Trouble in Paradise #12

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Peyton's POV

"How was your Thanksgiving break?" Allie asked me as I pulled all my luggage back into our dorm room. Allie was sitting on the floor, already unpacking since she got back earlier than I had. "It was interesting," I smiled while setting my backpack on my bed. She glanced up at me, eyeing me. "Oh?" She said, I laughed and nodded. "Anyways, how was yours?" Allie and I caught up while we both unpacked our things. After I had gotten most of my clothes back into their drawers, I picked up my phone off the night stand. "Hey, I'm going to go make a phone call. I'll be back in a bit." I told Allie, who was currently doing her makeup for the party she was going to tonight. I grabbed my bag and left the dorm room. Kids roamed the halls of the dorm as I made my way downstairs and out the main entrance. The warm Arizona night engulfed me once I stepped outside. Students filled the campus. Everyone was in groups of people, walking to different parties and gatherings. I walked down the palm tree lined sidewalk for a while, clearing my head. I finally found a bench to sit on a next to an illuminated fountain. A smile crept across my face before I even started dialing Jack's number. All I could think about was how perfect living together would be. Falling alseep to him every night and waking up to him every morning, cooking dinners together and watching stupid movie marathons. I pictured us taking bathes together and laying in our room doing our own thing but still just being together. I imagined us getting our own little puppy and having water fights while doing the dishes. The thoughts were continuous, but I finally pressed call, excitement filling my body to tell Jack the amazing news.

Jack's POV

The music was shaking the apartment and people were crammed everywhere. I could barely hear myself think over the commotion. Johnson, Sam and I had met up with Cameron and Nash and we all had gone to some person's party in some apartment somewhere in LA. To say the least, I didn't exactly know where we were or who we knew there, but I couldn't miss out on a good party. I managed to squeeze in between people and made my way to the kitchen to find myself a drink. I had lost Johnson and Sam almost immediately after entering the party. On the counter were an assortment of different drinks. I just went for a cup of beer since Sammy, Johnson, and I had smoked a little before going. With a Red Solo Cup in hand I made my way through the people again. I stumbled upon Sammy dancing in the living room. "Gilinsky, my man," he slurred as I walked by. I chuckled at Sam's drunken state, we all enjoyed a party but not as much as Sam did. "What's up, Sammy boy?" I laughed while steadying him. "Fuck dude, I don't fuckin know," Sam slurred while laughing at himself. He had girls swarming him and I couldn't help but chuckle to myself. They all wanted him but little did they know, Sammy didn't do relationships. A few might be lucky to get him for the night but no one would ever be lucky enough to tie Sam down. I moved away from Sam and found myself out on the balcony. It was surprisingly quiet out there and had an incredible view of the city. I leaned against the railing and exhaled. My high was starting come down and the beer tasted smooth on my burning throat. I felt my phone start vibrating in my khaki pocket then. I reached in and pulled it out. Peyton's beautiful face was across the screen. I smiled and slid it open. "Hey, babe." I greeted. Just by how Peyton answered I could tell she was smiling from ear to ear. "What's up with you?" I questioned. She giggled. "You can have the right side of the bed, all I ask is that we have graham crackers in the house, they're my obsession." I stood up, trying to process what she was saying. "Wait, Pey, what are you saying?" I asked, a smile starting to spread across my own face. "I'm saying I'm moving to LA with you!" She screeched into the phone. My jaw dropped. "Peyton, seriously?" I confirmed. "Yes you nugget! Why would I joke about this? We're moving in together!!" She repeated. "Holy shit, Peyton, I'm so excited!" I told her but then a thought washed over me. "Wait, did your mom change her mind?" It went quiet and I heard Peyton exhale. "Pey?" I asked again. "Uhm, no she didn't. I just decided to do it anyways." I sighed. "Peyton, I can't let this happen." I told her. She immediately started protesting. "Jack, no. Listen, I don't care what my mom says. I just need you, Jack please." She begged. I ran my hand through my hair and gazed out at the skyline. I didn't want Mrs. Logan to think I was okay with Peyton disobeying her. I knew how much their relationship meant to each other. "Peyton, I don't know. It's your mom, she's done so much for you, you can't just disobey her like that." I told Peyton quietly. She paused. "Do you not want me to move in?" She said softly after a little bit of silence. "No, no, no, that's not it! I just don't think it's worth going behind your mom's back," I told her honestly. "Jack, I thought you would be happy about this." Peyton said, hurt filling her voice. "Pey," I tried to find the words to make what I said right. "No, it's okay, Jack. I'll talk to you later. Love you," with that, the line went dead. I sighed and slid my phone back in my pocket. I quickly drank the rest of the beer in my cup and went searching for a harder alcohol. I needed to forget about Peyton for a bit, I needed to forget about how I just ruined things and get lost in the alcohol and music.

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