Distance #22

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Peyton's POV

Jack and I woke up as the sun was beginning to rise. We had fallen asleep, entangled in each other's arms. I groggily lifted my head off his chest and looked at him. Jack gave me a little smile before gently placing his lips to mine. "Last night was amazing," he said to me. I smiled into another kiss. We laid there together just watching the sunrise. Jack's strong arms were wrapped around me, I listened to his steady heart beat while I thought back to last night. I didn't regret it at all. It was the most magical and passionate moment I had ever experienced. The best part was waking up next to Jack and not feeling awkward but just feeling comfortable as though I was home. I buried my head deeper into the crook of his neck. My mind was still struggling to grasp the idea that Jack had never had sex before last night. I was so shocked to learn that but that almost made it better. I loved the idea that Jack and I lost our virginity to each other, I was happy I was his first. Jack broke the silence. "Well, we've been on this beach for over 18 hours now," he laughed while sitting up. "Why don't we go inside and clean up?" He offered while standing up and extending his hand to me. I groaned. "Jack, I don't wanna leave, I like this little paradise where it's just you and me!" I whined. He laughed while stepping in close and tickling me. "You're such a 4 year old!" He said while I giggled and tried to get out of his reach. "Jack let go!" I screeched in protest while still laughing uncontrollably. He picked me up and threw me over his shoulder so I was dangling upside down. I pounded his back with little fists and squirmed around, attempting to make it difficult to carry me. Jack just laughed. "Fight all you want, you won't win," I finally gave up. There was no way I was beating Jack's strength. He started walking up the beach and towards the house. "I'm calling the police, you're kidnapping me," I warned him while still hanging off his shoulder as his strong arms held my legs. Jack just laughed. "Okay, you do that Pey," he said while finally putting me on the ground. "Woah, I said I didn't like being flung over your shoulder, it doesn't mean I want to walk all the way to the house." I told him while crossing my arms. He tossed his head back and groaned. "Fineeee, get on my back," I kissed his cheek. "Thanks babe," I said while jumping onto his back. "Anything for you love," he replied and continued up through the sand.

Jack's POV

Peyton and I walked into the house to find all our friends sitting around the kitchen table eating breakfast. "Well look who finally decided to join us!" Sam yelled from the kitchen sink where he stood shirtless with a SnapBack on backwards. Peyton's face flushed. "Ha ha," I laughed fakely. "Very funny," I said while pulling Peyton into my side. I noticed Erin wink at Peyton out of the corner of my eye. I knew everyone realized what happened between me and Peyton, but I didn't really care. I was in love with Peyton and I wanted to show that to the world. "I'm gonna go shower," Peyton said while starting to walk upstairs. "I'll be back down in a bit," I gave her a smile and joined my friends at the table.

Peyton's POV

I found my way upstairs and into the guest bathroom the girls were all sharing. I brushed my teeth and then went into the bedroom Sammy's mom had gotten ready for us to all sleep in. Sleeping bags and clothes were strewn across the floor from all of us. I dug through the mess and found my phone and laid down on the bed. I needed a few minutes to myself. When I turned my phone on, I had hundreds of notifications. The picture that Johnson posted of me and Mallory was getting so much attention. Now tons of people were commenting on and liking all of my pictures. Most of the comments were nice but not all of them. It was odd that so many people suddenly cared about who I was. Someone knocked on the bedroom door. "Come in!" I called. Jack opened the door and walked in. "Is everything okay babe?" He asked me. "You ran away pretty quick down there," I nodded. "Oh yeah, don't worry, I love all your friends," I giggled. "I just wanted to hang out and check my phone." Jack must have noticed I was distracted because he took my phone and glanced at the screen. "Do you not like my fans knowing?" He asked me concerned. "No, that's not it. It's just new to me...I don't want them to hate me." Jack laid down next to me. "What matters, is that I love you. And nothing will ever change that." He kissed my forehead. "Come here," Jack said. I curled up next to him. He lifted my chin up and kissed my cheek a bunch of times making me giggle, he took his phone out and took a picture of it. "Jack!" I said. "What?" He asked. "I want to show my girl off, I think the fans just need to see how much I love you and everything will be better." I nodded. He posted the picture of me laughing while he kissed my cheek with the caption "love @peytonlogan more than life" I sighed. "I hope you're right, Jack." I told him. "Don't worry, Pey, everything will be alright."

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