Chapter Ninety-three - Time to board

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We have arrived at the airport, and I have a weird feeling in my stomach. My heart hurts and I try to control my tears. Saying goodbye was never as hard as today. I walk towards the check in-desks, where everyone checks in their baggage. It takes a while, since a lot of people are leaving France, not just us.

After half an hour, we walk to security. I put an arm around Vera and put her closer to me and kiss her head. "I will miss you" I whisper to her. She looks up to me and kisses my check. "I will miss you too" she whispers back. I smile while we walk closer to the gates, I let her go, so I can say goodbye to everyone. I will miss every single one of them, but Vera the most of course.


I feel sick and I try to hide it. Lan and I have grown so much closer to each other the last days and I don't think I have ever liked a person as much as Lando. The upcoming weeks will be hard, but we have something to look forward to! Lucky for us, we are able to have contact, Lynn and Max can't. But Lan and I have already thought of something to fix that problem. It couldn't be simpler, but I will work. It has to.

For now, we will say bye to each other, Lando is the only one staying. Once he is done saying goodbye to everyone I walk up to him. He grabs my both my hands and looks me in the eye. We don't have to say anything, the way we look at each other says enough.

I want to kiss him one last time, just a small one. I make myself taller by standing on my toes and give him a quick kiss on his lips. We both smile and hug each other. "I will call you once I am home, okay?" I ask him. "I can't wait! Go now, before you miss your flight" he says and gives me a wink. A slowly walk backwards and slowly we let each other go and walk towards security. Before we enter, I look back and see Lando is waving at me. I wave back and walk further. And that was it. For now.


We just walked though security after saying goodbye to Lando. We will see each other again; we have had so much fun over the last few days. Vera is standing against the wall; I see she is hurting after saying bye to Lando. Their behavior has changed over this week, they are much closer than before. Which, in their case, is a good sign since they haven't been in any kind of a relationship with the other gender before. I walk towards her and give her a hug, "Are you okay?" I ask her. "Yeah fine, just wished he was coming with us" she answers my question. I put my arm around her and walk with her to the rest of our group. We have around two hours left before Max' plane is ready for us to board. Around the same time, the Norris' family plane will be boarding as well. So, two hours left where we can spend more time together.

After security, we walk to the square with all kinds of restaurants. It is around 1pm, so time for a lunch. We split up, not everyone was in the vibe for something unhealthy as Max and I are. So, we walk towards the McDonalds. After all the fancy dinners last week, I crave something simple. Something normal.

We walk in and walk towards one of the order screens. Max orders a big BigMc-menu with fries, a diet coke, and McDonalds sauce. I order a medium veggie McChicken, as I find the taste better than the normal one, with fries, an iced tea, and McDonalds sauce. Once the takeaway order has been paid, we are waiting till it is ready to go.

After five minutes they call our number, and we pick up our order. We walk out of the restaurant and walk to the sandwich station, where the rest of the group is sitting on a big table. Two seats are still empty, so we greet everyone again and sit down. We get our menus out of the bag and open the boxes of the sandwiches. We empty our bowl of fries in the lid of the boxes, get the lid of the sauce and remove the paper around the straws. "Bon appetite!" Max says before dipping his first fries in the sauce.


Even though Lynn had the smaller menu, I finished way faster than she did. Now I think about it, I can't remember I have tasted anything of that whole meal. whoopsie!

An hour has passed since Lynn, and I joined the rest. Around thirty minutes left till my plane is ready to board. Over the intercom, they announced that the plane of the Norris family is ready to board as well. We all give each other a hug to say goodbye. I see them in Silverstone if they are not able to visit a GP sooner. This goodbye is not hard at all, compared to the time Lynn and I have to say goodbye for some time. I miss her already, only thinking about it makes me cry.


The final step of the trip has come, leaving France. A few days ago, Lando and I have sat in that seat together. Catching up about everything we have missed, even though we had been talking over the phone. My heart was full of joy and now it feels shattered. Lynn walks up to me, and she starts talking to me, but I am not able to process the things she is saying. She snips her fingers, and my mind is sharp again. "Do you want me to sit next to you on the flight?" she asks me. "I think I want to be left alone if you don't mind. So, I can be sad on own and listen to Isak Danielson the whole flight. And I don't want you to spend you last few moments with Max with me. You can be there for me, once we are back home, okay?" I reply with a little smile on my face. "Okay, thank you. You are the best! But don't hesitate to call for me when you need me. I will be there in no time!" Lynn replies and walk back to Max and grabs his hand. I see Max whispers something in her ear and she nods and smiles. What will he have said to her?

Once we arrived at the plane, we all got inside and got greeted by the crew. Max and Lynn were the first on board, but I don't see them anywhere. I walk to a seat, who is kind of separately from the rest. Perfect for me. I sit down, get my phone and text Lynn:

Vera: "Lynn where are you? I saw you enter the plane, but I can't seem to find to see you. This plane isn't that big, so where are you?"

I press send and I see my message is delivered. Lynn comes online and read my message. She is typing and it seems like she takes hours to send me only a short sentence:

Lynn: "Sorry, cannot say. I am on the plane and staying with Max."

Okay that is weird. I can't handle much today, so a short answer is more than appropriate

Vera: "👍🏻"

She reads the message and goes offline. I grab my earphone, turn on the music and close my eyes. And before I know I fall asleep, I don't even remember taking off. My mind is at ease now.


Before Max and I entered the plane before the rest, he told me to go follow him once we were inside. Before I knew it, I stood in a different kind of space as the first time I was here. I look around and see it is a completely separate space from the general seating, where the others were headed.

"What is this room?" I ask Max. "This is my secret space; nobody knows about it. This is where I stay when I have long flights or want to spend some alone time after a shitty race. I still ask myself why nobody ever asked where I was, at those flights. But now it is our little secret room" he answers and sits down on the little bed. He taps on the sheets, to tell me to go sit next to him.

I take of my shoes and move a little backwards to the headboard. "Crew is ready for take-off, make sure you fasten your seatbelts. Take-off is in 5 minutes" the pilot say over the intercom. "Okay sit down on those seat" Max says, pointing out to the two little sofas in the corner.

"Besides the seating, you find the belt and plug" he says. Within seconds I find the parts and make sure the belt isn't that loose.


After a few minutes of waiting, the plane was getting up to speed. I feel the plane getting loose form the ground. I look outside the small window to see the differences in heights.

I can't understand how this plan can fly around 900km per hour. That is almost three times faster than a Formula One-car. It is insane.

After 15 minutes the seatbelts sign goes out. And I move myself back to the bed and Lynn follows me. I put my arm around her and give a kiss on her cheek. She turns her head towards me and starts kissing. I kiss her back and slowly I grab her waist and lay her down on her back. My lips are moving lower to het collarbone and back up to her lips. "I want you now!"

Love Is In the Snow {Lando Norris & Max Verstappen}Where stories live. Discover now