Chapter Six - It's party time

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"How do I look? I ask Lynn. "You just look amazing, as always!" she answers. I do know I was looking good, but it is always good to get the confirmation. I am wearing a fitted black dress with my Nike Airs. Casual chique just the way I like it! While I'm doing my make-up Lynn gets changed. We both have such different styles, that it is almost funny. Some people think it's weird that we are still best friends after all those years. But I can't imagine my life without her. We make each other better; those people are just jealous that they don't have a friend like Lynn.


I don't know why Veer always need the reassurance. She knows how she looks and always does her best to be on her best behaviour. Her closet at home falls apart with all the clothes she has. She is just perfect!

I never saw what Veer saw in me. I'm not a beauty icon, I never saw the need to be one. I just like to keep things simple. So, I picked some black jeans and a light blue crop top. "How do I look?" I asked. "Goodddd, just like yourself!" she answered. After I'm dressed, I put on some make-up. I don't wear much, just some mascara and concealer and off we go!

"Are you ready my friend?" I ask while she puts on her lipstick. "Almost done" she mumbles. After 5 minutes we finally get to leave, it will be a fun night!



"Lando hurry, I'm not going to wait forever for you" I say  to Lando. I chose some simple jeans and a T-shirt to wear since I know it can get very warm in an après ski bar. "Yeah, Yeah I'm coming, sorry it takes this long to look good" he answers me.


I come out of the bathroom and see Max is only wearing a t-shirt. "Aren't you cold in a t-shirt, it is like -10°C here" I ask him, and he immediately starts to laugh. "It is +3°C so it isn't that cold and in the après ski bar it will get very warm so if I were you, I would wear at least a t-shirt under your sweater". I look surprised at him and didn't really believe him, but decided to trust him anyway and put a t-shirt under my hoodie.

The boys get to the après ski bar. Max heard about a good one, so they decided to try that one out. Once they were inside, they ordered something to drink and looked at all the people dancing.



"It is already so busy; it seems a lot of people has arrived the last few days!" I say to Lynn. "The more the merrier right?!" she answerz. AND she was right, maybe the boys of this afternoon will be here too, as this is the best known après ski bar in Kirchberg.

We show our ID's and walked to the wardrobe to get rid of our coats. Then we walk into the crowd of people. The music is loud, as it was supposed to be! "Why don't we have parties like this at home?!" I shout to Lynn as we walk over to the bar. "I don't know, maybe the people here are just more fun!" she says. We both laugh, "Let's get some drinks, let's get this party started!"


We are back, it feels like I never left! The vibes are insane, I recognize some people. It is good to see some familiar faces. But I don't see any familiar faces I wanted to see. Maybe the boys will turn up somewhere tonight. Veer and I go to the bar, we order a beer and Eristoff ice since she loves it. Then we go to the dance floor to shake our asses off. After a few songs someone taps on my shoulder......

Love Is In the Snow {Lando Norris & Max Verstappen}Where stories live. Discover now