Chapter Forty-one - Everything will be okay

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"I will call Charlotte; she knows what to do. Max and I have different PO-teams, so they approach this differently" I say to the girls. I walk to the hallway to call Charlotte.

"Hey Charlotte, here I am again. Lynn and Vera ask what will happen with them as Max and I need to go back to England" I say to Charlotte.

"Good question, I will call you back in a sec. I have an idea, but I need to discuss it with the team first" she answered. "Sure, call me when you know more" I replied as we hang up.

I walk back to the living room. "What did she say?" Vera asks. "She will call me back; she needs to take care of something. But she had an idea."


Max and I are sitting close to each other on the couch as Gemma walk back into the room. "Max, you, and Lynn will be going to Milton Keynes together. The team would like a statement from both of you in person" Gemma says.

"What does that mean?" I ask softly as I look to Max. "Do not worry, they probably want to know from the both of us what has been happing between us" he answered. "We need to talk about it. Together, before we can meet them" I say as I look back to Gemma. "Sure thing, I leave you two to it" she replied.

I grab Max' hand as we stand up and walk to his bedroom. We both sit down on the other sides of the bed.


"So, what will we say" I ask her carefully. "I do not know; we know each other for two days. So, what is this that we have going on" she replied. I carefully move closer to her as I grab her hand. "It is too soon to say, but I really like spending time with you. I really meant what I said last night, us being exclusive to each other. It is terrible timing as I would have loved to spend more time with you "anonymously." But we cannot change what has happened, we need to look forward. And as I look forward all I see is you"

I look into her eyes as she looks to mine. The moment we are about to kiss, someone opens the door.

"Hey guys! Oh.... I think, I interrupted something, didn't I? However, Charlotte says Vera should come to the MTC. She arranged a private plane for us, it leaves in two hours. So, we need to grab our stuff and get going to the airport in one hour." Lando says as he closes the door.

"Okay, looks like we need to pack our stuff. We will get back to this when we are in England" I say to Lynn and give her a hug.


After Charlotte called, Gemma arranged someone to collect our stuff back in the hotel. I helped Lando with packing as Lynn helped Max. Forty minutes later, we are all packed and ready to leave to the airport.

After one hour we arrived at the airport. We got checked in and were guide to the private waiting area.

"How long will the flight take?" I ask to Lando. "Around 2 hours, so not that bad. When we land in London, we will go to Woking and Max and Lynn will go to Milton Keynes" he replies.

"I'm scared Lan, I don't know what will happen form now on" I say as I am almost crying. "Look at me, everything will be okay. We are in this together, I will not let anyone hurt you" he says trying to comfort me.

"Thanks Lan, it means a lot that you say this" I say to him as I lay my head on his shoulder and grab his hand.

At 13pm it is finally time to get on the plane. Max and Lynn are sitting on opposites of each other, as Lando and Vera sit next to each other. Max is so tired after all the happenings, that he fell asleep so as soon as the plane had taken of.

During the flight Lando cannot sleep, so it is a suitable time to discuss with Vera what is happening between them. Lynn is a bit lonely during the flight, so she decides to put on some music.

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