Distance #15

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Peyton's POV

My alarm went off on a Monday morning. I rolled over and turned it off. I noticed the date. It was May 26th, my last Monday of high school ever. That realization made it a little easier to get up. I didn't get up quite yet, I was awake early enough that I just laid in bed. I kept replaying the weekend of prom over and over in my head. Even though it had been two weeks since prom, it was all I thought about. Words couldn't describe how much fun Jack and I had. After prom, that night we got home around 3 am since there was a post prom party at the community center. Jack and I had quietly walked inside. Everyone in both our families were sound asleep so Jack and I had both gone into my room. I slipped out of my dress while Jack took off his tux. Jack stripped down so that he was just in his boxers, revealing his muscular abdomen. Even though it was only May, he already had a deep tan. I couldn't help but wonder how I possibly got someone as good looking as him. Jack glanced over at me, I was just in my bra and underwear as I hung my dress up on the back of my closet door. "Hold on a sec," Jack told me before sneaking out of my room. He returned a few moments later and tossed me one of his tshirts. It was red with a white palm tree on the upper right hand side. "Wear this, that way when I leave tomorrow, you'll still have a part of me," he told me. I slipped it on. My heart fluttering at his gesture. It was big on me so it hung to my mid thigh. I walked over to Jack and wrapped my arms around his waist. "How did I get so lucky?" I asked him. He stroked my cheek. "I think I should be the one asking that," He said. I giggled. "You looked so beautiful tonight, Peyton..." Jack said, sounding lost in thought. My face flushed. I still couldn't handle it when he complimented me. "Come on, it's late, we should probably get some sleep since you have to leave in the morning." I said to Jack, taking his hand and leading him to my bed. We crawled under the covers and I curled up next to him. We fell asleep like that but when I woke up Jack had moved back to his guest room. I smiled, I loved how Jack made sure not to get us in trouble. I realized I was still laying in bed then, I had totally lost track of time reminiscing on prom night. I hopped out of bed and put on a skirt with a tshirt and my converse. After putting on some mascara and running a brush through my hair, I heard Grace's car pull into my driveway. I walked downstairs where my mom was in the kitchen. "Have a wonderful last Monday of high school honey," she told me while hugging me. "Love you, Mom," I said while hugging her back. I jogged out the door and got in Grace's car. "Ready to go finish high school?" She asked me. "Let's do it." I told her.

Jack's POV

Johnson, Sam and I walked into school. We were all pumped that we only had one week until we graduated, that meant it was our last Monday of high school. "Oh boys, this is gonna be one hell of a summer," Sammy said, excitement filling his voice. "Damn straight!" Johnson agreed, giving him a high five. "Gilinsky, any big plans?" Sam asked me, giving me a wink. I laughed knowing he was hinting at me and Peyton. "Dude I hope so, it's only been two weeks since I've seen her and I'm dying." I told them. Johnson laughed, "Gilinsky is so whipped!" He yelled, cupping his hands around his mouth to make a mini mega phone. Sam started laughing, too. "Would you guys shut up?" I said while punching Johnson in the arm. "Yo, here's an idea," Sam said. "You know how a bunch of us are going to my beach house in a few weeks?" I nodded. I could only hope I knew what he was going to suggest and if I was right, it was the best idea ever. "Have Peyton come, too. Johnson is bringing Mallory and Emily, Erin, and Laine will all be there, too, so she won't be the only girl, it would be perfect!" Sam listed off our friends that were all going to his house in Florida. "For real, man?" I asked him. "Yeah! I mean were road tripping out there so it's not like she would need a plane ticket or anything, just some bags and well...you," he said winking at me. I couldn't wait to ask Peyton if she could go. It would be the perfect start to our summer. The past few weeks, Peyton and I had been busy doing things for graduation and spending time with our friends at home so we hadn't talked as much as usual since prom. Going on vacation together to kick off our summer would be the best way to spend a ton of time with her, plus she could meet all my friends. I prayed she would be on board and that her mom would agree to the plan, too. Peyton and I had made the distance thing work incredibly well, not a single argument once, but getting a solid two week vacation together would be a much needed break from the long distance relationship. I made my way to my first period class while thinking this all through. Sammy may have just come up with the best plan to keep my relationship strong, or maybe even make it even stronger.

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