Chapter Eighty-three - New Year's Eve

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Finally, the end of 2021 is around the corner! And this will be the most excited as I can spend it with my new boyfriend. It is already four in the afternoon, and we all are remarkably busy with the preparations. Max and I have been on oliebollen and appelbeignet duty and Vera and Lando are preparing dinner and snacks for the evening. We have a whole planning made to make sure we don't have to bore ourselves into the new year.

At 6pm, we will start with dinner. Tonight, we're going to have a gourmet and after we are done, we will play 30 Seconds and watch some TV.

It is around 9.30pm when we are done playing the game. It was Max and Vera against Lando and me. We thought it would be fun to separate the original duos and make some new ones. Lando and I had a rough start, we needed some time to be familiar with each other. Unfortunately, Max and Vera won the game. It was a close call but being to dutchies has made a significant difference. After a while we got the drinks and warmed up the snacks for the evening, when we heard the doorbell rang. "Do you expect someone?" I ask Max while he is standing up. "No, I don't" he says as he walks to the front door.


I look through the door spy and see two people standing in front of it. One of them is my old teammate, Daniel Ricciardo, and the other my old karting rival, Charles Leclerc. I open the door and before I can even say something, Daniel pushes me aside and walks into the hallway. "Ki Ki Ay Partner, how ya doing?" he says as he hands me over a bottle of wine and gets rids of his shoes and jacket. "Hey mate, sorry for our unannounced visit! Dan and I were just bored, so we thought it would be fun to spend NYE together as Lando has been staying with you as well. So here we are!" Charles says as he walks in as well. I am flabbergasted and I start to panic immediately. "Lynn..." I say in my mind.

Daniel is waiting on Charles; he is putting his shoes and jacket off as well. Daniel opens the door and says, "Hey pubes, how have you be......" It stays quiet for some time. "Dan, what happened? You are never that silent" Charles says as he walks in the living room as well. "......Oh god, sorry. I think we interrupted something" he adds to it.

I stand in the door opening and strikes with my hands through my hear. The only thing I can think is shit!

"Sorry, we should have called. We will leave. Let's go Daniel" Charles says as he turns around and guide him and Daniel back through the front door.


"Wait! Let them join, it would be fun!" I say. "You sure?" Lando whispers. "I am, otherwise, I wouldn't be suggesting it. Let them back in, I will get them some glasses!" I say while I walk to the kitchen and get some wine and champagne glasses. Daniel and Charles walk back in and take a seat on the couch.

"Sorry for my bad manners, I will introduce myself properly" Daniel starts saying. "I am Daniel Ricciardo, former teammate of Max and since last season the teammate of Lando" he says while he shakes my and Lynn's hands.

"I will introduce myself as well" Charles starts talking. "I am Charles Leclerc, friend of Max and Lando since we started karting. Since 2019 I am a Scuderia Ferrari driver and one of the biggest opponents of those two" he says teasingly and shake our hands as well.

"Nice meeting you both, I am Vera, and this is my best friend Lynn...." I say to the boys. "Aren't you those girls who causes trouble like two weeks ago?" Daniel asks as he interrupted me. Lynn and I look at each other and back to Lando and Max.

"Yes they are and it would be best if you will not say a word about this to anyone, otherwise it will cost me my seat at Red Bull" Max answers the question and takes a seat behind Lynn and puts his arm around Lynn's shoulders.

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