Distance #20

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Jack's POV

Finally, Sam's beach house came into view. We had taken the top off my Jeep so I stood up in the air. Brock was out Emily's sunroof behind us and Erin joined by climbing out Sam's sunroof. "We have arrived!!!" I screamed into the air. Johnson turned up the music in the car as we pulled into the driveway of Sammy's house. You could smell the ocean and feel the breeze. His house was directly on the ocean with it's own private beach. The green palm trees blew in the wind. Mrs. Wilkinson stood out on the porch, waving at us, she had flown down the week before. Once Johnson parked, we all hopped out of the cars. I opened the trunk and started unloading the bags. Peyton came and jumped onto my back, wrapping her arms around my neck. I grabbed onto her legs to keep her on my back. She giggled while kissing my cheek. "I am so excited for this week," she said to me. I lifted our bags out of the car and set them on the ground, along with Peyton. "Me too," I smiled down at her while leaning in and quickly kissing her. Our friends had gotten their bags and were heading inside but I pulled Peyton back. "Hey wait," I said while gently tugging her arm. "What is it?" She asked, her blue eyes staring up at me. "I guess everyone found out about us..." I began, but Peyton cut me off. "Are you mad?" She asked, nerves running through her voice. I was taken aback. "Are you serious? How could I be mad? I have the sexiest girl on the planet, I want to show you off to everyone. Are you mad?" I asked her, now concerned she might be. "Of course not, I have fricken Jack Gilinsky as my boyfriend," she smirked at me. "Just what if the fans hate me?" She asked me. "Remember what I said, anyone would be crazy not to love you." I kissed her forehead while wrapping my arm around her shoulders. We picked up our bags and walked inside, joining our friends.

Peyton's POV

We spent the day on the beach. Mrs. Wilkinson had gone into town to give us the day alone. There was a volleyball net set up and we had made a bonfire. "Cheers to summer!" We all yelled while clanking our red solo cups and throwing back the mixture of alcohol Sam had made for us. Earlier, Jack had whispered in my ear as we made our way down to the beach, "My friends like to party, but don't feel like you have to," It was sweet of him to warn me but Jack didn't know this side of me. Since we had a long distance relationship he didn't know if I partied or not in high school. But I definitely enjoyed a good party, so Jack didn't have to worry. Jack started laughing as he watched me sip on my drink and dance around to the music. I was in a bikini and a baseball cap. He stood watching in awe. "You like what you see?" I asked him, feeling the alcohol kick in. "Peyton, let's play some volleyball!!" Laine yelled to me. All the girls started playing volleyball, giggling and dancing the tipsier we got. The guys sat around the bonfire as Sam pulled out a baggy with some weed. I chuckled to myself. I should've known this trip would just be one giant party, but I wasn't complaining. Jack and I never got to party together and just let loose and have fun. I watched the waves crash onto the shore. It felt like paradise being here with Jack and so many other amazing people. Erin served the ball over, Emily dove to bump it and totally missed. Mallory and I started cracking up. Jack made his way over to me then and wrapped his arms around my waist. "How is my beautiful girl doing?" He asked. I turned around to face him, placing my hands against his bare chest. His eyes were red already. "I'm having a great time." As I answered, my favorite song started playing through the speakers we had on the beach. I screeched. "Jay!! Dance with me!" I said while tugging on Jack's hand. I started swinging my hips to the music, causing a smirk to spread across Jack's face.

Jack's POV

Watching Peyton in a tiny bikini, moving her hips, made me smirk. She was so attractive I could barely handle it. I couldn't wait until later that night when we could have some alone time. Even though I was a little under the influence I couldn't help but think that I had never told Peyton I loved her. Yet I was absolutely positive I did. I felt it in every part of my body that I loved her. It was an odd feeling, a feeling I never had before and as much as it scared me, I wanted to let her know. I figured telling her now wouldn't be good timing, given the fact I was stoned and she was drunk. Instead, I just moved my hips in sync with hers and had fun. We had all week together. I would find the perfect time to finally tell Peyton how incredibly in love I had fallen with her.

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