Chapter Sixty-one - Packing

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*It is the day after Christmas*


It has been a busy couple of days. Christmas was quite eventful; we had a lot of family over. As my mom loves celebrating Christmas, I do not specifically. Every year there is always some drama that changes the whole atmosphere, and we can all guess what this year's drama was. I am glad my dad arranged some relax time for us as a family and that Vera can join us as well, as the last ten days were incredibly stressful. Tomorrow is the day we will leave for the spa-weekend. As we will be gone for a week, I always pack too much of my stuff. I grab four pairs of jeans, five T-shirts, a hoodie, a sweater, some swimwear, and a dress. My father insisted to bring some nice clothes as well, "Just in case" he said. I grab a short dark blue dress and a black tracksuit out of my closet, I always like to have some options.


The last few days my parents have been very uptight. We don't even celebrate Christmas these days anymore, we just don't see the added value to it. So, I had a lot of time to think about Lando and what has happened since we parted ways. I am glad I can take my mind of things for some days, as Lynn and her parents invited me to go with them on their trip. I feel very lucky to have a second pair of 'parents.' I always felt home at Lynn's. So, that they invited me on this trip, makes me feel very happy. I have been on trips with them before, but never a spa-trip. I hope it won't be awkward.

As we are leaving tomorrow, I start to pack my things. Lynn just texted me to take some decent clothes with me as well. That will be the hardest part of packing, what does she mean with decent? I don't want to be over- or underdressed. I decide to text Lynn what she will be packing, just to get some inspiration. After she respond she will be taking a short dark blue dress and a black tracksuit. I throw almost all my clothes out of my closet, just as I am still clueless. Eventually I grab a black skinny jean with a dark green blouse and black top. It is hard not knowing the location, you never know what to wear this way. Now I am thinking about it, why are Lynn's parents being so mysterious about this trip? They never said where we were going exactly, even though I never asked it just seemed weird.


Christmas was nice, seeing my whole family together again. That only happens once or twice a year. I only met my little nephew Lio, such a cute little baby. I hate that I won't be around that much to see them grow up. I hope ones they are older, they will be attending more Grand Prix's, they will love it! But first I need to do some grocery shopping as we are leaving for Monaco tomorrow.

Tomorrow will be the day. The day I finally get to see Lynn again. It will be the first time in almost two weeks since we spoke to each other, and I hated every minute I couldn't ask how she was doing or how her day was. Hopefully, that will come to an end after this weekend. I am sure we will find a way to work through this.

Lando and I need to make some arrangements for the flight. Just get some drinks and snacks on board. It won't be a long flight, but it is always nice they have something with us. The longer I think about tomorrow, the more nervous I get. I hope everything will work out, just the way we have planned. My plane is already at Lelystad airport, I will be driving up there with Lando. Lando arrives tomorrow morning in Amsterdam, so after I picked them up. We will be just in time for the girls to arrive there as well tomorrow.


Normally I love spending Christmas, but this year everything felt different. Christmas is a celebration who needs to be celebrated with the people you care about. And everyone was there, except one person. Vera. I miss her being around, even though I knew I was seeing her soon. I still felt I was missing a part of myself. Vera and I talked every other day and I love talking to her. But it is still not the same. I don't know how Max must feel, he can't even talk to Lynn due to the agreement they both signed. March can't come soon enough for both of them, I hope they will get that far. This trip has to help them growing closer again, it has to be.

As I will be flying to Holland early tomorrow morning, I need to get everything packed. Max is handling the other stuff, which I'm glad about. I can't even be taking care of my nerves right now, so I will probably forget something eventually. I don't care, the most important thing is to have my passport and phone. The rest will take care of its selves.

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