Trouble in Paradise #17

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Peyton's POV

"That was the best date ever," I giggled to Jack while interlacing our fingers. "I'm happy you enjoyed the gourmet meal," he joked while we walked out of the In-n-Out Burger back into the LA night. It was around 10:15 so we began walking back to Jack's car that was still blocks away. I gazed up at the stars, feeling Jack's eyes on me. "That sky really captivates you, huh?" He asked me. I looked at him and nodded before laying my head against his shoulder. We continued walking down the streets that were becoming quiet and less populated. I liked that Jack and I could still walk down the street, unnoticed. We passed a bar that was pretty packed and I realized we still had blocks to go until we reached the car. My feet were throbbing in the heels I wore and I was internally cursing myself for wearing them. Jack looked down at me, as if reading my mind he asked if I was okay. "I'm all good," I told him through gritted teeth. "I don't believe you," he chuckled. "Jack I promised myself I wouldn't complain about my heels since it was my choice to wear them but my feet are kill-" Jack cut me off, "Get on my back," he told me. I looked at him in surprise. "Come on," he urged, leaning down so I could get on easier. I jumped onto his muscular back and wrapped my arms around his neck, feeling immediate relief in my feet. "You're the bestest," I whispered into his ear. "Just call me your servant," he said, chuckling back. Jack carried me on his back the rest of the way. We talked and joked around, catching up on all the time we had spent apart.


"Babe, you want some cereal?" Jack called to me from the kitchen. I was upstairs in the bedroom taking off my dress and putting comfortable clothes on. I chuckled to myself. We had just gotten home and he was already eating more even though it was 11:30 at night. I slipped into Jack's tshirt and walked downstairs with just my underwear on bottom. I saw Jack standing in the kitchen in only his boxers. "You're fat," I told him when I walked in, hoisting myself up onto the counter. He gave me a look. "Oh yeah?" He questioned me while setting the milk container down and approaching me. Jack stood between my legs and I dangled my arms around his neck. I smirked at him. "What are you going to do about it?" I joked to him. "I'll tease you back," he whispered, a certain sexiness dripping in his raspy voice. I swallowed and tried to contain the butterflies in my stomach. Jack smirked at me as his thumb brush my cheek. He leaned in and kissed my neck, his eyes glancing up through his eyelashes, lust consuming them. As Jack stood between my legs, his hand rubbed across my exposed thigh that was sitting on the counter. As his lips kissed along my collarbones, his fingers traced circles on my inner thigh. My breath caught as I felt him get closer to my wetness. Jack brushed his fingers across the outside of my sensitive spot, causing a moan to escape my lips. He then took his lips off my neck and moved his hand from my thigh. He gave me a smirk before turning back to his cereal. "Jaaacckkk," I pouted, desperate for his touch. He chuckled. "I told you I was going to tease you." He said to me, his back facing me while he poured cereal into his bowl. I looked at his perfect back, how strong his muscles looked and how tan his skin was. I needed him. In that moment, I needed him so badly. "Jack," I whispered. He turned around slightly. I looked at him, my eyes desperately trying to convey my need for him. He must have noticed because he set his bowl down and walked over to me. "Peyton," he whispered back before passionately smashing his lips against mine. He lifted me off the counter and I wrapped my legs around his torso. Jack carried me upstairs to the bedroom, never breaking the kiss once.

Jack's POV

I rolled over in the middle of the night, expecting to feel the warmth of Peyton's body next to me, but my arm just felt cold sheets. I sat up and looked at the clock. It was around 4 am, I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and looked around, wondering where Peyton was. I crawled out of the warmth of the sheets and pulled my boxers on over my naked body. Peyton and I had fallen asleep still unclothed from our night before. I quietly walked downstairs, not wanting to wake the house up. I wasn't sure what time Sam and Johnson had gotten back from their party but I imagined it had been late. As I made my way downstairs, I saw the city glowing through the window and Peyton's little body was curled up on the couch, gazing outside. She glanced at me when she heard my footsteps. "I'm sorry, did I wake you?" She asked. I walked over to her and sat down next to her, she was wearing my big tshirt and had her knees pulled up to her chest. "No, I just got worried when I woke up without you next to me. Why are you up at 4 in the morning, babe?" I gently asked her. She sighed and looked out the window again. I watched her profile while she stared straight ahead, gathering her thoughts. The darkness created a silhouette of her, making her features subtle yet still incredibly breathtaking. "Do you regret moving in?" I whispered to her. "Of course not, Jay." She paused. "It's just odd, this time of year not talking to my mom. I already lost one parent and now not speaking to my mom...I suppose I just feel lonely." Peyton said quietly, I pulled her against me and turned her cheek to face me. "P, if moving in with me is causing too much stress on you, then don't do it. All I want in life is for you to be happy." Her sparkling blue eyes looked into my brown ones. "That's the thing, Jack." She said to me. "When I'm with you, I'm so happy. You make me the happiest I've ever been. Moving in with you is a dream come true. I'm just angry with myself because I can't seem to figure out why I still feel so lonely if I'm doing what I know is right." Peyton seemed lost in her thoughts and I could tell the turmoil she was in. I didn't know what to say to make her pain go away so I just held her tighter against me. I rubbed my thumb up and down her arm while we sat in the darkness, both watching the city. Peyton broke the silence. "Thank you for tonight, I don't want you to think I didn't have fun because I did. I had the most fun I've had in months." She told me. I kissed her head. "I had fun, too, Pey." Silence consumed us again when an idea came upon me. "Hey let's go get dressed, I have an idea." Peyton looked at me confused. "Jack, it's four in the morning. Where could we possibly go?" She questioned. I stood up and extended my hand to help her up. "Just come on, you'll see."

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