Chapter Forty-three - The road to MTC

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When I wake up, I see Vera is still asleep and she looks so peaceful, I wish I did not have to wake her up yet, but unfortunately, I have to because the plane is landing soon. "Hey, you have to wake up, we're almost landing" I say quietly to her. "Okay" she responds without opening her eyes. "Are you okay?" I ask her, seeing how tired she is. She nods and sits a bit closer to me. I take her hand to let her know I will be there for her no matter what will happened and then the plane lands.

We arrive at a private airport so there will not be any media and get in the car McLaren arranged for us. I drive since I am used to drive on the left side of the road. Vera puts on some music and stares out the window. I say nothing for a little while because she just needs some time to think about everything before the chaos begins. I notice how nervous she is about all of this because her leg had been shaking nonstop since she woke up in the plane.


While staring out the window, I was lost in my thoughts. I did not even hear the music I had put on and did not hear Lando talking to me. After a little while he lays his hand on my thy. I did not expect it, so I jump a little and he quickly removes his hand. "I'm sorry" he says. "Don't worry, it is fine, I was just lost in my thoughts and didn't expect it" I answer him. "What were you thinking about?" he asks me carefully. "About what will happen. I know you said everything will be fine, but ... I... I do not know, I am sorry" I say looking down. "I know this is not what you asked for and I am sorry for that, but I am here for you no matter what happens and just know that they cannot control who I spend my time with. The media they can control to a certain amount, but nothing else" Lando says.

I can see he wants to put his hand on my thigh again, but is really doubting about it, so I decide to take his hand and put it on my thigh while smiling at him. "You do not have to be sorry. I am just insecure I guess" I say to Lando. "Why are you insecure? You are an amazing girl" He asks me surprised. "It is just that I never really had many friends and people who liked me except for Lynn. Other people always made fun of me and bullied me. Let's just say I did not have the best childhood and it ended in me getting really close to a depression and overthinking everything about me. So, I hate to be in the centre of attention because I do not know if I can manage things like that again" I explain.

While I was telling this, Lando stopped the car so we could talk, and he could look at me. I noticed I started to get tears in my eyes. "Hey, look at me" he said while grabbing both my hands. "I know how it can feel when people act like that, but you are strong. Do not let people who say stuff like that have too much impact on you and trust me I know it is easier said than done. I have had my fair share of hate against me, which is normal because of the fame that comes with driving in F1, but it still really hurt and mentally got me to a really bad place when I started racing in formula one" He added to it. "It did? How did you get over it, because I keep thinking about the things they said back then and cannot seem to forget about them" I say to him.

"Not being on social media as much really helped me and having my friends and family around me. They distracted me and helped me forget it most of the times, without really knowing anything about it and I am not completely over it. I still have trouble sleeping at night sometimes." He stays quiet for a few seconds before continuing with his story. "When I had that nightmare about my crash when I slept over at your place, it also brought back memories from what people said about me after that crash but being with you and you holding me really helped to forget about it and just think about other things" Lando answers.

I knew I calmed him down after his nightmare, but I never knew I had that much impact on him. I did not even know I could've had that much impact since we only knew each other for less than 2 days.

"How could I have that impact on you, we didn't even know each other two days?" I asked him surprised. "I know we only knew each other less than 2 days, but somehow you calmed me down. I felt safe when you held me in your arms, and it was enough to calm me down and you made sure I forgot about it, and I can never tell you how thankful I am for that" he says while looking deep in my eyes.


I cannot believe I just told her all of this. I never told anyone before, but somehow, I told her. It still is a mystery for myself why, but I do know I can trust her with all of this. I stare deep in her eyes trying to figure out what she is thinking right now, because her not saying anything kills me inside.

After a few moments of silence, she finally says something. "I am really happy I could be there for you. I hated to see you like that and not knowing what was going on with you." 

Love Is In the Snow {Lando Norris & Max Verstappen}Where stories live. Discover now