Distance #23

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Peyton's POV

"Tell me everything." Grace demanded before she was even visible in my backyard. I heard the rod iron gate close behind her as she emerged from around the house with her towel in hand. I was laying next to the pool, getting some sun. "Well good to see you, too, best friend. It's only been a week that we haven't seen each other." I joked with her while getting up and running over to her. I jumped into her arms. She hugged me back. "God, I've missed you," she squealed. "But seriously, I want to know everything." Grace said while laying down on the lounge chair and taking off her tank top so she was just in her bikini. I sat cross legged on the lounge chair next to her and took a deep breath. "There's a lot." I warned. "And we've got all day," she replied. I smirked and began. I told her all about the roadtrip down and how I really hit it off with Johnson's girlfriend, Mallory. I explained everything about Sammy's house to the days on the beach. Grace was jealous she missed out on the 24/7 partying. I told her how everyone knew about me dating Jack now. "So my best friend is famous!?" She said. I laughed. "Not really, I just have thousands of girls fan girling over my boyfriend." She sat up and looked at me. "So what made you guys decide to go public? Did you exchange the 'L' word?" Grace whispered. I felt myself blush. "We did a little more than that..." I said quietly while glancing at the ground. "Oh my god. You had sex!?! My best friend lost her virgnity!? And she lost it to Jack Gilinsky!?" Grace started freaking out. "Grace! Shhhh, my mom is inside!" I told her, nervous my mom would hear Grace freaking out about how I had sex. Grace lowered her scream to a whisper. "Tell me all about it!! Was it painful? Did he initiate it? Did you like it? Was he good?" She fired off questions. "Slow down, 20 questions." I laughed. "It was romantic, not painful, and I suppose it was a mutual thing. Just sort of in the moment. And of course he was good." I laughed. Grace laughed too. "Yeah I didn't even really need to ask, you just look at that boy and you automatically know he's good in bed." "Grace!" I scolded her. She stood up, "Hey, you know it's true!" She said while diving into the pool. When she resurfaced she swam to the edge and placed her elbows on the ledge. "So was Sam fun?" She asked me. Her question caught me off guard. "Sam? Uhm yeah, he's really cool. He loves to party but he's a super chill guy." I told her. She smiled and started to float on her back. "Why do you ask?" I asked Grace while getting up and sitting down on the edge of the pool, dangling my feet in the water. "Oh no reason, I just talked to him at that Magcon event and he seemed really nice. And not too bad looking either." She added. "Gracie! Do you finally have a crush on a boy other than Ryan!?" I joked. She laughed and swam over to me. "Ha ha. Very funny P. But no, if you don't remember, I am in a relationship. A relationship I have been in for the past three years. I just find Sam cute, that's all." I rolled my eyes. "Gracie, how much longer are you going to put up with Kyle? I know you've dated for three years, but you deserve better." I had been telling Grace to break up with Kyle forever. All they did was fight and break up just to get back together. He had cheated on her multiple times but she still took him back. "Hey. Today isn't about me. Tell me more about Jack and the trip. I want to know everything." I sighed, giving up on the topic of her and Kyle.

Jack's POV

Once we were back in Omaha nothing much changed. Everyday was boring but the nights were fun and filled with parties. The only difference was Peyton wasn't there which made everything less exciting. After being with her all the time for a week straight, I really felt her absence. "I miss you so much. I wish you were here with me." I texted her while laying out at my friends pool. All the guys were goofing around in the water or shooting hoops. All I kept thinking was how in a few weeks, I was going to Peyton's for a weekend. We had planned it once we had gotten back from Sam's house. Our parents said it was okay so that meant I would be in Chicago for a few days. "Jack! Stop moping about your girlfriend and come swim with us!" Johnson yelled to me from the water. "Dude shut up! You get to see your girl everyday!" I laughed while chucking the ball he had thrown at me back to him. While I was laying on the lounge chair, I scrolled through Instagram and Twitter. My fans had exploded about the news of my new girlfriend. I just wanted to make sure it was all good still. Most of the comments were nice which made me happy. I figured I would post another picture of me and Peyton to just keep them excited plus I wanted this relationship to be more public so the fans knew Peyton would be sticking around for a long time. I found a picture of me and Peyton on our first date. It was a picture of us standing next to the Ferris wheel on Navy Pier. I smiled at the memory and how beautiful she looked that night. I posted it to Instagram with the caption "Really missin my girl right now. Can't wait to see you in a few weeks #loveyou" I knew it would make people even more interested in Peyton but I was enjoying showing her off to the world. I set my phone down and jumped into the pool. Sam dived off the diving board creating a huge splash. "Jack, when are you going to Peyton's?" He asked me when he surfaced. "Two weekends from now, why?" I asked. "Just tell her friend, Grace, I say hello." Sam smirked. "Ohhhh! Sammy's got the hots for Grace!!" Johnson yelled. Everyone started laughing and giving Sam a hard time. "Hey, you boys should see her, she's hot." Was all Sam said back before climbing out of the pool to go shoot hoops. I laughed and reminded myself to tell Peyton about Sam's obsession with Grace when I called her that night. I tried to focus on hanging with the guys and enjoying my summer, but my constant thoughts were consumed by Peyton and counting down to when I would see her next.

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