Distance #18

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Jack's POV

The next morning we woke up early and packed up. We all loaded into the same cars as the day before, Johnson drove and Mallory sat in the front seat of my car. I climbed into the back and put my headphones on. We had about three hours until we got to Peyton's house so I texted her letting her know when I thought we would get there. The plan was to drive the rest of the day and then stop at another hotel for the night. We would then finish the drive the next day. I turned up my music and fell back asleep to kill time before getting to Chicago.


I woke up to Mallory shaking my shoulder. "Jack, where do we go once were off the highway?" I opened my eyes to see that we were exiting the highway. I quickly woke up, realizing how soon I would see Peyton. I explained the directions to Johnson. We made our way through Peyton's town, passing her high school and some parks before I saw the gates to the neighborhood. "Ok it's on the left," I told Johnson. He whistled. "Damn, she's loaded," he said. I laughed at his reaction. Mallory looked out the window in awe. "These houses are incredible," she said. "Just follow this street, it will curve down a hill and her house is back in the corner," I explained. Finally, I saw Peyton's house come into view. Johnson pulled into her driveway. Sammy parked in the street and Emily parked behind him. Everyone got out to stretch their legs. "I'll go get her!" I said while basically sprinting to the front door. I rang the doorbell and impatiently waited. Eventually, Mrs. Logan opened the door, a smile across her face. "Jack! Sweetheart, it's so good to see you again! I'm so happy you got here safely," she said while pulling me into a hug. I hugged her back. "It's good to see you, too...where's Peyton?" I asked, distracted. Mrs. Logan laughed. "She's up in her room, why don't you surprise her and go get her," she told me. I made my way up the stairs and down the hall. I gently knocked on Peyton's door. "Come in!" She called. I opened the door and walked in. Her back was facing me so I cleared my throat. She turned around and a huge smile spread across her face. "Jack!!" She screamed while jumping into my arms. "I've missed you so so so much!" She told me while burrowing her face into my neck. My body relaxed, finally holding Peyton in my arms made everything okay. I held onto her tightly. "I've missed you so much too, Pey." I told her while kissing her forehead. She giggled and unwrapped her arms from me. "Is everyone ready?" She asked me. I could sense some nervousness in her voice. "Yeah, everyone is outside, don't worry Pey, this week is going to be amazing." I reassured her. She sighed and sat down on her bed. Her excited face dropped. "What is it?" I asked her concerned, while sitting down next to her. She looked up at me. "Jack, what if everyone hates me?" She said quietly. I cupped her small face in my hands and studied her diamond blue eyes. "Anyone would be crazy not to love you, Peyton Logan." I whispered to her while pressing my lips to her. She smiled into the kiss before pressing her lips against mine. She ran her fingers through the hair at the nape of my neck. Peyton's perfume engulfed me and her warm touch made my body tingle. I easily could have gotten lost in the moment but I quickly remembered all my friends outside. I pulled away and sighed. "Sadly, we should probably hit the road," I told her. She smiled. "Let's do this," she said while standing up and picking up her bag. I took her other one and we headed downstairs.

Peyton's POV

I glanced at the lit up dashboard. The clock read midnight. Jack had been driving for the past two hours. Johnson and Mallory were sound asleep in the backseat, I had fallen asleep for a little bit but I had mostly been enjoying just sitting next to Jack. The country radio station hummed lightly in the background. Even though Jack hated country music, he turned it on for me. Jack glanced over at me then, I realized I had been staring at his chiseled profile. He smiled and placed his hand on my thigh, rubbing his thumb in circles. "So it wasn't that bad, right babe?" He asked me, referring to meeting all his friends. "Not at all," I genuinely told him. Everyone had been really welcoming and friendly, I wasn't nervous to spend a week with them anymore, plus being so close to Jack made everything better. The highway was quiet except for a few other cars, zooming past. Jack kept his eyes focused on the dark road ahead and I gazed out the window at the stars. "I love the night sky, it's so beautiful," I said to Jack. "Just like you," he said quietly, still focused on the road. I smiled and laid my head on his shoulder. "Jay, are you sure you're not too tired? Maybe we should find a hotel soon." I suggested to Jack, I could barely keep my eyes open so I had no clue how he was still driving. He yawned and nodded. "Yeah that's a good idea, plus I can't wait to spend the first night of many with my girl." He winked at me, I giggled and nuzzled my head into his shoulder. I yawned and struggled to keep my eyelids open. "Go to sleep, Pey, I'll be fine. I'll wake you when were at the hotel." Jack whispered, noticing how exhausted I was. I mumbled "Okay," before drifting off to sleep on Jack's shoulder.

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