Trouble in Paradise #20

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Jack's POV

I rolled over in bed to find Peyton sitting up. I groaned and pulled the covers over my eyes. "Why are you up?" I questioned her. "Becauseeee," she said to me in a sing songy voice. "It's Christmas morning!!!! Merry Christmas Jack!!" She screeched to me while cuddling into me and kissing my neck. I chuckled and rolled over to face her, pulling her body against mine. "Merry Christmas Pey," I told her while allowing her to kiss my neck still. "Come on! Let's go open gifts!" Peyton jumped out of bed and tugged on my hand like a little child. She was in a big red tshirt of mine with fuzzy socks. "I like the look you have going," I joked while climbing out of bed and putting gym shorts on. "Oh hush, I just want to open gifts!" She whined. I chuckled before walking around the bed. "Alright alright, let's go," I said while taking her hand, allowing her to drag me down the stairs. Johnson and Sam were already sitting around the tree we had decorated in the living room the night before. I couldn't help but smile while remembering Peyton dancing around to the Christmas music we were playing. She wanted the house to be festive and perfect since Johnson, Sam, and my parents were coming over later in the day. "Can't believe you two beat us," Peyton said to Sam and Johnson while joining them on the couch. "Don't worry, we waited to open gifts," Johnson said while motioning to the gifts under the tree. We had done a secret Santa sort of thing, except I had gotten Peyton a gift anyways. "I'll go first! Sammy I had you," she said while getting up to pick up the gift. She handed it to Sam on the couch and he tore through the paper. "Ha ha. Real funny." He said sarcastically, a grin on his face. Peyton had bought him a box of Trojan condoms. "I got the pack with the most in them, thought you could use it," she giggled and winked at him. Johnson and I couldn't help but burst out laughing at her gift. "Okay, okay, moving on," Sam said while walking over to the tree. "I had Jack," he handed me a nicely wrapped package. I ripped it open and saw a pair of Vans. "Dude no way!" I said, in awe Sammy got me a real gift. "Don't worry about it man, it was a pair I bought once but never wore. Their still brand new though," Sam informed me. We all continued opening gifts. I gave Johnson my gift that I got for him, it was some type of new head band rather than the old ribbon he was using and Johnson gave Peyton his gift. He got her a necklace with a simple "P" on it. "Trying to pull a move on my girl?" I joked with him. Johnson put his hands up in defense. We all laughed before I silenced everyone. "One more gift of the morning," I announced. "It's for Peyton." Peyton's face dropped. "But Jack! I didn't get you a gift, I thought we decided we weren't giving each other gifts. Didn't we agree me moving in was the big Christmas present?" Peyton seemed frantic. "Shhh, just open the present," I told Peyton while placing a giant box in front of her. She eyed me skeptically before beginning to gently open up the paper.

Peyton's POV

"Jack! You didn't!?" I squealed when I finished opening the giant box Jack set in front of me. A tiny golden retriever puppy was curled up in a crate. "Cliche, I know, but you've always wanted a dog." Jack said to me. I jumped up and flung my arms around Jack, who was sitting on the couch with his arms outstretched on the back of the couch. He wrapped his arms around my waist and chuckled at my response. "Merry Christmas, P." He said while gently pushing my hips back so he could look me in the eyes before he pressed his lips to mine. "Johnson, I don't know about you but I feel like a third wheel right now," Sam said loudly. Johnson nodded before adding, "Plus, I don't remember ever signing off on getting a golden retriever puppy, you know? Since we all share this apartment and all." Jack and I just laughed at their complaints. I crawled out of Jack's lap and back to the floor. Jack joined me and we sat criss cross apple sauce. I opened the crate and gently lifted the little puppy out. He immediately started crawling over me and licking my face. I giggled at the sensation of the puppy's warm tongue touching my cool cheeks. "What do you want to name him?" I asked Jack. "I was thinking Cali...given the fact he's a girl." Jack chuckled at me. I felt my cheeks flush. "Whoops..." I said. Jack just laughed harder. "Cali, because it brought us together." He smiled. Johnson and Sam had turned on the TV and were watching "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" while Jack and I played with our new puppy. All of a sudden someone knocked on the door. "I thought your families weren't coming until later?" I asked, confused who would be knocking on our door on Christmas morning. Jack hopped up from the floor and I followed him to the door. He checked the peep hole before pulling the door open. My face dropped. "Mom?"

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