Chapter Ten - Panic attack

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I see Lynn walk away after she shouted at me, and I don't know what I did wrong. I thought everything was okay after we leant against each other at the bar, but somehow me putting my hands on her shoulders wasn't. I look at Vera and ask, "Did I do something wrong?". Vera shakes her also not knowing what is going on. After a few minutes I decide to look for her because I don't like the way she ran away from me. I walk into the bathroom and see her shaking and want to comfort her. "Are you okay?" I ask her, but she doesn't respond. It looks like she might have a panic attack, but as soon as I try to wrap my arms around her, she pushes me away and falls to the ground with tears streaming down her face. "What is going on?" I'm thinking to myself. "Did I really do something wrong?"

Her breathing is really heavy and only getting worse and so is her shaking. I want to try one more time to put my hands around her and I'm determined to not let go this time hoping she will calm down at some point. I sit down behind her, and I put my hands around her again. She tries to push me away again, but I'm stronger this time and I keep holding her.

After a few tries she stop pushing me away and starts to lean against me. It takes a few minutes before her breathing starts to become a bit normal again and the shaking gets less. She grabs my arm that is in front of her body and pulls it really close to her. It takes another few minutes before she is completely calm again before I slowly let go of her a bit so she can turn around.


I see Max standing behind me and trying to put his arms around me, but I push him away. I can't deal with another boy right now. I need to find myself first and not get distracted. The breathing and shaking only gets worse and it is starting to become black before my eyes. My vision gets really blurry, and I fall to the ground with tears streaming down my face. Max tries to put his arms around me again and I try to push him away, but he is strong. He is stronger than me and he will not let me go. After a few tries of pushing him away I stop trying and let me fall against him. After what feels like forever my breathing and shaking starts to become a bit normal again and my vision gets less blurry. I'm still in Max his arms trying to get my breathing under control. "Why is this happening to me?" I say to myself.

Once my breathing and shaking is back to normal Max lets go of me and I turn around. My eyes are completely red from the crying, and I don't want to look at him because I'm embarrassed. I keep looking to the ground until Max lifts my head up putting his finger under my chin. He looks so sweet at me, but doesn't say anything giving me the space to start talking when I want. I still don't say anything and after looking at him for a few seconds I just give him a hug. Not sure what to say to him since he is one of the reasons for this panic attack. After a few second, I let go of him and look in his eyes again. Why does he have to look so sweet at me, it really isn't helping.

"I'm sorry you had to see me like this." I say to Max while looking down again. "Heyy, you don't have to be sorry. When you yelled at me, I didn't know what I did wrong, still don't, but I wanted to make sure you were alright." he replies with a really sweet voice. I can't blame him for not knowing what he did wrong. After the mixed feelings I gave to him after leaning against him at the bar and after pushing him away and yelling at him.

"It is really sweet of you, and you didn't do anything wrong" I tell him. "I just... it was wrong of me to yell at you, you don't deserve that, I'm sorry." I add to it looking at him again, so he knows my apology is sincere.

He still has a lot of questions about what just happened, and I can see that on his face. "Wh... Why did you..." He tries to ask carefully. "Yell at you, push you away?" I finish is sentence. He nods. "It's just I shouldn't have laid my head on your shoulder when we were at the bar". His face turns a bit disappointed as soon as I said this. "I don't know why I did that; I think partly because of the alcohol and maybe I felt safe around you which I haven't felt around anyone lately except Veer. I was in a relationship until a month ago, but the breakup was kind of hard on me and ever since than I don't know who I am anymore. When we were back the drinks, I realized I shouldn't get involved in anything and when you put your hands on my shoulders it just got too much for me and I had to get away. So, I ran here and before I know it, I had a panic attack." I explain to Max as I have tears in my eyes again. 

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