Flights #2

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Jack's POV

"Pey, let's go!!" I called up the stairs to Peyton. "Coming!" She yelled back. I sighed and looked at my watch. We had to catch our flight in an hour. Peyton had just finished her last final only a few hours before but she was set on flying back to Chicago the same day. She hadn't been home in months and she was desperate to see her mom, Ryan, and Grace. We left for tour the next week and she wanted to spend as much time with her family as possible which I could understand. I tapped my foot as I waited on the couch in the living room for Peyton. Finally, she came stumbling down the stairs with her bags in hand. I quickly hopped up and jogged over to assist her. She was winded as she handed me some of her bags. "Ok, I'm ready," she said, extremely flustered. I chuckled. "Take a breath, Peyton. We'll catch the flight." She gave me a slight smile before ushering us out of the apartment. Johnson and Sammy were out to lunch so we locked the door behind us before quickly catching the elevator.


Peyton and I pulled up to LAX and hopped out of the car. The driver helped unload our bags from the trunk. Peyton grabbed hers and I grabbed mine. I fumbled with my wallet as I tried to pay the driver. "Jay, let's go!" Peyton urged. Finally, I got the money out and thanked the man. We then turned around and began running into the airport. An airport is about the only place in the world, along with maybe a hospital, where you can sprint like a madman and no one will question it. Thankfully, the lines were short so we got through check in and security fairly quickly. After we got through security, we ran towards the gate. B37 was in view as we heard a voice through the loud speakers. "The doors are now being closed for flight number 2298 to Chicago." Instinctively, Peyton and I picked up our pace. We came flying up to the desk outside the terminal door. We were both out of breath but I managed to speak. "Can we still board?" I asked the flight attendant. She gave me a disapproving look before begrudgingly agreeing. She took our boarding passes and scanned them before opening the door back up. "Please try to be more punctual next time," she said with a final glare. I nodded to her and then Peyton and I turned to get on the plane. As soon as the flight attendant shut the door behind us, Peyton and I looked at each other and began cracking up. "Please try to be more punctual," Peyton mocked the lady. We both laughed even more as we eventually made our way onto the plane. The only seats available were way in the back so we had to walk down the whole aisle. People gave us glares for holding up the flight but Peyton and I didn't care. We continued to chuckle at everyone. All that really mattered was that Peyton and I were together and we were having fun. Two seats came into view, I slid in first and then Peyton sat down next to me. An older lady was sitting in the aisle seat. She gave us a friendly smile. "Young love," she quietly said while smiling to herself before picking up a magazine to read. Peyton turned and smiled at me while holding onto my arm. I smiled back at her, kissing her forehead. She laid her head on my shoulder as the plane began to move down the runway.

Peyton's POV

The flight to Chicago went by quickly since I had managed to sleep the whole time. "Pey, wake up, we landed safely," Jack nudged me gently. We filed out of the seats and waited in the aisle for the rest of the plane to disembark. I leaned back against Jack while we stood waiting. He wrapped his arms around me and set his head on my shoulder. It was always such a process to get off the plane. I hated it. It was like you finally got to your destination, you were so close, but you had to stand on the plane even longer. People really fustrated me sometimes. I felt Jack chuckle. "What?" I snapped. He laughed again. "You're cute when you're angry," he said. I huffed. "I'm not angry," I defended myself. His grin grew. "Yes you are, you're tense and its because of how long these people are taking," he said. I didn't want to let on that he was right. "Peyton Rose, when are you going to realize I know you better than you know yourself?" Jack said, getting closer to my ear. "Oh leave me alone," I said while pushing him away. He chuckled at my behavior and I couldn't help but giggle too. Finally, people started moving and Jack and I made our way off of the plane. It was odd, everything was normal one second and then everything was different the next. Jack and I had been in our own world the entire time since LA yet the second we stepped foot off the plane, girls flocked everywhere. I was taken off guard. Jack leaned into my ear and gently pushed me forward. "Just keep walking Pey, it happens at every airport nowadays." Jack smiled at the girls and waved but continued to push us through them. The whole airport scene was a blur but next thing I knew Jack had gotten our luggage and gotten us in the car that was picking us up. Once it was just the two of us, Jack wrapped his arm around me and pulled me into him. "You alright?" He asked, searching my eyes. "Y-yeah...just a little...a little taken off guard I suppose," I told him honestly, still in shock from the airport. I guess I had been so focused on school and the miscarriage that I hadn't realized how much Jack's fame had grown. Jack and I always had our little apartment, our own little world, I never experienced this part with him. "Yeah, since our album came out, whenever Johnson and I go anywhere, the aiports have become packed. It's crazy." Jack explained. I nodded. "That's awesome, you have some pretty great fans," I told him with a smile. I meant it, I really did, but a part of me couldn't help but be nervous. This was about to be my whole summer. A summer full of girls obsessing over my boyfriend, being followed everywhere, people talking about us. What if I couldn't handle it? What if it ruined Jack and my relationship? I looked out the window and tried to push aside the nagging thought that I shouldn't be going on this tour.

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