can" I say to Vera while having a big smile on my face. I see she starts to smile as well, guessing she wants that too. "Thank you for being there for me, I really appreciate it" she says to me. I pull her in for a hug and give her a kiss on her cheek. She said she did not want to rush anything, and I completely understand. As long as I can still see her and stay in contact with her, we will see what happens. The only thing I know for sure is that no matter what McLaren says, I am not letting go of her yet, I do not want to lose her. She is the best thing that happened to me in a while.


When Lando gives me a hug and a kiss on my cheek, I start to blush. He really helped me to calm down a bit and understand everything that happened the past few hours. I get why he did not tell me who he really is. I think it must be really hard to know someone's intentions when you meet new people.

"Shall we go to your work, I'm really curious what it looks like, because I'm not really familiar with anything that has to do with F1, sorry" I say to Lando. He nods and starts the car again. "You really know nothing about F1?" he asks me surprised. "Well now I think about it I recognize Max a bit, because he has been on the news a lot lately in the Netherlands, but except from that I no nothing, but I'm really curious what it is that you do" I explain to him. I see he gets a smile on his face, and I grab his hand again.

The rest of the car ride he explains a bit about F1, but it does not make any sense to me. I keep listening because I love how passionate he talks about it, and I notice he really love what he does.


A little while later we arrive at the MTC. "This building is amazing" I hear Vera say. I nod and park the car. Before getting out I look at her again. "Everything will be fine, okay? No matter what they say, I will be there for you." I say while grabbing her hands. "I know you will, thank you" she responds. I give her a kiss on her cheek, and we get out of the car. I notice she is really nervous again and grab her hand. "Are you ready?" I ask her. "As ready as I'll ever be" she responds.

We walk into the building, and I see Charlotte waiting for us. "Heyy Char, sorry this all happened, I didn't mean to mess up your winter break" I say to Charlotte while giving her a hug. "Don't worry about it, it's fine" she answers. I look behind me and see Vera stayed a bit behind. I walk to her and grab her hand again. "Come" I say to her as we walk towards Charlotte. "Char this is Vera, the girl you saw on the pictures. Vera this Charlotte, my PR-manager" I introduce them while they shake each other's hand. "Nice to meet you" they both say. "What do you need us to do?" I ask Charlotte. "Well, we just need a statement from the both of you explaining the situation, but first you're going to tell me what happened, so I know what to say in the media" Charlotte explains to us. We get something to drink and walk to a room. Charlotte sits in the chair and Vera, and I sit on the couch. I let her lean a bit against me so she knows everything will be okay. "So, tell me" Charlotte begins. I look at Vera and see she wants me to answer.

"Okay uhmm..., well a few days ago, we first saw each other in a restaurant during lunch and later that evening in the après ski bar. We had a lot of fun that day and the next day we met at the restaurant again during lunch. Vera knew how to snowboard, and Max lost his patients with teaching me so we decided that Vera would teach me, and Lynn would learn from Max. When she was teaching me, I fell and took her down with me and fell on top of her, but you already saw that picture" I start telling Charlotte and she nods. "Wait what picture?" I hear Vera ask me just when I wanted to continue telling the story. "Oh uhmm, when you were teaching me and I fell on top of you, someone took a picture, because they recognized me, I guess" I tell Vera as I take my phone to show her the picture. "Oh okay" she says. "After that we went to the après ski bar with Max and Lynn again and the next day was basically the same as the day before. We just went snowboarding and to the après ski bar after and when I got home you called me because of the pictures. So that is the whole story" I tell Charlotte. "Okay so what do you want to do? What do you want the world to know" Charlotte asks me. "Just that Vera and I are friends and we met during my holiday. Nothing more. But try to leave her name out of the public. Just a girl I met on holiday or something, I do not want her to get all the media attention, she should not have to deal with that" I tell her. Charlotte gets up and walk to the door. Just before she leaves, she turns around one more time. "When I have the statement ready, I'll come back to show it to you before I publish it" she says, and I nod.

"Is this really what you thought about the last few days and us?" Vera asks me when Charlotte is gone. 

Love Is In the Snow {Lando Norris & Max Verstappen}Where stories live. Discover now