Trouble in Paradise #6

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Peyton's POV

"What happened?" I asked Katherine, terrified of her response. I couldn't get the idea that Jack was dead out of my head. 'Please be alive, please be alive' I prayed over and over in my head. After a pause, Katherine answered. "Jack's gotten worse, he can no longer breathe on his own." She told me. Even though it wasn't good news, it was better than what I was expecting. I sighed in relief. "But he's still alive?" I confirmed. "Yes, just not doing it on his own." Katherine explained. "So what does that mean?" I asked her. "He's now hooked up to a machine called a ventilator, it breathes for him. He's still in the ICU. Dr. Roberts said that he's never seen someone stop breathing on their own this late in a coma. Normally, that happens right away and they progressively get better." Katherine's voice was shaky. "Peyton, he's been in a coma for almost a month. I know people can be in comas for years but..." She trailed off. I tried to take in everything she was saying. The love of my life was laying lifeless in a hospital bed and I was miles and miles away. I felt like crying but kept myself together for Katherine. I couldn't imagine what she was feeling. I could barely function and he wasn't even my son. "Peyton," she said quietly. "Yes?" I answered. "Honey, I know school is important and I don't want to distract you from it. It's just that, well maybe you should consider flying out. Mr. Gilinsky and I aren't know...if Jack's ever going to wake up." She gently told me. I hated myself. That's all I could think. Why had I wasted so much time being mad at him? Why had I ignored him? Everything seem to be falling apart in my life. "Next week, is my fall break. We have it really early, I'll fly out Thursday night." I responded through the lump in my throat. "Okay sweetheart, sorry to deliver such news over the phone. We love you and we know how much Jack loves you, we just want you here...because...well-" I cut her off. "It's okay, I appreciate it. Thanks for the call, I'm sorry Katherine." I told her before hanging up. The first thing I did was book a flight and a hotel room the next week and then I made the dreaded phone call to my own mom. "Hi Mom," I said quietly when I heard the other line pick up. "Hi honey," she said. "Is everything okay? You don't sound alright." I paused and swallowed my tears. "I know you're probably going to be mad but I'm not coming home next weekend. Jack's getting worse and I need to be with him. Mom, it's the least I can do for being such a bitch to him. He didn't deserve that and I'll spend the rest of my life with regret if I don't go be with him. I love him, Mom. I love him like I've never loved anyone before." I rambled on and on, unable to stop my emotions from pouring out. "First off, watch the language." My mom said, clearly a smile on her face, but then her tone turned serious. "I realize how much you love him Peyton. I really do. And if it means that much to you, to be there with him, then I want to be there with you. I'll fly out to LA next weekend, too. I don't want you dealing with this all alone, sweets. I hate seeing you this sad. Don't apologize for not coming home. We'll go to together." Shock and relief spread throughout me. "You're the best, Mom. I love you and I'll see you Thursday." I told her and then hung up. I then picked up my pen and notebook again, determined to write an apology to Jack. I needed to get my thoughts on paper, maybe then I would stop feeling so guilty for ever pushing him away.


Thursday couldn't come quick enough. Everyday I prayed Jack would just hang on to when I could see him again. Finally, Thursday arrived and I took the bus to the airport. I was grateful the flight was only an hour. When I was at the baggage claim, my mom texted me saying her flight had just landed. I figured we could take a cab to the hospital together so I found a bench to sit on. I watched families and people bustle by. I wondered where everyone was going and where they were from. It was amazing to think that all of those strangers had names and families and stories. I wondered if any of them were dealing with things like I was dealing with. If any of them knew the pain I was experiencing. It was odd to think we could feel the same way and just pass each other, unaware of the things occurring in the other's lives. It made me feel a little less sad, knowing everyone had hurt and sadness they carried around with them, even it was invisible. My mom appeared with her suitcase then. She embraced me in a long tight hug. I hadn't realized how much I had missed her. "Let's go," she said while taking my hand like I was a little girl again, but I didn't mind. We caught a taxi out in the warm LA air. The cab driver helped us get our luggage in the car and we sped off towards Cedars Sinae. The cab ride was silent, all I could focus on was how close to seeing Jack I was. Once we got to the hospital, a nurse directed us to the ICU. When the elevator doors opened, I saw Jack's parents sitting on the chairs in the waiting room. They greeted my mom and me before leading us to Jack's room. The ICU was family only, but the nurses let it slide. After a long walk down the hallway, we came to Jack's room. It was the last room in the hall and looked out towards the bustling streets of LA. "You ready?" My mom asked me while rubbing my back. "Ready as I'll ever be,"I said while taking a deep breath. We opened the door and walked in. Jack looked so different. His scars and bruises had healed but he hardly had any color in his face. He looked so limp and lifeless laying in bed. I placed the envelope with my letter on the table next to his bed. I held back my tears as I sat down next to the bed and picked up his hand. "Hi Jay." I whispered. "I've missed you." I told him while rubbing my thumb across the back of his hand. "We'll let you be," Katherine said while leading everyone out of the room. I studied Jack's features. Katherine had been right, he didn't look good. I had my doubts about him making it through this, too, but I didn't want to think that way. I tried to memorize every little feature he had and store it in the back of my head so I would never forget my first and only love. I was so angry with the world. Why did the world have to take away the two most important men in my life? If those drivers hadn't run those red lights, I would still have my dad and my lover. I gently laid down next to Jack so I could lightly lay my head on his chest. One thing hadn't changed, the sound of his heartbeat and how it felt like home when I laid listening to it. I felt silent tears stream down my face as I curled up next to Jack's limp body. 'Please wake up, baby. Please wake up.' I kept saying over and over in my head. The silence was sad and heavy as we lay there together.

Jack's POV

Where was I? My mind was a mess and I felt so groggy as I peeled my eyes open. The room was bright and quiet. I couldn't remember how I got there or what I was doing, I suddenly felt so scared and alone. I couldn't move any part of my body except my eyes. I glanced down to see Peyton curled into my side. Relief washed through me, I felt safe having her next to me even though I still had no clue what was going on. My throat was dry as I tried to speak. I managed to croak out, "Peyton." She jolted up and looked at me. The shock on her face made me wonder, what the hell happened to me?

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