Chapter Eighty-four - New Year's dive

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I have been awake since 9.30am, my body isn't used to sleep in. I still feel tired, but I am glad I don't have any signs of a hangover yet. Lando is still asleep, so I decide to make myself useful and start cleaning the living room. I grab one of Lando's hoodies leave the bedroom with bare legs.

I open the door of the living room and let a deep sight leave my mouth. "What a mess" I softly to myself.

Where to begin? I look around and decide I will get all the empty bottle, cans, and glasses at first and organize them on the kitchen counter. As I walk through the living room, I start to get annoyed with the sticky floor. The nastiest feeling in the world. Memories starts coming back. The party poppers Max had laying somewhere and Lando who almost slipped because of all the wine laying in the ground. We have laughed a lot. I look in the closet and the cabinet under the sink for a broom and can. Finally, I found it, so I can start removing all the confetti of the floor. After I removed everything of the floor, I start to mop. Get rid of that nasty feeling.

Around an hour later, the living room is cleaner than the day we arrived here. The bottles and cans need to be thrown away, but that's about it. I treat myself with a nice cup of tea and let myself scroll through my social medias.


The bedroom is still dark as I slowly open up my eyes and I my head feels heavy, and it hurts a lot. I look to my right and see Lynn is still sleeping. I get my phone to see what time it is. It is 11.30am, makes sense after the late night we pulled.

Charles and Daniel left around 3am I think, I don't know all the details anymore. We had a great celebration after midnight! We danced, sang, drank, and the most important, we enjoyed each other's company.

I get out of bed and look for some painkillers in the bathroom. After a few minutes I find a box and pushes two tablets out of it. I bring my mouth to the faucet and swallow the water and pills down my throat. I walk back to the bedroom and give Lynn a kiss on her lips. I don't care if she would wake up. I put on some sweatpants and walk to the mess we left behind.

I open the door and my mind is playing a game. I see Vera sitting on the couch and everything is gone, like last night didn't happen. "Did you do all this?" I ask her. "Yes, I woke up early and I thought it would be nice if I made myself useful" she answers. "Thank you, you shouldn't have done it!" I say as I walk to her and give her a hug. "You and Lando have already done so much for Lynn and me, this is the least I could do! Do you want some tea? I was about to make myself another cup" she says. "That would be nice, thanks!" I respond. When Vera walks to the kitchen I let myself fall onto the couch completely.


"So, what are the plans for today?" I ask Max. "Why do you think I already made plans?" he asks back. "The last few days, everything has been arranged, so I assumed that you already thought of something for today" I answer his question. "As the little we actually know each other, you know me quite well already. I have made a dinner reservation with the four of us, they are expecting us around 6.30pm" he tells me. "I knew it, sounds like fun! Shall we wake up the others when we finish our cup of tea?" I ask him. "Sounds like a clever idea, what shall we do in the meanwhile?" he replies. "Maybe we should follow another Dutch tradition, the nieuwjaarsduik (new year's dive)?" I present to him. "Yeah let's do it, we will feel better after it! I'm going to wake up Lynn, so after we are all changed we can go immediately. Afterwards we get some comfort food as 'breakfast'!" He tells me and runs to his bedroom. I walk to Lando's bedroom to wake him up as well.

Twenty minutes later we step outside the apartment building and walk to the beach with backs full of other clothes and towels. When we arrived, we put our stuff as close to the water as possible and undress ourselves. "THREE, TWO, ONE, RUN!" we all yell and we run of towards the water. Once we touch the water with our toes, we dive into the water. We all scream as the water is so cold. We stayed there for a minute or two before we all ran out the water to warm ourselves up.

We grab some towels and dry ourselves as much as we can before we put on some of the clothes we brought.

Once we are changed, we go to the supermarket to buy some donuts, brownies, waffles, muffins, and cake. The best way to start the new year's resolutions!


Once we are back home and the ladies are changing their clothes, Max and I discuss the plan for tonight. "Have you heard anything from them?" I ask him. "Yes, everything will go as planned" he answers me. As this trip hasn't had enough surprises yet, tonight will be a nice addition to it. Hopefully, the girls will like it!

After 20 minutes, the girls have showered and now it is our turn. Luckily, Max has two bathrooms, so we don't have to wait for each other. Once we are finally clean, we decide to watch a movie to fill up the time. We sit down on the couch with some hot cacao, food, and blankets. Max and Lynn have been cuddled up and Vera and I sit right close to each other. After all the talks we had the last few days, we have been getting closer and our last date has helped us with that as well.

We put on Mama Mia as it is a guilty pleasure of all of us. The songs bring us back to our childhood, we sing along with all the songs. Lynn and Vera start dancing, they even remember all the dances moves. When the lead song begins, the girls are teasing Max and I to join their charade. We all dance and laugh; this trip will be the one who will bring back a lot of good memories.

"Do you know, you have the most precious smile?" I whisper to Veer. "I have heard that before, yes!" she replies and gives me a fast kiss before she continuous with her dancing. I take a step back to just watch my crush, her best friend and my best friend enjoying themselves.

"Everything okay?" Max asks me as he sits next to me. "Yeah all good. I was just thinking about how we got so lucky to all have each other" I tell him. "We are indeed lucky...." Max says as he looks at his girlfriend. "Who would have thought that after everything we would be here, all together?" he adds to it. "Haha you are right, a fun story to tell people in a few years" I respond and gives him a slap on his back. "Let's dance!" I stay as we both stand up and joy our girls again.


A few hours later, Vera and I are getting ready for the dinner with Max and Lando. We talked about the fun we had while watching Mama Mia. Even though, we haven't seen a lot of the movie, we have danced our asses off.

I look in the closet to pick an outfit for the dinner. It will be a casual dinner according to the boys, so we pick some jeans with a nice top and some sneakers. Vera has put on a black flared with blue shirt and some sneakers as well.

Around 6pm we leave the apartment and walk to the restaurant. We start walking as the sun is setting. It gives a beautiful touch at the Monacan view. The water's edge has an orange touch while the sky is turning a pink. I grab my phone and take a photo of the view. Max is walking in front, so he is in the perfect spot to take a picture with that kind of a background. I look to the photo, and I am satisfied, normally this would be a perfect photo for Instagram. Max can use it for his feed, but for now I change my background to this picture. So, when I open my phone, I don't see one but two beautiful things.

After a fifteen-minute walk, we arrive at the restaurant. "Réservation sur Verstappen [Reservation on Verstappen]" Max says, and the waiter is guiding us to our table. It is already quite busy, but there is still one table empty in the back of the room. A big table and it is quite private, so not a lot of people who can see us. I think this spot will normally be used for bigger groups, not for four people. Maybe Max asked for the most private spot?

"Puis-je déjà verser quelque chose pour vous? [Can I already pour something for you?]" the waiter asks as once we sit down. "Une bouteille de votre meilleur champagne et une carafe d'eau, s'il vous plait [A bottle of your best champagne and a bottle of water, please]" Max answers. "I didn't know you could speak French?" I say to Max. "This is about it" he chuckles.

A few minutes later the waiter comes back with two bottles and eight glasses, four for the champagne and four for the water. "Voulez-vous goûter? [Would you like to taste?]" the waiter asks. "Non merci, celui la va bien! [No thanks, this one is fine!]" Max answers and the waiter pours in the champagne.

"To the four us! That 2022 will bring us all the luck and love we deserve!" Max starts saying. "And to us babe!" Max adds to it while he looks at me and gives me a kiss. "To us!" we all repeat and clinging our glasses.

Love Is In the Snow {Lando Norris & Max Verstappen}Where stories live. Discover now