Distance #5

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Jack POV

"We thank you for choosing Southwest, on behalf of the flight crew, we welcome you to Chicago." The flight attendant spoke through the cabin. I shook Johnson awake. "Dude, wake up, we landed." He groggily lifted his head off the window and took his headphones off. Traveling every weekend was definitely taking a toll on the both of us. But this weekend was different, I wasn't tired at all, I finally was going to see Peyton again. Since we sat in the front row we quickly made our way off the plane and through the terminal to the baggage claim. It felt like an eternity before our luggage finally appeared on the conveyer belt. I sent off a quick text to Peyton. "Safely landed. Can't wait to see you in a few hours!" Johnson gave me a smirk. "What?" I questioned him. "Nothing, just can't wait to meet the girl that has you so whipped." I rolled my eyes, "I am not whipped. We're just friends." Johnson began walking away, rolling his suitcase behind him. "Yeah, sure, whatever you say." Johnson's comment got me thinking. Did I consider Peyton just a friend? The more I thought about it, the more I started to doubt myself and believe Johnson. But I knew it was dumb. A relationship with Peyton would never work. I lived in Nebraska and she lived in Illinois. Besides, the reason my ex-girlfriend, Leigh, and I broke up was because of distance. And a girl like Peyton probably had every guy in her school after her. There was no way someone as attractive and sweet as her could be single. Instead of focusing on all that, I forced myself to focus on tonight. I had a special evening planned for Peyton and I and I couldn't wait to surprise her.

Peyton POV

I glanced at my phone while straightening my hair. My stomach filled with butterflies just seeing Jack's text. He refused to tell me what we were doing tonight which was exciting but also made it difficult to pick out an outfit. All I knew was that I was supposed to take the train into the city and Jack would meet me at the train station. I lived in a suburb outside of Chicago which meant it was about a 45 minute train ride. I couldn't tell if the pit in my stomach was nerves or excitement...maybe both? Jack and I only had tonight which was Friday night, because his Magcon event started Saturday at 1 and he flew out Saturday night. That meant tonight needed to be perfect because who knows the next time we would see each other. After standing in my closet forever, I finally decided on a black flowy and lacey dress with grey leather boots that went to my knee. Since it was April and still a little chilly, I put on an army green jacket and a black scarf. I quickly grabbed my cross-chest bag and ran down stairs. "Mom! I'm ready to go to the train station!"

Jack POV

I sat on a bench in the train station, trying to preoccupy myself by watching all the people walk by. Bart had hardly let me even go out. He wanted me to stay focused on Magcon and also not be noticed by fans outside of the event. The rest of the guys were cool with it, they wanted to hang with me but they also knew how important Peyton was to me. But all I was focused on right now was seeing her. A bunch of people started walking through the doors of the train station, I figured that meant a train had just arrived, which meant it was most likely Peyton's. I realized I had never seen her in person without her full show choir makeup. I couldn't wait to see natural Peyton. Right then I saw her walk out of the doors. Her blonde hair was straight and long, flowing far past her shoulders. For a second, my breath was taken away. She honestly was the prettiest girl I had ever seen. "Peyton!" I called out. She looked around until her eyes fell on my face, a smile spread across her face. I walked up to greet her, she sort of jogged over towards me, too. "Jack!!" She squealed. As soon as she was close enough, I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her into a hug. Finally, I had Peyton in the flesh. She had her arms wrapped tightly around my neck and I lifted her off the ground, causing her to giggle. "It's so good to finally see you again," I told her while setting her back on the ground and staring down at her. Her blue eyes sparkled as she looked back up at me. "I know! Today couldn't come fast enough," she smiled at me but then she narrowed her eyes and elbowed my side gently. "But someone won't tell me what were doing..." I laughed at her. "You'll find out soon enough, come on let's go," I told her while gently taking her hand in mine. Her tiny hands fit perfectly, intertwined with my fingers. We walked out into the city, right as the sun was setting over the lake and high rises.

Peyton POV

Jack and my night had been amazing. We had gone to dinner at one of the best pizza places in the city and then walked through Millenium Park. He had been such a gentleman all night, opening doors for me and pulling my chair out. Everything he did made my heart flutter. Not only was he being a total gentleman, he also looked so handsome. He had on khakis, Vans, and a grey button up shirt. I swear I couldn't take my eyes off of him. "Alright, now for the last stop of the night," Jack told me while we walked the streets of the city. "There's more?" The night had already been amazing, I couldn't imagine what else he had planned. It was a clear night, a full moon was above us and the lit up John Hancock building was behind us. That's when I realized we were headed to Navy Pier. Jack and I made our way through the bustling people that crowded the pier. The lights sparkled on the lake as we approached the iconic Ferris wheel. I decided to not mention to Jack my fear of heights. It was such a romantic gesture, I didn't want to ruin the moment. I allowed him to help me into one of the gondolas. I held my breath as the Ferris wheel began to move up over the pier and lake below.

Jack POV

"Wow. Look at the view from up here,"I said in awe while looking out at the skyline. I glanced at Peyton while the Ferris wheel neared the top. I could tell she didn't look very relaxed and she hadn't talked at all during the 7 minute ride. "Pey, are you okay?" I asked her while gently turning her chin to face mine. "Yeah I'm fine," she said nervously but I knew she wasn't. "No, what is it?" I questioned her. "It's just, well...I'm sort of really scared of heights..." She said quietly, as if she was embarrassed. "What? Why didn't you tell me? We didn't have to go!" She shook her head. "No it was so sweet and I didn't want to ruin it and-" I cut her off. "Shh, come here." I told her while pulling her in closer to my side. "You're safe with me..." I looked into her eyes, her posture relaxed as she curled into my side and gazed up at me. "You'll always be safe with me, Pey." I whispered to her. For a minute, everything seemed still. In silence we just stared at each other. She looked down shyly, a flush coming to her cheeks. But I gently lifted her chin up with my hand, cupping her chin. A piece of blonde hair fell into her face. I swept it behind her ear. "Can I kiss you?" I asked softly, my lips hovering centimeters away from hers. "Yes," she breathed, while biting her lip. Slowly, I pressed my lips against hers. I felt sparks surge throughout my body. We moved our lips against each before I pulled away slightly, looking at her face. She smiled at me. "Tonight has been amazing, Jack," she told me while laying her head onto my shoulder. I lightly picked up her hand that laid in her lap and intertwined it with mine. We didn't talk the rest of the ride back down, we just sat there and enjoyed the view and each other.

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