Flights #1

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Peyton's POV

"We have gathered you all here today," Johnson began. We all laughed at his tone of voice. David, Katherine, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Wilkinson, and I all sat in the living room of our apartment in California. It was the end of April. It had been three months since my miscarriage and things had definitely looked up for Jack and I. My first year of college was coming to a close which was such a relief. I only had three weeks left of classes. Jack and Johnson's career had taken off even more with the release of their first album and I couldn't be more proud. Jack smiled at me from where he stood. We all sat on the couch while Johnson, Sam, and Jack stood in front of us. I smiled back at Jack. That little smirk of his still had the power to drive me crazy after all this time. His tan was already deepening and it was hardly even May yet. His muscular arms were so evident against the sleeve of his white tee shirt. I glanced down his body, looking at his black jeans and the blue Vans on his feet. He was so handsome, so damn handsome. My stomach fluttered with butterflies just looking at him. Jack must've noticed my stare because he gave me a quick wink. I felt my face flush. He smirked more and waited for Johnson to continue. "Jack, Sam, and I have some great news to share with you all," Johnson continued. I focused my attention back to Johnson. All the boys looked like seven year olds on Christmas morning. Their faces filled with goofy smirks. "We're going on tour this summer but it's going to be even bigger than the last tour. We're set to play in larger arenas and we even have a couple international shows planned." Everyone's faces changed as surpise and excitement took over. Katherine was the first to speak. "Oh my gosh, I am so incredibly proud of you boys," she said, hopping up to give them all hugs. All the other adults followed in suit, congratulating the boys and giving them hugs. I remained on the couch for a moment, trying to process what they had just told us. I couldn't be more proud of the success they were achieving but I also couldn't help but think that Jack would be thousands of miles away all summer.

Jack's POV

As all our parents congratulated us, I watched Peyton. She remained on the couch. I could tell she was trying to fake excitement. I didn't blame her, she thought we were going to have to do the long distance relationship again. Yet, that was far from true, I had something planned. When she saw me watching she quickly hopped up. "I'm so proud of you, Jay. The fans are going to love it," she said while flinging her arms around me. I held her tight against me and kissed her forehead. "Thanks, Pey," I told her. Everyone sat back down and we began talking logistics with our parents. Johnson and my album had come out a month ago. After the miscarriage, I tried to spend as much time with Peyton as possible. She didn't have anyone else besides me. The only ones who knew about the pregnancy and miscarriage was Johnson and Sam. They tried to be there for her as much as possible but I knew it was hard not having her mom or Grace. I would take her to class and pick her up. I made sure to be home every night so she wouldn't lie alone in bed. It had given Johnson and I limited time to work but we still were able to finish our album. Since the album came out, we had solely been working on publicity. We had a lot more time to spend away at photoshoots since Peyton was back to her normal self. She was busy with school and studying for finals. I focused back into the moment. Mrs. Johnson was currently asking about the tour schedule. Peyton came over to me and whispered in my ear. "Hey babe, I'm going to call Grace," she said. I nodded and smiled at her. She then left the room and walked out to the balcony.

Peyton's POV

I walked outside into the California air and pulled my phone out of my pocket. Grace and I hadn't been able to talk as much the past few months since I sort of shut down after the miscarriage. I just lied and told her Jack and I were busy with school, music, and our new life together. I wasn't sure if she believed me but I didn't want to tell her about the miscarriage. Knowing Grace she would drop everything and fly out to be with me and I couldn't have her doing that. Her schoolwork was important for her and I didn't want to ruin that. Since I was getting back to my regular self and recovering from the loss of Jack's and my baby, I made an effort to call her daily. Grace was like my sister and I hated not talking to her. "I love seeing a call from you everyday," Grace giggled as she picked up on the first ring. I laughed. "I missed talking to you, Gracie," I told her. "Who wouldn't?" She joked. We chatted for a while, she always had some new hook up story to tell me or some crazy party story. Grace had always been wild but it still shocked me with each new tale. "So what's new with you P Logan?" She asked after her stories. I sighed. "Jack just told me he's going on tour all summer. I couldn't be more proud but I hate having a long distance relationship," I told Grace. "Damn P, I'm sorry, that's really shitty. Like I'm super proud of Jack and proud of you for getting him," I laughed at Grace's comment. She always pointed out how proud she was that I got "THE Jack Gilinsky." "But long distance is awful, plus you guys already did that forever." She continued. I couldn't agree more with what she said. "But you know what? It's all going to be okay! You and I can have a bomb ass summer together back in Chicago. We need some quality sister time, I know Momma Logan and Ryan miss us," she said. That's why I loved Grace. She always had the ability to brighten my days. "You're right, Grace. Jack or no Jack, we're going to have a great summer," I tried to believe myself when I said that but I knew that could never be true. Any day without Jack wasn't the same. I needed Jack by my side.

Jack's POV

After we talked with our parents for a long time about the details of our summer tour and having Sammy as our opening act, they finally left. "Alright, I'm going out," Sammy said within minutes of everyone leaving. Sam had been taking classes at UCLA and had met a lot of guys there. He was at a college party or fraternity house every night. I chuckled. "Have fun Sammy boy, don't get too many STDs," I joked. He shot me a look and then left. Johnson sat on the couch with his laptop. "I'm going to call Mall," he said. I nodded and walked upstairs to find my girl while Johnson talked to his. Peyton was laying in bed with books and notes around her while Cali laid curled up at her feet. "How's my sexy lady doing?" I asked while laying down next to her. "Jack! Don't mess up my notes!" She screeched. I chuckled. She shot me a look but a smirk quickly danced across her face. "So what do you think about the tour?" I asked her. "I am thrilled for you guys," she said. She was doing a good job of faking enthusiasm but I saw right through it. "Pey, be honest," I said. She sighed and looked at me. "I'm going to miss the shit out of you," she said, her bottom lip pouting outward as she looked down. She looked like a little girl. I grinned. Her frown quickly turned into a scowl with her eyebrows knit. "Don't laugh at me, Jack Gilinsky!" She scolded while hitting my arm. I laughed even more. "No, it's just you're cute, and also you don't have anything to be sad about," I said. Peyton looked confused. She eyed me. "Continue..." She said. "Well, I was thinking you could come with us," I told her. She looked shocked. "Really?" She questioned. "Of course, I mean only if you're okay being away all summer and traveling and-" Peyton cut me off. "Are you kidding!? That sounds amazing! Are you sure people won't mind if I come?" She asked. "It's Johnson and my tour so that means were in control and that means you're coming," I told her sternly. She giggled and crawled over to me. "This sounds perfect, seeing the world with you and watching your fine ass perform every night," she whispered while she leaned in and pressed her lips against mine. I pressed my lips back until I pulled away. "I was thinking that Grace could come with us for a while, too, that way you guys can see each other," I offered. Peyton pulled back. Her eyes looked like the size of saucers. "For real!?" She asked. I grinned at her reaction. "Yes Peyton, I want to give you everything you want. We've had one hell of a year and I think we both deserve a relaxed, amazing, summer surrounded with our best friends." She smiled and leaned into me again. Before her lips touched mine, she whispered, "It looks like were just going to be taking 'flights to LA, trips to Paris...'" She trailed off as I pressed my lips to hers, a smile still on my face.

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