Chapter Eighty-Seven - Twenty-seven years ago.......

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It is September 1994 the first day of college, a fresh start as at high school everyone knew me as the girl who was addicted to racing. Don't get me wrong, I love racing, but being seen as that girl started to irritate me. I lost myself being that girl, I don't want to be that girl anymore. I want to be myself again.

The first step was to move out of my hometown, so I decided to study here, in Maastricht. I rent a nice apartment nearby the campus and the next step is making new friends and get familiar with this amazing city.

But as I was saying, the first day at campus. My first real day as a student. I will be the class of 1998 and I can't be more excited! Today is introduction day and I will meet my mentor and classmates for the first time. I am a bit nervous, but that's normal.

I take the elevator to the fifth floor; this is where I am supposed to sign up and will be guided to another room.

Before I walk into the classroom I take a deep breath and flip my hair to one side. I walk in the room and look around and my eyes stop to look to a boy, a man, who is drawing my attention. He is beautiful, dark blond hair and a little frown between his eyebrows. No one is sitting beside him and as there are a few seats left, I take the courage and walk over to him. "Hi, is this seat already taken?" I ask him. He shakes his head, "No, please sit down" he says pointing to the empty chair. "Thank you!"


She is beautiful, there was a spark the moment she walked into the room. I didn't want to make it obvious to keep staring at her, so I tried to let my eyes focus on something else. Not long after she walked in, someone walks up to me. "Please don't be her, please don't be her" I say to myself. And there she is, asking to sit beside me. How could I say no. When she sits down, I don't really know what to say to her, the casual introduction?

"By the way, I am Sophie" she says as she holds out her hand. I shake her hand, "Nice to meet you, I am Marc." We look in each other's eyes, is this what people call love at first sight? It feels like we are staring at each other for a whole few minutes as we got interrupted by our new mentor, "So, good to see everyone and welcome to the Bachelor of Architecture of the University of Maastricht!" he starts the introduction, but my mind is fully consumed by Sophie. What are you doing to me?


The introduction day is over. I spend the entire day with Marc, he is such a lovely guy. Tonight, we will have dinner together at one of his favorite restaurants, as he is born and raised here. It is 4pm and I walk back to my apartment to get myself ready for tonight. I can't imagine that I have ever felt that feeling of knowing someone for years, as I've only known him for a few hours.

When I got home I took a shower, washed and blow dried my hair, picked a nice Bordeaux colored dress, and put on some nice black heels. I look into the mirror, and I feel confident. I grab my essentials and put it in my purse. I take one last look into the mirror as the doorbell rings. For the second time today, I take a deep breath and open the front door. "Hey, you look amazing!" Marx says with a big smile on his face. "Thank you, you don't look bad yourself" I respond and give him a wink. "You ready?" he asks, sticking out his elbow so I can take his arm. I close the door behind me and we walk downstairs. It is a ten-minute walk to the restaurant, and we talk a bit about our lives before college, I left out the part of me being a racer myself. He even admitted he hates cars, he is more a bike person. This is, I guess, the first red flag.


I took Sophie to one of the best tapas restaurants in town. The best choice as you don't really know what someone likes. We had a nice talk on the way here, I get the feeling this girl can be the woman of my dreams.

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