Chapter Eighty-two - Sky high

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"Are you going to tell me where we're going?" Vera asks me and I shake my head. She looks outside again, and I put my hand on her thigh. "You're going to love it" I tell her hoping she won't stress to much and it helps as I see her relax. We drive for another half hour before we stop. We walk a few minutes until we see a table for two set up. "You planned this?" Vera asks me and I nod, putting my hand on her back, guiding her to the table. "Thank you" Vera says after we sat down. "You don't have to thank me, I wanted to do something special for our date day" I tell her, and she laughs a bit. "Date day?" she questions and I just nod. "Okay" she laughs. "How did you organize this?" she asks me "I thought we couldn't do public things" she adds. "Well, no, but I know the owner of this restaurant he is normally closed today but I asked him if we can have dinner here tonight and another friend of my is a cook, so he is cooking today" I explain to her. "So, we have this entire place to ourselves?" she asks me, and I nod. "What do you want to drink? I do have to do that myself" I say laughing. "Fanta is fine" she says, and I head inside getting two Fanta's. "Thank you" Vera says when I get back and give her the drink. We start talking and after a few minutes the first course comes. "This is delicious" Vera says after only her first bite, and I laugh at her reaction.

We continue eating and talking and after two hours we're done. We walk inside and I thank my mate for cooking tonight and Vera does as well, and we get back to the car. I have one more amazing thing planned and I can't wait to show her.


We get back in the car and after a while of driving I don't recognize this as the way back. Maybe he takes a detour back to the apartment I think to myself and just keep looking outside. After 20 minutes we stop somewhere in the middle of nowhere which is definitely not close to the apartment. Lando gets out and I do to. "Where are we?" I ask him and Lando takes my hand. "Just follow me" he says, and I know not to ask questions, so I follow him. We walk a few minutes and Lando stops. "You trust me right?" he asks me, and I nod. "Good" he says and puts his hand in front of my eyes. With the other hand he guides me a little further. "This is my last surprise" Lando whispers in my ear which makes me shiver a bit before he removes his hand from my eyes. I see and air balloon and Lando takes my hand again guiding me to it. "I hope you're not scared of heights" he says, and I shake my head, to overwhelmed to talk. Lando helps me into the basket before getting in himself. After a few minutes we get in the air, and I take Lando's hand because I'm a bit nervous. He puts his other hand carefully around me waist pulling me closer to him. I let my head rest on his shoulder and watch the view for a bit.

"Thank you" I say to Lando once we're high up in the air. "For everything today and bringing us out to Monaco" I add to it. "No problem, hope you liked today" he responds, and I look at him. "I absolutely loved today. Why did you do all of this?" I ask him. "After everything we've been through I wanted to do something special for you" he explains, and I can't help but smile. I give him a kiss in the cheek and look back at the view, resting my head on his shoulder again.

"You really are the best thing that happened to me in a long time" I hear Lando say softly, and I release from his grip to properly look at him. "You made me see it is okay to be vulnerable, that there isn't just the Lando Norris, Formula 1 McLaren Racing driver. I can be myself around you which I haven't been a lot lately, I can talk to you about anything even if it isn't the wonderful things like my nightmares or insecurities and I really want to thank you for that" Lando adds, and a tear falls down on my face from his beautiful words. He softly wipes it away and pulls me into a hug. After a few minutes being in his arms I pull away.

"I want to thank you too" I start telling him. "You made me see that opening up isn't a terrible thing. I used to hide dreadful things that happened to me, but because of you I saw I wasn't alone in tough times, and I really appreciate that. You made me realize it is okay to trust people. You made me realize it is okay to love myself. You're the best thing that happened to me to in a long time. So, thank you" I tell him.

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