Chapter Seventy-seven - Motherly advice

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I wake up because I hear a phone ring. I see Lando also fell asleep and quickly take the phone, hoping it won't wake him up. I look at my phone and see Lynn is calling me. "Hey, is something wrong?" I ask her softly. Even though I tried to be quiet I see Lando woke up too. "I'm not sure, I need your opinion about something" I hear Lynn say and worry a bit what this could be about. "Tell me!" I say to Lynn. "Max just asked me to be his girlfriend..." I hear Lynn say. I scream from excitement and Lando looks weird at me. I whisper it is Lynn and I will explain later, and he nods. "OMG, you are kidding? What did you say?" I ask her. "I just ran off. I panicked and needed your advice" she tells me, and my happy face immediately turns into a concerned face which Lando still looks weird at. "Why did you panic? What are your doubts?" I ask her. "It is all going so fast, and I don't want to be hurt, just like last time.." she starts, but I interrupt her. "Okay listen to me. I have never seen you this happy with someone and I don't know Max very well, but it seems like he feels the same when he is around you." And I see Lando nod. "It already looks like you have been a couple for a while, so just go for it! And I know you too well, to say you last relationship wasn't as genuine as Max. If it feels right, it will not change when you make things official....." I tell her. "But the agreement..." she interrupts me. "Fuck that agreement!! Just pretend nothing is going on. I am sure Max, Lando and GP will do everything to hide it all while you two both find a way to make things work and I will help too." I tell her and Lando nods again. He figured out what this phone call is about.

"You are right! Let's fuck them all. I know this is what I wanted since I laid eyes on him. The only problem now is, I have no idea where I am." She tells me and I laugh a bit. Of course, Lynn gets lost. "You are kidding?! You have to call Max. He knows a way to find you. Don't be scared, be with him! I will hang up, so you can make amends. And when you get home, I want all the details about tonight!"

"Sure thing! You will see mee soon. Have a good night! And thanks a lot, you are the best!" she tells me. "You know I will always be here for you. Get your man!" I tell her before I hang up.

"I guess you figured out what this was about?" I ask Lando as I move closer to him again. he wraps his arm around my shoulder again pulling me closer. "I guess it has something to do with Lynax getting together" he says, and I look questionable at him. "Lynax?" I ask him. "Oh yes, Gian Piero made up a ship name for them. When he thought about the plan to get Max and Lynn together without Red Bull knowing he called it operation Lynax" Lando explains, and I begin to laugh. "It kind of suits them. It's catchy" I say to Lando, and he nods in agreement.


"I know you wanted to wait for Max and Lynn to get home, but I'm tired and you are tired too. How about we get to the bedroom and lay in bed. Maybe we can watch a movie op something so when we fall asleep we don't have to sleep on the couch" I propose to Vera. "I think that is the best idea you ever had" she tells me and gets up. "Heyy, what about the idea to get you and Lynn here to Monaco?" I ask her as she holds out her hand to help me up. "Well from what you just told me it was GP and Max his idea" she says teasingly and runs to the bedroom, knowing what is about to come. "Hey, take that back" I say while I run after her. "No, not going to do that" she says and close the bedroom door in front of my knows. "Real mature" I say opening the door. I walk in and don't see her. "Are you really going to play hide and seek?" I ask "It won't be hard to find you here, you know that right" I add to it. "Find me then" she says which was the stupidest thing she could have done. I walk to the closet, open the door, and see her standing there. "If you really want to play hide and seek, don't say anything" I say laughing and grabbing her wrist. "Maybe I wanted you to find me" she says shyly. "Oh yeah, I think that was a mistake" I say, and she looks weird at me. "Wh..." she starts but before she can finish I start to tickle her. "No... no stop" she says trying to get away from me. "Take back what you said in the living room" I tell her and keep tickling her.

She is laughing too much to talk, and I just keep going. "Ok... okay" she says after a while. "Okay, what?" I ask her teasingly. "Okay... I... take... it... ba... back...Stop..." she says, and I stop tickling her. "Good" I tell her and give her a kiss on her cheek. "Let's go to bed" I say and take one of my shirts, throwing it at her so she can change into it. "Thanks" she says before heading into the bathroom. A few minutes later she comes back wearing my shirt and lying next to me in bed. I pull her closer, letting her rest her head on my chest. One of my hands rubbing over her back while the other moves through her hair as she did last night with me. I give her a kiss on her head and not much later I notice her breathing slowing down and she is asleep. It only takes me a few more minutes before I fall asleep too.

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