Flights #19

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Peyton's POV

"Peyton Rose Logan, will you marry me?" Jack said. I couldn't believe my ears. I laid for a moment longer on his chest before I turned to face him. I giggled. "Are you serious?" I asked him. He brushed a piece of hair out of my face. "Of course I'm serious," he said, studying my features. My smile faded. "You want to get married right now?" I confirmed. He nodded. "Well yeah, next few months or so after the tours over." He spoke so nonchalantly, so causally about the matter. "Jack, we literally just got back together and plus were only 18 years old," I said, sitting up fully. Jack sat up more, leaning against the headboard. "We're almost 19 and who cares if we just got back together? I know you're the person I want to spend the rest of my life with so why not just get married when you know?" I ran my fingers through my hair and bit my lip. How could he be serious? How the hell did he think we could handle marriage? I climbed off the bed. "Jack, marriage would never work. We're too young..." I trailed off not knowing how to begin arguing this because it seemed so obviously wrong to me. "Who gives a fuck about age, Peyton? I love you and I'm always going to." Jack said getting out of bed and walking over to me. I shook my head. "How can you know that? We've barely experienced anything, we've hardly seen what this world has to offer. How could you possibly know I'm the one you want to spend your life with?" I asked him. "Because when you know, you know. Don't you feel that way about me?" He asked. "I least I think I do. I know I've never felt for anyone the way I feel about you but I don't know Jack, how do I know that's enough to marry you?" I said. He shook his head. "What more do you need? That moment we just shared in bed, I know you felt the same thing I did and I can't imagine there's any feeling more powerful than what we just experienced." I sighed and sat down on the edge of the bed. I bit my lip and studied the floor. Jack sat down next to me, not saying anything. After a moment, I turned to face him. "Jay, it's not that I don't love you, you know that right?" He nodded, moving closer to me, tracing his fingers over my bare shoulder. "I'm just scared, I guess." Jack looked at me, urging me to continue. "What if we mess things up? What if the label of marriage makes us change who we are?" I said to Jack. He didn't speak for a while. "Pey, absolutely nothing could change what I feel for you. No label, no media, no reactions, absolutely nothing."

Jack's POV

A few hours later, Peyton and I left the hotel room and headed to the arena. I had to start rehearsing with the guys for the show later that night. As we walked in, I let go of Peyton's hand and gave her a smile. "I'll see you in a bit," I smiled at her. She nodded and smiled back before she went to join my mom in the audience. I walked back stage and joined the guys. "Oh what's up, lover boy?" Sam cooed to me. "You guys have some good ole makeup-" I cut Nate off. "Stop," I laughed. "Let's just rehearse." Everyone laughed and grabbed their mics. I took a swig of water and took a breath. Johnson came over to me and patted my back. "You good, bro?" He asked. I didn't know how he did it but he could always tell what was up with me. I sighed. "Yeah, I'm good," I told him. He nodded reluctantly but let it go and we jogged onto stage for sound check. I looked out at the empty seats to find Peyton and my mom talking in one of the middle rows. My mom rubbed Peyton's back as they turned to face the stage. Peyton locked eyes with me. "You'll always be my baby," I mouthed to her. She smiled a sweet smile and even from the distance we were at, I knew her eyes sparkled with tears.

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