Chapter Twenty-four - The walk

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It feels like time is standing still. He gives me a feeling I never had before. "Is this what love feels like?" I ask myself. "You okay?" Lando asks me after a few seconds. "Yeah I'm fine, are you okay too?" I respond. He nods and tries to get up. "Here let me help you" I say to Lando. I take his hands and help him up.

"I guess the technical stuff is a bit harder than it looks" he says a bit laughing. "Didn't Max teach you any of this?" I ask him. "He told me to put my weight on my front leg, but that is kind of all he did" he tells me. "Wow, so you basically learnt all this by yourself, pretty impressive" I say. "Is he blushing or is that just the cold?" I ask myself. "Well thank you" he says.


"Are you ready again?" she asks me. I nod and start to slide again. "Remember to put your weight on your front leg" she says. The first turn goes smooth again, this one I have under control, but the other one is way harder somehow.

"Concentrate Lando" I have to say to myself "Don't get distracted". I make the turn and I this time I don't fall luckily.

"Ready to try it on your own now?" She says enthusiastic. "Yess let's go" I respond. She let's go of my hands and I start sliding. The first turn goes smooth again, but that is the easy one. While making the second turn I almost fall but manage to keep myself standing. "Yess" I yell when I'm standing still again. Vera comes running to me. "You did amazing!" she says. "Thank you, shall we go down?" I ask her. "Yeah go, I'm going to get my skis and I'll come down too" She replies and starts walking to her skis.

I'm so happy I managed to make those turns on my own. I'm really starting to get a hang on this and that is thanks to Vera and that all without her having a snowboard. That is impressive of her. I really want to do something for her to make it up to her. I don't think teaching me how to snowboard was her idea of this ski holiday.

Getting down the rest of the slope goes pretty well. I only fell 2 times so that is great. I take of my board and wait for Vera to get down. "Want to go for a walk?" she asks as she stand next to me. "Yeah sure, where do you want to go?" I reply. "Just follow me, I know you'll love it" she says as she starts to walk away. "You should know I don't really like surprises" I tell her a bit laughing trying to catch up. "But you're still not going to tell me, are you?" I add to it. "No sorry, even if I wanted to tell you I wouldn't know how to explain it to you. Do you trust me?" she says. "Yes of course I trust you" I reply to her. She gets a smile on her face. That beautiful smile I can't get enough of. "Then follow me" she says.


We're walking to place just outside of Kirchberg. I've always love it there when I used to come here. It is kind of my secret spot, and no one knows about it, but I really wanted it to share with Lando. We dropped of the skis at the ski depot and changed back to our normal shoes.

We're walking really close next to each other and sometimes I feel his hands slide against mine. I'm too scared to grab his hand even though I really want to. I don't know what kind of impression that gives so I just keep walking and at that moment I feel his hand fingers getting interlaced in mine. We look at each other and I feel my face turning red. He smiles at me and keep walking further in silence and just enjoying each other's presence.

We are almost there when I stop walking. "You are not going to like this, but I want you to close your eyes" I say to Lando. He looks doubtful at me, but eventually closes his eyes. I take his hand and walk him just a little bit further until we're standing on a little bridge. "Are you ready I ask him?" I ask him. "Yes I am, I'm really curious where we are heading" he answers.

Love Is In the Snow {Lando Norris & Max Verstappen}Where stories live. Discover now