Distance #14

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Peyton's POV

Jack and I pulled into the parking lot of the hotel where prom was being held. Jack parked the car and got out of the driver's seat. He jogged around the front of the car over to my side and opened the door for me. "My lady," he said while offering me his hand to help me out. "Why thank you, sir." I said smiling. I held my little clutch in my hand and held Jack's hand with the other. We walked through the parking lot up to the entrance. There was a line forming outside to get in. Jack and I couldn't find Grace or Kyle so we just stood alone. As we stood there, laughing and talking, some girls started to realize who Jack was. I felt people staring. I knew Jack had noticed be he just ignored it. A few girls left their dates then, and came over to us. "Uhm excuse us, but could we maybe get a picture?" They asked Jack. "Yeah, sure," he smiled. "Would you mind taking it?" The girl asked me. I recognized her from around school. She was one of the popular girls of the junior class. "Sure," I told her while taking her phone. They posed on either side of Jack and I took the picture. "Thanks!" They squealed. "You're really hot and we love your Vines," they told him before excitedly waking away. Jack rolled his eyes. "I'm so sorry, Pey. Tonight is supposed to be just you and me. I promise no more of that. If anyone else wants a picture they're just going to be out of luck. The rest of the night I'm all yours." He told me while wrapping his arm around my shoulder. "It's okay, babe." I told him with a smile. I understood that girls were obsessed with him. It didn't bother me too much, I mean he was mine so I was the luckiest girl of all. They finally opened the doors and we made our way inside. Girls noticed Jack even more once we were inside. Jack paid them no attention, he hardly ever took his eyes off of me. He constantly had his arm around my waist or was holding my hand. It made me feel safe and I liked knowing he wanted to be with me so much. Jack and I sat at a table with my closest friends so I knew everyone would be cool with Jack. They were all really welcoming which made dinner super fun. Once we were finished the DJ started up the music. Jack took my hand and led me to the dance floor. A part of me was nervous I wouldn't be a good dancer. But once we found a space on the crowded floor, Jack positioned my body in front of his and started moving his hips. He held my hands against my hips and made sure I was in rhythm with him. I moved my hips in a figure eight. Jack was an amazing dancer, there was no doubt about that. My body quickly relaxed being pressed so closely against Jack's.


Jack and I danced the whole night. The music was so loud and the floor was so crowded but I felt like it was just Jack and me. We stayed close together, never leaving each other's sides. Jack yelled in my ear over the sound, "Want to take a break?" He asked. I nodded and he led us through the people back to our table. We sat down for the first time all night. Jack and I both were sweating. My once curled hair had fallen completely straight. My garter was on Jack's upper arm and his bow tie was untied. My shoes lay on the ground next to us. We drank some water and relaxed. "It's hot out there," Jack laughed. "I guess that's what a massive pit of grinding teenagers does to an enclosed space," I said to him. He laughed. "I suppose you're right," he moved closer to me then. "You're the sexiest one here," he whispered while leaning into kiss me. I smiled while his lips touched mine. His hand ran up my thigh. I felt tingles run through my body. The DJ came over the speakers then. "Alright everyone, here comes the last song of the night. Grab your date and make your way to the floor." Jack stood up and took my hand. "May I have this dance?" He asked me. "Why of course you may," I told him with a smile. We walked back out to the floor and made our way through all the people again. Jack got us as close to the center of the dance floor as possible. Time of Your Life by Greenday started playing through the speakers. Everyone began slow dancing around us. I wrapped my arms around Jack's neck and he pulled me in by my waist. I gently laid my head against his chest. Jack swayed us back in forth to the music. I closed my eyes and relished in the moment. Jack's cologne, Jack's strong arms, Jack's solid chest, Jack's heartbeat. I tried to memorize it all, knowing this would be the last time I held him in a long time.

Jack's POV

Peyton laid her head on my chest as we danced to the last song. I rest my chin on top of her head while keeping her held tightly against me. Everything in the world seemed perfect at the moment. The song, holding Peyton's tiny little body in my arms, just being together. I wished the moment would never end. I moved my hands from her waist then and turned her chin up towards my face. Her sparkling blue eyes met mine. I slowly leaned in until I was centimeters away from her face. We stayed still for a moment, just looking in each other's eyes. I then pressed my lips gently to hers. We continued swaying to the music while our lips moved together slowly. Peyton pulled away and smiled. "Thank you for the best night of my life, Jack Gilinsky." She told me before meeting her lips with mine again.

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