Distance #24

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Jack's POV

I groaned while I rolled over on my bed. The thunder shook the house as rain poured onto the roof. The storms in Omaha had been nonstop lately, forcing me to stay indoors. All of my friends were busy so I just spent the day laying around the house. Normally I would be content doing that because I could FaceTime Peyton. But that wasn't possible these days. Peyton had been busy at work, she worked practically everyday and hardly ever had time to talk anymore. I wasn't angry with her, I understood she had other responsibilities it was just I missed her even more than usual. I got up off my bed, leaving my phone behind since there was no one to talk to, and walked downstairs. My sisters were in the family room watching a movie, I figured I would join them since I had nothing else going on. "What's up with you?" Molly asked when I plopped down onto the couch next to her. I sighed and Laura paused the movie. "Okay, spit it out." She demanded. I couldn't believe that once again my sisters were helping me with my girl problems. "It's just Peyton's been so busy we hardly talk anymore and I just miss her like crazy." I told them honestly. "You can't blame her for having a life," Laura said. I rolled my eyes at her sass. "It's not that, it's just the fact that the distance between us feels even bigger now and I don't know, I just want to do something for her," I told them. I missed Peyton and wanted her to know that even though we weren't talking as much, that she was still on my mind 24/7. From what she was doing to what she was wearing, there wasn't a moment I didn't think about her. "Why don't you write her a letter? You know, like a good old hand written love letter," Molly suggested. I laughed. "What?" Molly asked, looking offended. "I'm not going to do that. I like to think of myself as a guy...." I told Molly. "Whatever, you wanted my advice and there it is. Girls like that kind of stuff and what better way to show her you're thinking about her than physically writing it down?" She said while playing the movie again. I got up and left the family room and headed back to my room. I laid down on my bed and picked up my phone. I scrolled through Twitter while thinking about what Molly said. Even though I originally laughed, I was beginning to think it may be a good idea. I could write everything down and surprise Peyton with it. I got up from my bed and sat down at my desk. I scrummaged around for a piece of paper that wasn't crinkled and picked up a pen. I drummed the pen on my desk, thinking of where to begin. Finally, I decided on what to say and started writing.

Peyton's POV

I pulled into my driveway and parked my car. I got out and quickly jogged through the rain into the house. Ryan was laying on the couch watching TV. "What's up little sis? How was work?" He asked me. I groaned while rubbing my eyes, not caring I still had on makeup. "Exhausting, it's been so busy plus I've realized this world is full of assholes." I said while slipping off my shoes and laying my head back. Ryan laughed. "Unfortunately that it is very true," he glanced at his watch. "Damn, it's already 11:30?" I yawned and nodded. "They've been keeping me late. I'm going to bed because I'm working again tomorrow," I told Ryan while getting up off the couch. "Quick question," Ryan said. I turned around to see him. "Why do you even work? We don't have to pay for anything so what's the point?" He asked me. Ryan was right. Our dad had left us with enough money for the rest of our lives but I still insisted on working. I had some pride issue or something, I didn't want to mooch off of my dad the rest of my life, I liked earning my own money. "Cuz I'm not a lazy ass like you, goodnight Ry," I said while walking out of the room and headed upstairs. I heard Ryan laughing at my comment as I left. I didn't even bother to shower, I just quickly washed my face, took off my dress, slipped on Jack's extremely worn out shirt, and climbed into bed. I glanced at my phone and noticed a few texts from Jack. I wanted to talk to him so badly but I didn't have the energy especially with my pillow and covers wrapped all around me. I turned my phone off and snuggled into bed, instantly falling alseep.

Jack's POV

I finished my letter and the next morning I put it in the mailbox. I hoped Peyton liked the gesture and didn't think I was a total loser for doing it. It was finally a sunny day so Johnson, Sam, and I were all going to shoot hoops at Sam's house. I climbed into my Jeep and pulled out of the driveway. I glanced at the date on the clock. I realized it was only a week until I got to see Peyton again. All I could hope was that we had the most relaxing weekend ever, she deserved it after working so much. I began to wonder why she worked, I knew she had a ton of money and if I were her I definitely would waste my time. Sam's house came into view, I parked in the street since all the guys were on the driveway. We spent the day shooting around and playing one on one. Once it was dark we headed back to Sammy's yard. We started a bonfire and all sat around. Johnson pulled out a baggy full of weed. I smirked at him. "It's been way to long," I said while taking the bag from him. I quickly rolled myself a joint and lit it, instantly feeling relaxed. 'Thats it!' I thought to myself. This was exactly what Peyton needed. I wasn't sure if she was huge into smoking but I knew she wasn't against partying. "Yo, Sam can you hook me up with a gram in like a week?" I asked him. "Yeah for sure, but what do you need a whole gram for?" He asked me. "My girl needs a break," I told him. Johnson started laughing. "Oh dude, you're gonna have one hell of weekend." I laughed and leaned back in my chair, taking another hit. Johnson was right, next weekend was going to be amazing. Just me and Peyton. I was determined to take away her stress and help her enjoy summer, the way it was supposed to be spent.

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