Trouble in Paradise #18

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Peyton's POV

"Jay, where are we going?" I asked Jack as he dragged me upstairs to get dressed. "Shhh, just get dressed." Jack repeated as he pulled gently on my hand. As we walked into the bedroom, he dropped my hand and began to look through his drawers for a tshirt. He slipped on a plain white tshirt and black jeans. He was already tying his Vans on when he looked up at me. "Pey, come on, get dressed," he smiled at me, I realized I was still standing there in just Jack's tshirt and underwear. I eyed him and smirked but decided to find some clothing. I searched through my drawers before throwing on leggings and one of Jack's hoodies. "I'm ready," I declared. Jack looked over at me from the bed. "Damn, how did I manage to get such a sexy girlfriend?" He chuckled. "Oh shut up, it's four in the morning." I reminded him while punching his arm. "Let's go my lovely lady," Jack said while taking my hand and walking us back downstairs. Jack's footsteps clattered down the metal staircase. I started giggling. "Jack, shhhh, you're gonna wake Sam and Johnson," I told him while fumbling behind him. He started laughing too, realizing there were others in the house. We stumbled into the kitchen, still laughing at our clumsiness when we bumped staight into Sam. "What the fuck are you doing up at 4 in the morning?" Sam asked. He was still dressed and was sitting in the kitchen eating cereal. "I think the question is why you're up and still dressed in your clothes from yesterday," Jack said to him. I eyed Sam, waiting for an explanation. Sam looked from me to Jack before that infamous smirk of his cracked across his face. "I met a pretty little lady, she wanted me to go back to her place for a bit..." Sammy trailed off, not needing to continue since we all knew how it ended. Jack had told me millions of stories of Sam sneaking in at night from different girls houses, sometimes multiple girls in one night. I chuckled to myself. I wasn't sure how Sam could be such a man whore but still be one of the nicest guys in my life. Jack laughed. "Nice bro, well we'll see you later," he patted Sammy's shoulder and we began walking out the door. "Wait, it's like 4:30, where are you going?" Sam questioned, confused as to why we were leaving. Jack just smiled. "It's a surprise. An adventure."

Jack's POV 

"Jackkkk, please just tell me," Peyton whined. I just chuckled and focused on the road ahead. She groaned and laid her head against the head rest. "You suck," she told me, slightly turning her head to face me. "Nah, that's you're job," I joked with her while giving her a wink. "Jack!" She screeched while smacking my arm. "Where are your manners!?" Peyton started laughing too. She then focused her attention to the sky that was slowly becoming light and the palm trees that whizzed by the car. The LA streets were quiet except for a few cars. The sun was yet to be seen but the sky was beginning to lighten, a coolness still in the air from the night. The top was down on my Jeep, allowing Peyton a view of the whole sky. She gazed upward. I watched her while she watched the sky. She looked so beautiful at 4:30 in the morning, with no make up, in my clothes. I had never met a girl that was so incredibly beautiful every second of every hour of every day. I watched her eyes watch the changing sky and the way she bit her lip. Peyton had captivated me, not just with her beauty but with her whole being. I was so in love with her. I focused my attention back to the road and realized we were at the destination. I pulled into the silent parking lot and turned the car off. Peyton turned to me. "Santa Monica pier?" She questioned. I nodded. "Come on," I said while climbing out of the car and walking over to her side. She jumped down from her seat and interlocked her fingers with mine. "I've been here a million times, Jack. Was it necessary to come here at like 5 in the morning?" Peyton whined while giving me a smile. "Oh just shut up and enjoy it," I told her while laughing. She laughed too and laid her head against my shoulder as we walked through the sand towards the infamous pier. The beach was deserted, the only sound was of the waves crashing against the shore. Peyton and I made our way down the pier, it was vacant besides one worker who was opening a shop. I let go of Peyton's hand, "Wait here," I told her. She smiled and nodded before leaning against the rail and looking out at the ocean. I approached the man. "Excuse me sir!" I called out to him. He was an older man, probably in his sixties or seventies. He had white hair and a little bit of a white beard. "Can I ask you a favor?"

Peyton's POV

I clung to Jack's arm as the Ferris wheel approached the top. The ocean was far below us, glimmering in the now rising sun on the horizon. When we reached the top, the Ferris wheel came to a halt. I jumped. "Jack!" I screeched. He pulled me closer to him. "It's okay, Peyton. I told the man to stop it once we were at the top." Jack told me. Jack knew I was afraid of heights so I wasn't quite sure why he would make us stop at the highest point. "I'm scared of heights, yet you've managed to get me on a Ferris wheel twice. Please tell me you have a reason for one, making me do something I'm terrified of twice and two, making a man let us ride this 6 hours before it opens." I giggled, beginning to relax since I knew I was safe with Jack. Jack pulled me closer and sighed. "I know this whole thing with your mom has been hard on you so I wanted to remind you of something. I know nothing can replace family but I want you to know you're always safe with me and that you'll always have a home with me. I hope that I can be enough for you through this tough time with your mom. So I brought you back to the place our relationship first started, the top of a Ferris wheel. You're terrified of them but you still got on it with me. I want you to always remember that I will be here for you no matter what, I won't ever let you walk alone, okay? I'll be next to you to face all your fears." Jack paused, I stared into his chocolate brown eyes and in that moment I realized I had never loved anyone more than I loved him. When that feeling of such an immense love hits you, it feels like a tidal wave. I felt like I was drowning in Jack and I didn't want to learn how to swim, I wanted to drown forever. Drowning was supposed to feel like suffocation yet this drowning felt like freedom, like I had found a stillness and a home in another person. "Plus, you love the sky and I thought you needed to see the view of a sunrise up here," Jack whispered. I didn't even care about the sunrise, the light in Jack's eyes was more captivating and beautiful than any sky I had seen. I stared at him. "I love you so much Jack Gilinsky." I said quietly before smashing my lips to his. He pressed his lips forcefully against mine before pulling away. "I'll love you forever, Peyton Logan." I melted into Jack's arms, feeling a safeness I had never experienced.

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