Trouble in Paradise #23

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Jack's POV

After our Christmas together, Peyton and my relationship was at it's strongest. We rang in the new year with Sam, Johnson, and a bunch of the other guys. Two weeks after New Years, Peyton started her classes at UCLA. She had classes during the day while I was at the studio. At night, we would all hang around the apartment. Peyton and I had made it a daily routine to walk Cali together at sunset. As I drove home on a Thursday night, I watched the sun set over the mountains and palm trees. The bumper to bumper traffic on the 101 was stretched for miles. I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. I just wanted to be home. The meeting I had ran late. Normally, these boring, traffic-filled car rides home wouldn't be too bad since I had Johnson to keep me company. However, Johnson had gone to Texas to visit Mallory at college. My phone lit up on the passenger seat. I glanced down at it, a text message from Peyton glowing on the screen. "Hey babe. Just making sure you're okay, Cali and my walk wasn't the same without you." I smiled at her text. "Hey Pey, I'm okay, just crazy traffic. Miss you and Cali!"I sent off the text and turned on the radio, hoping to pass some time.

Peyton's POV

"Sam! Pizza is here!" I called to Sam who was in his room. He came strolling out, sweatpants hanging loosely on his body, no shirt, and his phone in hand. He looked like he had just woken up, his hair was all over the place and his hazel eyes were groggy. "Good morning?" I questioned, a slight chuckle passing my lips. He mockingly laughed at me. "Ha ha, I just took a nap. Ain't nobody said that's a crime!" He said joking. I laughed and pushed a plate of pizza in front of Sam who had taken a seat at the counter top. I then placed a couple of pieces of the fresh, cheese pizza on my plate and took a seat next to Sam. "Looks like it's just you and me tonight," Sam said while devouring his pizza. "Looks like it," I said, taking a bite of my pizza. "How's Grace?" Sam asked, turning to me with a smirk. I punched his bare arm playfully. "Oh shut up! You do not have a chance," I told him while rolling my eyes. He laughed. "Hmm...we'll see about that." He said, winking at me. I laughed at Sam's cockiness when it came to girls. Sam and I had casual conversation while finishing our dinner. We both then cleaned up the kitchen and put the leftover pizza in the fridge for Jack. Ever since Sam and I had met, we always clicked. Our friendship was comfortable and relaxed, I felt like I could be myself around him. I couldn't imagine how awkward it would be living with Jack and his friends had I not gotten along with all of them so well. "Alright, I'm gonna shower and then want to watch a movie or something?" Sam asked while walking backwards out of the kitchen so he was still facing me. "Sounds good to me, I'm picking the movie though," I told him while opening the fridge to get something to drink. "We'll see about that," he said. I rolled my eyes, a slight smile on my face.


After Sam got out of the shower, we sat on the couch in the family room and watched Step Brothers. Jack still wasn't home from his meeting, he had been sitting in traffic for hours. "Wanna know what would make this movie even funnier?" Sam said, breaking the silence between us. I just turned to him with a grin on my face. He wiggled his eyebrows at me before hopping up off the couch. "I'll grab my stuff and meet you on the balcony!" I smirked and nodded. "Okay, I'm going to grab a hoodie and then I'll be down." I told him, crawling off the couch and jogging up the stairs to Jack and my room. As I opened the door and began hunting for a hoodie, I heard the front door swing open and Jack come clattering in. "Yo, Jack! Just in time for the fun!" Sam greeted him, an apparent smile in his voice. Jack laughed, noticing the items I'm sure were in Sam's hands. "Oh sweet man, I'll meet you on the balcony." He said, his voice growing closer to the stair case. I was still digging through the drawers, searching for a sweatshirt when it dawned on me I left it hanging in the bathroom. I quickly skipped into the bathroom and plucked it off the hook. As I made my way back to the bedroom to greet Jack, my eyes skimmed past the calendar hanging on the wall. "Hey babe! I'm finally home!" Jack said as he walked into the room, a wide smile on his face. I felt my stomach drop. My mood quickly changing. "Jack..." I began. His smile faded, his features quickly darkening, filling with concern. "Pey, what is it?" He asked while stepping towards me, searching for an answer on my face. My mouth felt dry and I couldn't seem to find the words to answer. Thoughts spun through my head. I kept thinking and thinking at lightning speed but I knew my original thought was right. "Jack...I...m-my..." I stuttered, not knowing how to begin. "Peyton, come on talk to me." Jack urged. I swallowed hard. "My period is a week late." I finally blurted out. Jack's face dropped. He backed away from me as my words sank in. He sat down on the bed and ran his hand through his hair. His posture was stiff and I couldn't tell what he was thinking. Eventually, he broke the silence. "It's okay, nothing is for sure yet. You have to take a test." I nodded, still feeling sick to my stomach. Jack hopped up off the bed and reapproached me then. He held onto my shoulders and looked me straight in the eyes. "It's going to be okay Peyton, don't stress. Okay?" He said, attempting to give me a smile but I could tell in his expression he didn't believe what he was saying. Sam walked into the room then. "What's taking you so-" he stopped mid sentence. "Is everything okay?" He questioned once he realized Jack and my demeanor. Jack spun around to face him. "Can you do us a huge favor?" Sam nodded in response, apprehension in his features. "Can you go buy Peyton a pregnancy test?"

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