Distance #26

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Distance #26

Jack's POV

I stood by the baggage claim waiting for my luggage. I had my backpack on and was scrolling through my phone. Peyton texted me then. "Hey Jay, I'm so sorry but they kept me late at work. Don't worry, my mom is picking you up at the airport and I'll be off by the time you get back. Love you!! Can't wait to see you!" I sighed. I was dying to see Peyton. I had been waiting weeks and now finally I was back in Chicago to see her and I had to wait more. Even though it would be only about an hour longer until I saw her, I was still upset. Finally, my luggage came into view. I pulled it off and rolled it over towards the doors that led outside. I looked around for Mrs. Logan but didn't see her yet. People hurried all over the place, rolling luggage, catching cabs, and greeting family members. I watched one couple reunite. They were probably in their mid thirties and had two kids with them. The girl jumped into his arms and held onto his neck tightly. He wrapped his arms around her back while the kids hugged his legs. I smiled at the moment but was also jealous. I wanted to greet Peyton like that, I wanted to hold her tightly in my arms again. I kept reminding myself we had all weekend together so one hour didn't matter. Plus, I had a lot planned to help relax her. Mrs. Logan pulled up to the curb in a black BMW then. She hopped out of the front seat and ran over to me. "Oh Jack it's so good to see you! I hope you weren't waiting too long, honey!" She told me while pulling me into a hug. "Nah, I just got here! It's great to see you again too, Mrs. Logan." She picked up my luggage and put it into the trunk. "Please, call me Mandy. Mrs. Logan is far too formal. Come on, get in, sweets. Lets get you to Peyton." She winked while getting into the front seat. I chuckled and climbed into the passenger seat. "Did you have a good flight?" Mandy asked me. "It felt like forever but nothing to complain about." I told her as we made our way out of the airport traffic. "I can't tell you how happy I am that you're here. Peyton has been stressed out of her mind with work. Personally, I don't understand why she stresses herself out with something that is optional. If I were her, I wouldn't even work. But don't tell her I said that." Mandy said laughing. "I suppose she got her work ethic from her father and I admire that. Anyways, she really needs you, I can tell. You always make her happy." Mandy patted my knee. Just under an hour, I kept telling myself, then finally Peyton and I could be together again.

Peyton's POV

It was around 9:00 at night when I got off of work. I ran threw the parking lot out to my car and quickly got in, chucking my purse into the passenger seat as I turned the key in the ignition. I sped out of the parking lot and prayed I caught all the green lights on the way home. After what felt like a million years I pulled through the gates of my neighborhood and made my way down the street. As I turned into the driveway, I saw my mom unloading Jack's suitcase from the trunk and Jack getting out of the passenger seat. I flew into park and jumped out of the car. "Jack!" I screeched while running towards him. He turned around, a big smile spreading across his face. "Pey," he said while I jumped into his arms, wrapping my legs around his torso and my arms around his neck. He held on tightly to me, pulling me against him. "I've missed you," he breathed into my neck. "I've missed you more," I said giggling as he set me back on my feet. "Okay we're not doing this," he said laughing while closing the door and taking my hand. "Let's go inside," he said while we walked up the front path, to the front door. My mom and Ryan were in the kitchen. "Yo what's up Jack," Ryan said while pulling him into a bro hug. "Jack, I put your things in the guest room," my mom informed him. Jack thanked her while Ryan left to go hang out with his friends. "Jack, I'm gonna shower real quick but I'll meet you downstairs for a movie afterwards okay?" I asked him. My mom had gone out by the pool to read. I made a mental note to help get her out more. She needed to be more social and have more friends but secondly it would be nice to have the house alone for me and Jack. "If only I could help you out in that shower," Jack smirked while heading towards the basement. I playfully hit his arm before heading upstairs. I quickly showered and put on a pair of Soffee shorts and a t-shirt. I let my hair dry naturally, falling down over my shoulders. I hurried downstairs to the basement to join Jack. I found him sitting on the couch, Titanic on the screen. "You remembered!?" I asked him excitedly while curling up in his lap. "How could I forgot my girl's favorite movie?" He asked while wrapping his arm around me. I sighed. "It feels so good to just lay down." I told Jack. "Here," he said while lifting me out of his lap so that I was laying on my stomach, fully on the couch. He got up and straddled my back. "What are you doing?" I asked him. He began massaging my back. He started up at my shoulder blades and worked down to my lower back. All my muscles were tight with tension but Jack helped rub it all out. "This. Feels. Amazing." I managed out through the pressure he was applying to my back. "I thought you could use it," Jack said while leaning down and kissing the back of my neck. I rolled over then, so that my back was against the couch and I was looking up at Jack. "I love you," I told him. He leaned down and firmly pressed his lips to mine. "I love you more," Jack said. "Oh we're not doing this," I mocked while giggling. "Oh shut up, just let me help you relax," Jack whispered while pulling off his shirt. I felt my body tingle just at the thought of Jack. He gave me a smirk before forcefully pushing our lips together. Jack moved his soft lips over mine, his tongue making his way into my mouth. I pressed my lips harder against his, trying to remain as close to Jack as possible. My hand ran through his hair, pulling his face closer to mine. Jack's sweet lips moved down my neck. He sucked and kissed a trail from neck to my chest. His tongue made circles on my sensitive areas before he continued down towards my belly button. Finally, Jack's head was in between my legs. He opened my thighs and I felt tingles run through my body. He teased me a little before his tongue began to pleasure me. I moaned and felt my back arch in pleasure. "Jack!" I called out in pure lust. My finger nails dragged through his thick brown hair before I grabbed onto the couch. Jack's tongue worked wonders as he licked at my sensitive spot. All my stress and worries were finally disappearing.

Jack's POV

I was happy to see that pleasuring Peyton helped relax her. Once she seemed to be more content, I brought my lips back up to hers and kissed her mouth. "Thank you," she murmured, out of breath from the pleasure she had just experienced. "Don't worry, we have more to come," I winked at her through the darkness while pulling my phone out of my khaki pockets. I checked the time. It was midnight on the dot. "You think your mom is asleep?" I asked Peyton while sitting up, allowing her to get out from underneath me. "Definitely, why?" She asked, looking confused. "Come on," I said while taking her hand. She stood up, taking her shorts off the floor and putting them back on. She took my hand and we quietly snuck upstairs. We made our way through the giant family room, out the back door to the pool. It was still hot out. The crickets were the only thing to be heard in the dark July night. "You wait here, okay?" I told Peyton. She nodded but looked extremely confused. I hurried inside and emerged back outside in a few minutes, a baggy in hand. Peyton glanced at it and a smirk spread across her face. "Really, Jack?" She asked me. I chuckled. "Only if you want to," I told her. She laughed while taking the bag from me. "Let's do it," she said and sat down on the lounge chair next to the pool. "The smell won't wake up your mom right? And Ryan is still out?" I checked, not wanting to get Peyton in trouble. "Please, my mom wouldn't even wake up if the house was burning down and yeah Ryan is spending the night somewhere." With that, I pulled my lighter out of my pocket and Peyton took the bowl out of the baggy. She quickly placed the weed inside. "You seem to know what you're doing," I chuckled. She rolled her eyes. "Give me the lighter," she demanded. With that, Peyton and I sat out on the patio, passing the bowl back in forth for a while. We looked up at the stars and talked about a lot. After some time, once we both were pretty high, Peyton started giggling. "What?" I asked her. "Skinny dipping round 2?" She asked. "Cuz I thoroughly enjoyed how the first time ended up." Peyton said, winking at me. I smirked and stood up. "Why the hell not!" I said while pulling off my shirt. Peyton and I sloppily helped each other out of our clothes, laughing the whole time. We took off running and jumped into the pool. "Fuck!" Peyton yelled. "It's so much colder than I expected!" She said while cracking up. I swam over to her. "I'll keep you warm," I told her while picking her up and getting out of the pool. I walked us over to the hot tub and climbed in. She laid her head in the crook of my neck and gazed up at the sky. "This is the life," she sighed. I enjoyed the moment. Peyton's tan little body curled up in my lap, the way her hair smelled like oranges, and her diamond blue eyes looking upward. The heat steamed out of the water and the jets pushed bubbles around. Peyton changed her gaze from the sky to me. She looked at me for a while before kissing me gently. She pulled away slightly. "I've always wanted to have sex in a hot tub..." She whispered. I laughed. "Way to ruin the moment, Pey." I told her and she giggled. "But your wish is my command."

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