Chapter Fifty-seven - 'Good' morning

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The next morning, Lando and Vera wake up at Lando's and Max and Lynn at the hotel in MK. After they split up at the airport yesterday, they arrange to meet each other today when they could. GP had convinced Christian to let Lynn catch a flight the next evening instead of early in the morning. Everything has been a lot for her; the irrupted trip and the confrontation at the HQ. She needed some time to relax, to what extend you can call that relaxing. McLaren didn't mind when Vera would leave. But Vera don't want to let Lynn go home all by herself, so she will be going home together.


I have slept well. I thought I might be more restless, knowing the trouble Lynn has gone through. I know she will be jealous of me, and I don't want to get this between us. Actually, it is very funny, we had agreed to that the trip to Kirchberg would only be the two of us. We held that promise for, about, twelve hours, until we saw them. I start to chuckle. "What is so funny?" Lando asks with a husky morning voice. "Nothing, I just reminded something Lynn and I had promised each other" I answer him. "That is not nothing, you have to tell me!" he says as his voice starts to sound more like himself again. "In Kirchberg, before we got to know you guys, Lynn and I had agreed to let no boys interfere in our business. Look where we are now" I say as I start to feel a little embarrassed hearing it out loud.

"Do you regret it?" he asks as he saw my mood changing and he grabs my hand. "No, I don't. I just feel bad for Max and Lynn. They make each other happy and now they can't see or talk to each other for three months. THREE MOTHS!?" I say frustrated. I stand up and walk to the window, a tear starts to roll down my cheek. Not much later I feel two arms around my waist. "It is okay to be mad, I am too. You can always talk to me; you know that right?" Lando says. I turn around and I nod. "I do, thank you for being there for me" I say and give him a tight hug. Lando gives me a kiss on my cheek. "No problem" he says as he gives me a wink. "Let's get ready, we have somewhere to be" he adds to it.



It has been a rough night. All the happenings of the last 24 hours kept playing in my head. Yesterday we were still in Austria, the same day we went to England, and they also wanted to let me go home that same evening. I am glad Christian has let me stay the night, the lack of sleep was starting to control me and my emotions. I look next to me and see Max is still sleeping, he is looking so cute. I don't want to wake him up, so I grab a few things out of my suitcase, so I can take a shower. I open the bathroom softly and put the lock on it. I put on the shower so the water can warm up. I undress myself and step into the shower. When the hot water touched my skin, I start to relax. As I relax, my mind is letting go of all the emotions I have built up since yesterday morning. It starts with soft sobs and not long after it starts to become heavier. I can't control my body or sobs anymore. I let myself sitting on the ground and let everything go.

After ten minutes I hear some noises in the bedroom. Not long after Max is knocking on the door, "Lynn, I heard you cry. Is everything okay?." "No" I answer him softly. I shut of the shower, grab a towel. Put it around me and unlock the door. Softly Max opens the door and I almost run to him to get a hug. And again, I started to cry. "What's wrong?" Max asks softly. I need to catch a breath before I can say anything. "Everything. I hate the agreement, I hate that I have to leave, I hate that we won't see each other for months. You have made me felt safe and loved. Even though we don't know each other. I don't want to say goodbye" I say as I start to get control back over my body.

"I know, it will be hard. But we will get through this" Max says as he pushes my chin up so I can look into his eyes. "Thanks for being here" I whisper.

This moment is just like the moment we shared in Max' apartment the other night. Our eyes looked into each other. Our hearts start to beat faster. Our faces getting closer. His lips on mine. It was a gentle kiss, a kiss to comfort each other in this moment. Just one small kiss, a kiss we just needed in this moment.

"Let's get ready. We have to meet Lando and Vera in a few hours. But first breakfast!" he says with a big smile. "Sounds like a plan. Let me change first as I stand here almost naked with only a towel around me" I say as I start to laugh. "Maybe it is good we don't see each other for some time. You don't have to get used to this" I add to it as we both start to laugh. "Too bad, I surely can get used to this" he says with a smirk on his face. "You wish!" I say as I close the door behind me.

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