Flights #16

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Peyton's POV

I woke up the next morning, not feeling all that rested. I hadn't been able to sleep because my mind hadn't been able to relax. I rolled over and felt an empty space next to me. I couldn't figure out if I was angry or relieved. It was too soon to go back to normal with Jack but I had also hated waking up alone every morning I had previously been on the tour. Jack walked out of the bathroom just then. "Hey babe," he said, a towel slung around his waist and his hair was wet. I sighed. He had just been showering. "Morning," I smiled. I watched as he scrummaged around for clothes. It was quiet and the air felt so different between us. My eyes scanned the room trying to tell my brain that everything was okay. Jack found some clothes and tossed them on the bed and then walked over to me. He leaned in and gently pressed his lips to mine. He smiled at me as he pulled away. "Let's go somewhere for breakfast, just the two of us today." Jack said. I smiled and nodded at the thought. It would be nice to spend some quality time together, it was the only way we were going to work through this. The next stop on the tour was New Jersey. I had lost track of where we were but I was pretty sure we should be there soon since we had driven through the night. I forgot what it was like to live on the bus. I had realized a part of me had missed it, the way the road would hum you to sleep. Jack walked back into the bathroom and began brushing his teeth. I sat up in bed but continued to watch him. His back muscles flexed with his movements. I swallowed hard. I had missed that view. The next thing I knew, I was thinking about how I wasn't the only girl to have seen that view recently. My stomach twisted as I tried to stop thinking those kinds of thoughts. I quickly got out of bed and found my duffle bag on the floor. I began finding clothes for myself to wear. After a few moments, I slipped into a pair of jeans and a blouse with sandles. I ran my fingers through my hair and then applied some makeup. I was sitting on the ground, squinting into a hand held mirror when Jack came up behind me. He kissed my cheek and pulled my hair back. "You don't need any of that," he told me. I shook my head and chuckled. "Come on, let's go see how close we are," he said, helping me up and leading us to the front of the bus.

Jack's POV

As Peyton and I walked to the front of the bus, the other guys were just starting to wake up. "Oh hey love birds," Sammy cooed from his bunk. I rolled my eyes and kept walking. I was scared it was too soon for the name calling. I felt like I was walking on egg shells around Peyton. I couldn't blame her, I had broken our trust. But I was determined to fix that. When we got to the little living area, Peyton let go of my hand and sat down in a chair. I looked out the window. We were off the highway which meant we should be close to the venue. About ten minutes later, we pulled into the venue. We usually left the bus there and then got into cars to go to the hotel. Everyone filed off and decided to look around. "Hey, if it's alright with you, Pey and I were going to go get breakfast," I told the group. My mom nodded and smiled. "That sounds nice, you two need that! Just take one of the cars," she told us. I nodded and then Peyton and I left to find a car.


"I'll have what she's having," I told the waitress while handing her my menu. She smiled and took it from me. Peyton and I had found some little cafe near the ocean. Once the waitress left, Peyton stared out the window. I cleared my throat, not knowing what to say. We had never dealt with awkward silences before. She finally turned to me. "How has the tour been?" She asked. "It's been good..." I started but then stopped myself. "Actually no, it's been awful since you left." I told her honestly. She looked down at her hands. "Pey..." I began but then someone came up to our table. We both looked to see two teenage girls standing there. "Are you Jack Gilinsky?" They asked in awe. I tried to smile, disappointed at their timing. "That's me," I said. Giant smiles spread across their faces. "Could we get a picture? We love you!" They said. I nodded and slid out of the booth. They quickly took turns getting their pictures with me. "Thank you!" They told me. "No problem...hey wait," I told them before they walked away. "I want you to meet my girlfriend, Peyton Logan." I said. They turned to Peyton and smiled. "Wow you're gorgeous," one of the girls said. Peyton laughed, a genuine laugh I hadn't seen in what felt like ages. "Thank you," she said to the girl. "Could we get a picture with you too?" The girl asked. Peyton looked surprised but agreed. A few moments later they had left and it was just Peyton and I. She smiled at me. "That was sweet of them...and you." She said. In the beginning of our relationship, when we first went public, I was always introducing Peyton to fans and they all loved her but then so much stuff had happened to us the past six months we hadn't been as public. "Peyton, you're my girl. You're always going to be my girl and I want to show you off to the world every chance I get." Peyton blushed, a smile spreading across her face. Her blue eyes sparkled again. I smiled at the happiness on her face. Just then, our food came out. We began to dig in. "Hey, after this do we have time to go to the beach? I want to take a walk, just us." Peyton said. I tried not to show it, but on the inside I was freaking out. Just by one breakfast together, things seemed to be falling back into place. "Absolutely, P. I would love nothing more."

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