Chapter Eight - The Duel

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I really have no idea how I need to imagine this game. But if max says it is fun, it would be. He is always right; even though it irritates me.

"Maybe the experienced players can do a duel one against one? So, Lynn and I can learn the game while watching you guys" I say to the group while I look at Lynn. She nods "Great idea! You are not afraid to lose of some girls, right?" Lynn says to me. "Of course not, I'm not a sore loser". Max starts to laugh at me. And that is someone I call my best friend....


I see how Lando is hurt by Max' reaction. I give him a hug and whisper "Just watch what I'm doing, and you will be fine! Trust me and otherwise I will help you". "Thank you, Vera, I appreciate it!" he says while looking right in my eyes. It felt like the time stood still. I feel I start getting a warm feeling. "Hey guys! I'm ready to defend my title" I hear Max say in the background. It's time to get my head back into the game!


I saw how Vera and Lando looked into each other's eyes. The spark is undeniable between those two. This might be something. Even tough, this isn't what we expected to happen, I'm happy for Veer. She deserves someone loving and caring.

While I was lost in my thoughts, I hear someone calling my name. "Lynn, is there something going on?" it's Max. "Huh?!" I respond. Max smiles "Is there something going on? It kind of looked like you were lost in your thoughts." He is right. "Did you see how Veer and Lando just looked at each other?" I ask him.

He chuckles "I thought it was just me!" We both laughed. "No, it wasn't just you! I said while looking in Max' eyes. And time stood still. The only thing I could see was his light blue eyes.


She just has the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen. The spark I just witnessed between Lando and Veer, the same happened between me and Lynn. I feel my heart beating faster. This was the thing I wanted to avoid this week. But I just can't ignore the way Lynn makes me feel.

"Max are you ready to be beaten?" Vera says with a big smile on her face. I swallowed. "Of course, I am!" I answer. In my head, my reaction did sound a little more confident. My thoughts are just with Lynn right now. The only thing I can see is those beautiful ocean blue eyes.

Vera and I line up to start this duel between us. "Girls may start first" I say. The first few slams went well. It seems like we are equal competitors. I just can't lose; I need to make a good impression!


I'm impressed! Vera is doing an amazing job. Maybe I'm a little biased since I like here, and Max made me look like a fool. "Come op Vera!" I shouted a little too hard. But I don't care, I'm just so excited for Vera to beat Max. "Maybe a few good slams left till Vera beats the Champion of 2015" I say to myself on a childish tone.


I don't think Max expected I would be this great at playing the game. I see him getting some sweat on his forehead. I think two good slams left and I have beat him.

Three rounds later; "YESS!! So does this make me the new hammerschlagen champion?" I say smirkingly to Max'. He ignores it, he shakes my hand. "Good game, drinks are on me!" he says.


I see Max is a little sad. "I will go with you to order the drinks" I say to him. He looks at me and smiles. This will give us some quality time to talk one on one. While walking to the bar the alcohol is kicking in and I start to get more affectionate. While waiting on the drinks I lay my head on Max' shoulder. I feel him putting his arms around me. It feels comfortable while I listen to his heart beating.

Love Is In the Snow {Lando Norris & Max Verstappen}Where stories live. Discover now