Trouble in Paradise #11

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Jack's POV

"Okay, Jack. Be safe, make good choices, stay focused, and call me everyday, okay? I love you, sweetheart." My mom hugged me goodbye while we stood at my gate in the airport. "Love you, too, Mom." I said, giving her a hug back. "Good luck, son. Stay safe. Love you," my dad said hugging me next. "Flight 2093 to Los Angeles is now boarding." The flight attendant spoke through the loud speakers at the gate. "Well, that's me. Love you guys," I told my parents one last time before turning to board the plane. I handed the flight attendant my boarding pass and she scanned it. "Welcome aboard," she smiled at me while handing it back. I gave her a slight smile and walked down the tunnel to the plane. Once I was on the plane I found a window seat and sat down. I placed my backpack underneath the chair in front of me and put on my headphones. It was strange not traveling with Johnson but he had left a couple days before me to head back to LA after Thanksgiving. I quickly sent him a text, "Hey bro, just got on the plane. See ya in a few hours." I then turned my phone on airplane mode and closed my eyes. Immediately, my thoughts drifted back to where they had been the past couple days. After Peyton telling me her mom said no to us moving in together, I was trying my best to remain positive. I understood where her mom was coming from but I was still upset. I had pictured Peyton and me living together and how perfect it would be. I would get to fall asleep with her in my arms every night, that idea seemed quite unfathomable when all we ever had was distance between us. I closed my eyes as I felt the plane begin to move down the runway.


"It's been too long bro," I told Johnson as I walked through our apartment door. Johnson was laying on the couch playing video games. "It's been like 2 days," he laughed while lookin back to his game. I tossed my bag on the ground and joined him on the couch after grabbing a drink from the fridge. "So are we gonna have a fourth roommate?" Johnson asked as he feverishly fired at some guy on the screen. I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. "I wish dude, but Mrs. Logan is like totally against it. I don't know, it's sort of bullshit but I also get it." I told Johnson. He paused the game and got up and went to the fridge. "That sucks, I was lookin forward to having Peyton join the crew." Johnson said while looking through the fridge. "Me too, but I guess were just destined to a long distance relationship." I said while getting off the couch to go unpack. I picked up my duffle bag from the floor and walked down the hall towards my room at the end of the hall. "Yo Jack! Meeting later today!" Johnson reminded me. I closed the door behind me and plopped onto my bed. The ceiling fan above me was slowly spinning, I stared at it while trying to get my emotions in control. I didn't know why but Peyton not moving in was taking a toll on me. I wanted it to happen so badly I couldn't help but feel crushed when it didn't. Rather than moping about it, I forced myself to get up. I unzipped my bag and began putting clothes back into their drawers. I prayed the meeting later would distract my thoughts from Peyton for at least a couple hours.

Peyton's POV

The sun was barely shining through my curtains when I heard a knocking on my bedroom door. "Come in," I mumbled while rolling over in bed. "Morning, Pey." Ryan said while walking into my bedroom. "Ready to head back to school today?" He asked and took a seat on my bed. "Yes." I told him matter of factly. I heard him sigh. "Pey, you have to talk to her before you leave. You're being immature." He said. I sat up in my bed and looked at him. "Immature? I'm being immature, Ryan? Don't talk to me about being immature, you're the king of that. Secondly, she deserves it. She didn't even consider it. It's not fair. I should be allowed to go to UCLA. I should be allowed to be with Jack. I'm 18, I deserve to make my own decisions." I told Ryan, suddenly becoming heated. He nodded his head. "I get that, I understand where you're coming from. I think she is overreacting, I mean Jack is a great guy and I don't want you to lose him. But she's your mom, you guys have always been so close. I hate seeing you ignoring her. Especially around the holidays. You know it's killing her." He told me gently. I felt my stomach drop. I hated being angry with my mom. Our family had always been so close, it was strange not getting along. Yet, I was too upset with her logic to care that I was ruining the harmony between us. "I'm just ready to leave home and go back to school so I don't have to see her everyday." I said while climbing out of bed to finish packing and to get ready. Ryan stood up and went to the door but turned around before he left. "Peyton?" He said, I turned to face him. "She already lost Dad, don't make her lose you, too." With that, he left. What he said hit hard with me. I felt it in my heart. I quickly pushed it away and went back to my packing. I knew Ryan was right but I didn't care. Jack was the love of my life and I couldn't be okay with my mom taking that away. My phone started ringing, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Meet me at the tree in ten minutes," was all Grace said before hanging up. I knew exactly what she meant. Growing up, we had a tree at the end of our street we would always climb up in. We talked about everything there. We spent the days after my dad died there, we talked about our first kisses there, and our first heartbreaks. Grace and I always saved the big talks for that tree. I hoped everything was okay with her while I got dressed. I threw on the first thing I saw in my closet and went downstairs. Thankfully I didn't run into my mom in the process so I quickly jogged out the front door and walked down the street. I finally came to the dead end where the old tree was leaning in it's old age. Grace was sitting on a branch, her feet dangling in the air. "So what's up?" I asked while climbing the trunk of the tree up to the branch she was on. "I've been thinking," Grace said while looking out at the street and all the huge houses that lined it. "Thinking about what?" I questioned, dying to know why she called me here. "You're Peyton Logan, you're a straight A student, varsity track runner, beautiful, kind, never done anything wrong, type of girl." Grace said while still staring straight ahead. I looked around, unsure of what she was getting at. "So?" I asked. "So when have you ever done something for you? Just gone against the rules and lived? Growing up, I did enough rebelling for the both of us but now it's your turn to rebel for you." Grace said. "What are you getting at?" Finally she turned to me, a smile spreading across her face. "Move in with Jack. Just fucking go for it." A smile spread across my face. "Seriously Gracie?" She nodded. "I saw how badly you wanted it on Thanksgiving and I've seen how much your mom saying no has affected you." My mind was spinning. A part of me wanted to do it but was unsure, however with Grace suggesting it, I started to become more intrigued with the idea. "So you support me in rebelling against my moms rule?" I confirmed. "Peyton, I'm your best friend, right?" She asked. "No shit," I laughed. "Okay, then I would never tell you to do something if I didn't think it was a good idea. Jack is the guy for you, I know it. You've had such a hard time these past years and you deserve this. I love your mom like she's my own but I disagree with her on this one. So go for it. Live your life and move in with the guy you love." I flung my arms around Grace. "I love you Grace Isabella Butler." I told her. She giggled and hugged me back. "I love you too, Peyton Rose Logan. But get your ass back home and call that boy. Have safe travels back to Arizona and call me once you're there." With that, Grace and I said our goodbyes and I started walking home. I took in the cool fall breeze and the changing colors of the leaves. It was a beautiful morning, a morning that was just made a hundred times better. I couldn't wait to call Jack and tell him he was going to have a new roommate. I smiled to myself, finally happy with where I was in life, even if it meant losing a relationship with my mom. I would have Jack and that's all that mattered...right?

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