Trouble in Paradise #24

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Peyton's POV

"Can you go buy Peyton a pregnancy test?" I couldn't believe I just heard Jack say that. My stomach felt physically sick and I got dizzy. I needed to sit down. The moment didn't seem real. Sammy's jaw dropped ever so slightly but he quickly recovered. "Yeah, yeah, absolutely. I'll be back soon." With that, Sam turned and left the room. I heard his rushed steps travel downstairs and out the front door, grabbing his keys on the way. Jack turned to face me then. He looked positive. A slight smile on his face. "Pey, you haven't even taken the test yet. Just relax, okay?" I couldn't listen to Jack. How the hell could he expect me to relax? We were 18 years old, living on our own in LA. We couldn't handle a baby. Just the thought of one made me feel sick. Jack sat down next to me and brushed my hair out of my face. He stared into my eyes before kissing my forehead. I tried to relax under his touch, laying my head on his shoulder. Jack wrapped his arm around my waist to pull me closer to him. "Whatever happens, I'll be here." He told me quietly.


About twenty minutes later, there was a slight knock on the bedroom door. "Come in," Jack called, getting up from his position next to me on the bed. We hadn't spoken at all, Jack just held me. Sammy came walking in, a Walgreens bag in hand. "Okay, so I wasn't sure which one was best so I just bought a lot of different kinds." He explained while emptying the bag's contents on the fluffy bed. "Thanks man," Jack said to him. "Yeah no problem, just let me know if you need anything else." Sam said, giving me a soft smile, a look of sympathy and a silent wish of luck. I swallowed hard. Sam turned and left, shutting the door behind him. Jack faced me. "You ready?" He asked. I could sense nerves in his voice. "As ready as I'll ever be," I told Jack while picking up a box from the pile. "I'll be out here," Jack let me know as I walked into the bathroom. The cool tiles of the bathroom floor shocked my bare feet. I gently closed the wood door behind me. The room felt like it was spinning. With shaking hands, I opened the box and pulled out the test. I looked at myself in the mirror and inhaled. "Let's do this," I said, attempting to encourage myself. I quickly took the test and set it on the counter. My shaking hands made the washing process difficult but I eventually washed and dried my hands. The clock was ticking on the wall. Two minutes had never felt so long in my entire life. My mind was spinning with possibilities as I waited. Finally, the big hand met the little hand and it was time to check. The little white stick was laying next to the sink. I gingerly picked it up and held my breath as I looked down.

Jack's POV

As I sat on the bed, I didn't know what to do with myself. It felt like Peyton had been in the bathroom for hours. I was trying my best to think positively - for Peyton's sake. But what if she really was pregnant? I shoved the thought aside. The creaking of the bathroom door opening caught my attention. My head snapped up and I got off the bed. I knew in an instant. One glance at Peyton's face and I knew. She stood in the doorway, making no effort to approach me. We stared at each other, with no words being exhanged, yet I still knew. I studied her features. The way her lips curved downwards, her cheeks so pale, and the sparkle in her eyes seemed to be replaced with dark. Eventually she broke the silence. "I'm pregnant, Jack." Her voice was quiet and weak, so unlike her normal confidence. She broke our eye contact and looked down at her feet. The bedroom felt like it was closing in on me. My stomach churned. I quickly reminded myself to be strong for Peyton. Her frail frame stood in the bathroom doorway, she looked like she would crumble to the ground any minute. I walked across the cushioned carpet to Peyton. We didn't say anything, rather Peyton buried her head into my chest while I wrapped my arms tightly around her. As we stood there, I felt little sobs coming from Peyton and I realized this was the first time I had ever seen her cry. It was odd having Peyton so broken in my arms, she was always so strong and confident. Her tears made me pull her closer. "Shhh, shhh." I gently hummed. "Pey, it's going to be okay. I love you. I am so in love with you. And I'm going to love our baby just as much." I told her quietly while rubbing circles on her back. "It's okay that things are happening out of order. We love each other, that's all that matters." I told her. She abruptly pulled away, wiping her tears off her face. She looked up into my eyes. "How can you say everything is going to be okay? It's not going to be okay, Jack. I don't want this baby." Peyton said, her tone filled with anger. I looked down at her, I wished that I could change things. I hated seeing her so upset but I didn't know what to say to make things better. She sighed. "I just need some time alone, I'll be back later tonight." Peyton then began to leave the bedroom and walk downstairs. It took me a minute to process what just happened but I quickly turned around and jogged downstairs after Peyton. "P! Wait! Where are you going?!" I called after he as she grabbed the keys off the kitchen counter. Sam was on the couch, watching tv, but his attention was on us. He looked concerned. "I'm going out." Was all Peyton said before slamming the door shut behind her. Sam stood up off the couch. He looked towards me for answers but I couldn't tear my eyes away from the door Peyton had just stormed out of. "Jack?" Sam asked, trying to figure out what happened. I didn't take my stare off the door, I just answered. "She's pregnant, Sam." He exhaled. "Oh shit..." Sam said quietly while running his fingers through his hair. "She's pretty upset, huh?" Sam asked. I finally tore my eyes away from the door and slumped onto the couch. "To say the least," I told Sammy while leaning my head back and closing my eyes. "Well dude, let's go get her! She shouldn't just storm off in anger, she could get hurt!" Sam quickly said. I just shook my head. "If I know anything about Peyton, it's that she needs to be alone. Nothing I do or say right now will change that. And don't worry, I know where she is going and she'll be safe." Sam nodded reluctantly and took a seat next to me on the couch. Silence filled the room except for the quiet humming of the tv. "Well...uhm...congratulations...I guess?" Sam said. I chuckled. "Hey thanks bro," I told him while patting his shoulder. I understood why Peyton was upset, we were young and definitely not ready for a baby. Yet, a part of me was excited. I loved Peyton, I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her, I wanted her to be the mother of my children. I just wish she could see that starting our family a little earlier than planned was going to be okay. But I knew she wouldn't see it that way, I knew she was going to be angry at me. I sighed, we had a long, frustrating road ahead.

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