Distance #9

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Jack POV

"How do you plan on getting to Chicago?" Sam asked me while we were all hanging in Johnson's backyard, passing a blunt around. "I've got money saved up, I'll catch a plane," I told him. I had it all planned out. I was going to skip school on the Friday before prom and catch a flight to Chicago. I would be there Friday night in time to see Peyton race in her state track meet and then we could go to prom the next day together. All I needed was for Johnson and Sam to help cover for me. "Do you plan on telling her before? Cause you know girls need time to, oh I don't know...get a dress," Johnson said sarcastically to me. "Shit..." I totally forgot about all that stuff. I just really wanted to surprise Peyton so I wasn't planning on telling her before. "Here's an idea, have one her friends get her to get a dress," Sam suggested. "That Grace girl who came to the Magcon event with her seemed chill...and pretty hot, too," Sam said trailing off while inhaling another hit. He passed the blunt to me. I inhaled and then blew out the smoke. "Sammy got a crush?" I joked with him. "Hey I'm just saying she was hot but I would assume she'd probably help," Sam said defensively. He was right. Grace was Peyton's best friend, I easily could get her in on the plan. "Alright, how does Jack get in touch with her?" Johnson asked while taking the blunt from my hand. "I may have possibly gotten her number..." Sam told us. "Dude! That's what's up!!" Johnson said slapping him on the back. I laughed. "When did you even talk to her?" I asked Sam. "When you and Peyton ran off into the sunset," he joked with me. "We started talking cause she was abandoned and we kinda hit it off. It's not like it's going anywhere, she has a boyfriend, we've just texted a few times," Sam explained. I leaned back in the chair and looked up at the sky. It seemed like everything was going to work perfectly.

Peyton POV

"Absolutely not, Grace." I told her while plopping down on her bed. It was about mid afternoon on Saturday. "Pey, come on please!" She begged. "I'm sorry Gracie but there's absolutely no way you're going to get me to third wheel, to prom, with you and Kyle." I told her. She was trying to convince me to go with her and her boyfriend, Kyle. I was upset I wasn't going to prom but I wasn't about to go without Jack. "It wouldn't be third wheeling! Peyton. We've been dying to go to senior prom since we were freshmen, I have to have my best friend there. Pleaseeee," she whined. I got up off her bed. "Let's go dress shopping for you," I told her while linking my arm with hers and grabbing my keys off her dresser. "Fine, but if you find one that you like, you're buying it and going. Deal?" I laughed at how adamant she was about me going. "Deal." I comprised. I hated dressing up so I figured I wouldn't find a dress anyways so it was a safe deal.

Jack POV

I left Johnson's after getting Grace's number from Sam and headed back home. I was still only allowed out of the house for a little bit but I at least had my car back. When I pulled into the driveway I saw my sisters' car in the driveway. They were already home from college for summer vacation. I pulled into the garage and walked inside. Molly and Laura were sitting in the kitchen talking. "What's up, little bro?" Molly asked me when I walked in. "Hey sisters," I greeted them. "Where are Mom and Dad?" I asked. "Out to dinner for their anniversary," Laura told me. I sighed a sigh of relief knowing I would have them off my back for a bit. "So we've heard you've gotten yourself in some trouble with the parental units?" Molly said to me, a smirk spreading across her face. "Oh shut up, Molls," I laughed. "I'll be in my room," I told them while I was already half way out of the kitchen. Once I got to my room, I called Southwest to confirm the flight I had booked last night. Johnson and Sam had agreed to cover for me by saying I was staying at one of their houses all weekend, I just prayed it was going to work. "Alright thank you so much," I said to the lady I spoke with on the phone. "So an 11:30 flight to Chicago May 16th," I repeated to make sure it was correct, after that I hung up the phone. I got up from my desk chair and moved to lay on my bed right as Laura burst through my door. "Uhm, did I just hear you have a flight to Chicago in two weeks?" Dammit. I thought to myself. "No...I don't know what you're talking about..." I tried to lie but I knew Laura would never believe me. "Alright spill, Jack. What's going on?" She demanded of me while walking into my room and closing the door behind her. I groaned. "Fine." I reluctantly agreed. "So I met this girl, her name is Peyton, and she lives in Chicago. I guess you could say were dating now but anyways all I want is to take her to her senior prom and see her run in her state track meet the day before but Mom and Dad refuse to let me go. And normally I would never think to go behind their backs and fly to another state, but Laur...I'm crazy about this girl," I told her honestly. Her facial expression softened. "Aw, that's really sweet Jack, but are you seriously going to get on a plane and leave the state without Mom and Dad knowing?" I just nodded in response. Laura didn't talk for a minute, she just sat there and I could tell she was thinking. "Alright, fine, I'm going with." She said firmly. "What? Really, Laur?" I couldn't believe she actually agreed with me. "You're my little brother, I have to look out for you and plus I can tell you really do care about this girl, and I'm not the type to stand in the way of looovveeeee," she sang to me. I started laughing. Next I knew, Molly was barging through my door, too. "Where are you guys going?" She asked curiously. "Does anyone knock or mind their own business in this family?" I asked but she just ignored me and repeated her question. "To Chicago, for Jack's boo," Laura responded. I shot her a look, I didn't want her going around telling everyone. Molly's jaw dropped. "I'm assuming Mom and Dad don't know?" She asked. I slightly nodded. "Oh my god! Laura! Jack! I can't let you guys do this! That's crazy! Mom and Dad will kill you guys, and I don't want to be a part of that!" She started freaking out. "Fine, then don't be, just promise not to tell Mom and Dad," I told Molly. "This is crazy," she said while spinning around and storming out of my room. "Looks like it's just us," Laura said to me. "She better not rat us out," was all I said back. "It'll all be fine,"Laura said while getting up and leaving my room. I just hung in my room the rest of the night, thinking about getting to see Peyton again, especially seeing her all dressed up. I only went downstairs for dinner and then went back to my room. I was scrolling through my phone and listening to music when someone knocked on my door. "Who is it?" I asked. "Molly," she quietly said. "Come in," I replied while taking my headphones off. She closed the door behind her and sat on the bed. "I'll go with," was all she said. I sat up and gave her a surprised look. "Why did you change your mind?" I asked her. "Because I know you, and I know you wouldn't do something like this unless you were really serious about a girl. Plus, were siblings and we stick together no matter what." I gave her a smile. "Thanks, Molls." She got up off my bed and started to leave. "I love you, Jack," she said before shutting the door behind her. I laid back on my pillows. Everything seemed to be going well. Now I had my best friends and sisters helping me out. I prayed the next two weeks went by quickly, in the mean time I would just have to continue daydreaming about Peyton, which wasn't too bad when I knew I would soon get to see her. The real her.

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