Distance #3

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Peyton POV

Once Jack and I had finished up our lunch, I had to go get ready to perform. I hadn't been nervous about our performance but after spending the afternoon with Jack and knowing he would be watching me made my nerves go through the roof. Thankfully, I got through the performance with no obvious mistakes and got back to helping the showchoir I was hosting. I didn't get to see Jack the rest of the night because while I was off stage, he was on stage. Luckily, I snuck into the gym to get a glimpse of his performance. He was front row the whole time. From his Vines, I knew the boy could sing but man, he could dance, too. I squeezed my way into the packed gym and found a seat, never taking my eyes off Jack. He looked amazing in the suit all the guys were wearing. Jack had a constant smirk the whole time he was dancing. I felt my heart flutter with every body roll. Unfortunately, the second his performance was over I had to rush out of the gym to go help cleanup. He had been one of the last groups of the night, so it was around 11 pm and that meant cleanup time for us.

Jack POV

I had an adrenaline rush as we made our way off stage. I had just performed with ATSC for my last time ever. It was a bittersweet moment yet I found myself preoccupied with something else. Or I guess, someone else. Even though I knew she wouldn't be back stage, my eyes kept searching to see Peyton's tan skin and dirty blonde hair. Sadly, I knew I probably wouldn't even have the chance to see her again. I kept beating myself up for not manning up and just asking for her number. Emily came running into my arms, breaking me out of my thoughts. "Jacky!! We just performed together for the last time!" She began to cry. "Aww Em," I held her tighter against my body. Suddenly, a whole group of people began joining in on our hug. Eventually, it was a giant group hug with the whole show choir. All the senior girls were crying and all the guys were trying to keep it together. I knew I should be more emotional and in the moment, but all I wanted was to find Peyton, one last time, to say goodbye.

Peyton POV

Most groups had begin to clear out. My group was one of the first to leave which meant I already had put the classroom back in order for school on Monday. My friends and I all sat in a circle in the hallway, waiting for the other groups to leave so we could then clean up those rooms. I hadn't had a chance to see my friends all day since we all had hosted other groups. Everyone was catching up and joking around but I kept searching the hallway, hoping Jack would walk by so I could see him again. I knew I was probably just another fan to him, and that I didn't have a chance of getting his number but I at least wanted a proper goodbye. I mean we did have lunch together, that's got to mean something, was all I kept telling myself. One of my best friends, Grace, was sitting next to me. She elbowed me gently and said, "Someone's a little preoccupied." She gave me the look that she knew something was up but I just shrugged it off. "Nah, just tired I suppose." I didn't feel like getting into it. My friends would make fun of me for thinking I actually had a chance at even being friends with Jack Gilinsky. But I swear, something was different. He wasn't just a normal guy.

Jack POV

Our entire room was packed up and we all had changed out of our costumes. Everyone began filing out of the room and down the hall to where the bus was. I wasn't looking forward to the seven hour bus ride home at all. I trailed in the back of the group, talking to my mom and older sister about the competition. "My baby brother is a rock star," Laura sang to me. I just rolled my eyes. She had come all the way from University of Michigan to see my last performance. "No but really you are, did you not see the crowds of middle school fangirls?" She teased me, making her and my mom both laugh. "Oh shut up," I replied and stuck my tongue out at her. "Hey be nice, Jack!" My mom scolded me. "Sorry Momma," I gave her a little smile, I had always been a momma's boy. "Jack watch out," Laura warned me and I realized I almost ran into a huge group of kids sitting on the floor on the side of the hallway. They all wore orange shirts which meant they went to high school here. I scanned the group looking for Peyton, but with my luck she wasn't there. It looked like I was just going to have to forget about her. "Alright well Jack, have a safe trip home and we'll see you tomorrow? Ok? I love you so much! You did a great job," my mom pulled me in for a hug. "I'm going to miss you little brother," Laura said with a little pouty face. "I'm going to miss you, too, Laur." We all said our goodbyes. My mom and sister went towards their car and I jogged to catch up with the group to get on the bus. There was a hold up at the door because our bus hadn't pulled up yet. I took my phone out and checked my Twitter notifications. I scrolled through all of them and responded to a few. Jack Johnson had texted me a few hours ago saying, "Good luck bro! Missin ya back here in Omaha," I responded to him, too, when I felt someone tap my shoulder. "Hey nice job up there tonight, stranger." I turned to find myself looking into those beautiful bluish-grey eyes of Peyton Logan. "Hey you didn't do so bad yourself." Peyton scrunched up her nose and giggled. "Well thank you very much." She said as her cheeks flushed a light pink. We stood there for a moment, just smiling at each other, I wanted to remember that pretty little face of hers. Right then our bus pulled up to the door. Everyone filed out the door and began to load. "Wait listen, you gotta promise not to give this to anyone else, okay? Can I trust you?" Peyton looked confused but she nodded anyways. "Alright give me your phone." I told her. She pulled it out of her jean pocket and handed it to me. I quickly typed my number in and handed it back. "Text me, I've got a long way home." With that, I turned and jogged onto the bus, throwing my bags underneath first. By that time, the only seat open was one of the first ones but I didn't mind. I settled in and put on my headphones. I finally felt relieved, knowing I wasn't going to lose touch with a girl who completely captivated me the moment I saw her.

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