Trouble in Paradise #10

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Peyton's POV

"What?" My mom asked, clarifying she heard me right. I took a breath and repeated my question. "Can I move in with Jack?" I asked again. Ryan, Grace, and my mom all stared at me, as if I just told them the world was ending or something. My mom finally spoke. "Peyton, you go to school in Arizona and he lives in Los Angeles." She said confused. "I know, but I've been doing some planning. I applied to UCLA a couple months ago, after Jack's accident, and I got in. So now all I have to do is transfer...well if you say that it's okay." She leaned back in her chair and sighed. "Peyton, I don't know. You're only 18 years old. That's young to move in with a boyfriend." I knew she was going to say that. "But Mom, it's not just Jack and me. Johnson and Sam live with him, too." I said, trying to argue my cause. My mom laughed. "Is that supposed to make me feel better? I don't want my teenage daughter living with three teenage boys in a big city miles away from home." I felt my heart sink, I knew she was going to react this way but I was prepared to argue her on it. Grace cleared her throat. "Well I'll start clearing the plates." She said while standing up from her chair. "Yeah I'll help," Ryan quickly offered. Grace and Ryan carried our plates into the kitchen and began washing them. It was quiet for a bit between my mom and I but the fact she didn't leave the table gave me some hope. "Mom, can you just hear me out?" I asked her. She didn't respond so I took that as a yes. "I've really thought this through. I honestly believe that moving to LA would be best for me. After Jack's accident, I realized how precious life is. I almost lost him. I just want to spend as much time with him as I can because this life isn't guranteed and Mom I really love him. I do. I'm tired of being away from him. It's like a part of me is always missing. When I'm not with him, I'm not myself and because of that college hasn't been fun. I hardly go out and well you saw that my grades were affected. I think LA would be a new start. A fresh start. I could keep my good grades there and be with Jack. And just because I'm moving in with him doesn't mean I'll lose all my common sense. You know we'll be smart and make good choices. I just love him, Mom. I love him a lot." When I finished explaining, I sat there waiting for my mom to respond. She swished her wine around in her glass. I couldn't tell what she was thinking. "So?" I said after a long moment of silence. "Peyton..."

Jack's POV

"Can Peyton move in with you?" My mom repeated. I nodded in response, fidgeting with my hands under the table. "She goes to University of Arizona?" My mom said. "Yeah I know but she was planning on transferring to UCLA. She already got accepted." I told them. My parents looked at each other. I glanced at Laura and Molly. Laura was smirking and playing with the food on her plate and Molly was watching my parents. My grandma chimed in then. "Is that your girlfriend, sweetheart?" She asked me. I nodded. "Oh well that sounds like a marvelous idea! You guys have always had distance between you and now is the perfect opportunity to remove that! I think that's a great idea, Jack!" I smiled at my grandma. "Thanks Grandma, I do, too." My dad seemed to be thinking pretty hard. "So Peyton would continue college but just be living with you, Johnson, and Sam?" He asked. "Yeah," I answered, praying that his question meant he was considering it. "And Peyton is okay living with three boys?" My mom asked. "Yeah, she loves them. They're like her brothers." I told my parents. "Oh I don't know Jack, you guys are awfully young..." My mom said. "I know were young but that doesn't mean we don't love each other," I countered her. She nodded. "I know, honey." She said. "You'll still be focused on your music? Because that's the whole reason were allowing you to live in LA," my dad told me. "Yes, absolutely. Peyton will have class and I'll work on music. It'll work out great." I assured them, trying my best to convince them. Molly chimed in. "Well I think it sounds like a good idea. I think they deserve to be together, I like Peyton." I smiled at Molly in appreciation. She winked at me from across the table. "Yep, I agree, plus she'll keep Johnson, Sam, and Jack in control." Laura added. My mom laughed but I could tell she agreed with Laura's point. "So?" I asked, a smile creeping onto my face. "If it's okay with her, it's okay with us," my dad said. "Yes! Thank you!" I jumped up from my chair and gave my mom a hug and then my dad. "Thank you thank you thank you!" Everyone started laughing at my reaction. "Well go call her!" My grandma said. "First, we should celebrate with dessert! I'll go get it for everyone!" I said while heading to the kitchen to slice the pie. Laura followed me in. "You're one lucky kid. I never thought Mom and Dad were gonna go for that." She said to me. I chuckled. "Same here, I got lucky." I said while putting a slice on a plate. Laura handed me another plate. "Living in LA with your best friends and girlfriend. I have to say I'm pretty jealous." Laura said. "Yeah plus now I get to fuck Peyton all day and all night," I said jokingly while body rolling. "Ok. No. You crossed the line. You're still my baby brother. I did not need to know that." Laura said while taking the plates out to the dining room, I laughed and followed her with the rest of the plates. I handed them out to everyone and then took my seat. "So Molly, tell us about the new job." My grandpa said while we all ate dessert. The conversation carried on but I was distracted the whole time. I couldn't stop thinking about when I could call Peyton. We had decided we would call each other at 11, that way both our families would be gone and we could talk. I glanced at my phone, it was 10:34, I only had 26 minutes until I could tell Peyton the amazing news.

Peyton's POV

I splashed the cool water over my face and then fumbled around to find the towel hanging next to the sink. I gently dryed my face and hung the towel back up. My hair was thrown up in a messy bun on the top of my head and I was wearing a new tshirt of Jack's, one he gave me when we spent the night together in LA. I looked at myself in the mirror and took a deep breath before turning off the light and going back out to my bedroom. Grace was already sound asleep in my bed so I took my phone off the night stand and snuck downstairs. I made my way through the large foyer, past the kitchen, and quietly snuck out to the sunroom. It had little twinkling lights lining the ceiling. I sat down on the big love seat and curled my legs underneath me. I looked at my phone that read 11:02. Just then, Jack started calling me. I smiled and answered. "Why hello there handsome," I said before he had a chance to talk. I heard his sexy chuckle on the other line. "Hey there beautiful," his husky voice said to me. Just hearing his voice I felt chills run rampant across my body. Jack's affect on me was uncontrollable. It was quiet for a little before Jack spoke again. "All I ask is that I get the right side of the bed." I laughed, unsure of what Jack was talking about. "Babe, what?" I asked him. "When we live together, I like to sleep on the right side of the bed." I could tell he was smirking. "So your parents said yes?" I giggled. "Yes they did, how did it go with your mom?" He asked excitedly. I stared out at the dark yard through the window and thought for a second. "Pey?" Jack asked after a moment. "Yeah?" I answered. "How did it go with your mom?" He asked again, less excitement in his voice. "Jack...Jack...she said no..." I told him gently, not wanting to hurt him. He was quiet. I let the silence fill the phone because I wasn't sure what to say to make it better. Words couldn't describe how upset I was with my mom and her decision. All I wanted was to be with Jack. "That's okay, Peyton. We knew it was a long shot. I understand where your mom is coming from. Sam, Johnson, and I have quite the reputation." Jack laughed, trying to joke it off. "Babe, I really wanted this..." I started to say but Jack cut me off. "Pey, shh, I know. It's okay. We'll figure out. It's you and me. We can make anything work. I promise you that." I sighed, how was Jack always so positive? "I love you." I told him. "I love you too, I'll call you in the morning, okay babe? Now get some rest. Goodnight, Pey." "Goodnight, Jay." I whispered before the line clicked off. I sat out in the sunroom for a while. It was my favorite room in the house, it was cozy and had wooden paneled walls. It smelled like my dad, I wasn't sure how it still did so many years after he had been gone but I loved it. "Hi Daddy," I whispered into the darkness. "I miss you," I said. "I wish you were here, maybe you could change Mom's mind. I know you would love Jack. He treats your little girl like a queen. Oh gosh I love him, Dad." I smiled thinking about Jack and how much my dad would get along with him. "I wish you could be here to know him," I sighed, realizing that my dad never would get to meet Jack, along with a long list of other things he would miss. My graduation, walking me down the aisle, my thoughts trailed off. As I sat in the sunroom, a thought came across me for the second time that day. Life was so precious. Nothing was guranteed. My dad never would have thought he would miss so much of our lives, one day it was just taken away from all of us. I almost had the same thing happen with Jack. I didn't want to sit miles away from him, wasting our time when at any moment we could be taken away from each other. I wouldn't allow it. I unfolded myself from the chair and walked back into the house, quietly closing the sunroom doors behind me. The house was dark and silent so I guided my steps with out reached hands. Eventually, I clumsily made it upstairs and crawled into bed next to Grace. I wasn't sure how yet, but I was going to move in with Jack. One way or another, we were going to be together.

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