Trouble in Paradise #28

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Jack's POV

A few more days passed and Peyton continued to become more fond of the baby. Her beautiful smile was back and I caught her constantly Googling baby names. Johnson and I were sitting editing a video on our laptops in the living room as Peyton walked downstairs. She was dressed and had her backpack since she was on her way to class. "Good morning, boys," she said cheerfully as she made her way into the kitchen. "Morning, Pey," Johnson said, hardly looking up from his laptop. I chuckled and got up. I followed Peyton into the kitchen. She poured herself a bowl of cereal and I slid onto the counter. "How'd you sleep?" I asked her. "Great, how about you?" She asked while giving me a quick kiss on the cheek. "Good," I told her. I watched as she walked around the kitchen, getting a bowl and a spoon. I took a deep breath. "Pey, I think it's time we tell our families." She stopped what she was doing and turned to face me. It felt like she was quiet for a long time but then she eventually nodded. "Yeah, Jay, you're right." She said quietly. She walked over to me and stood in between my legs that were dangling off of the counter. I pulled her in closer by wrapping my arms around her waist. "I know they're going to react poorly..." Peyton started. "But I don't really care." I sat quietly, allowing Peyton to continue. I couldn't believe how positive and open to the pregnancy she was being. "I'm proud to be carrying your baby, Jack Gilinsky. And I'm not going to let anyone ruin that." Peyton said gently while looking hard in my eyes. I felt my heart race increase. Her blue eyes always had an incredible affect on me but the words she had just spoken made it even more powerful. "And I am so proud that you're the mother of my child," I told her quietly while leaning down to kiss her. She pressed her lips back against mine. We sat there in silence, our lips moving in sync. My hand started to move up her back, underneath her shirt. She giggled and pulled away. "Jay, I have to get to class," she said, adjusting her clothing. "I'll call my mom today and ask if she can fly out for a visit, okay? I love you, see you after class," Peyton said while giving me one last peck on the lips. She grabbed her bag and left the apartment. I rejoined Johnson on the couch. Our first EP had done really well in the fall so we were currently working on music videos and new music for a second EP. Yet I was finding it hard to focus. Seeing Peyton get so excited about the baby was making me excited about it. "Hey Johnson, I'm going to call my parents real quick," I told him while walking out onto the balcony. Johnson was lost in his own world with his Beats on. The California sunlight welcomed me as I stepped outside. I leaned against the railing that overlooked the mountains and called my mom. A couple of rings later I heard her pick up. "Jack! Oh sweetie it's so good to hear from you! How have you been?" My mom's sweet voice traveled through the line. "I've been doing really well, Johnson and I have been super busy. We have a bunch of new stuff in the works." I filled my mom in. "That's great to hear," she said encouragingly. "Listen, honey, can I call you later? I was just about to go into a meeting. I love you so much. Be safe. Tell Peyton, Johnson, and Samuel I say hi!" The line clicked off. I chuckled. The one time I called my mom and she could hardly talk. I smiled thinking about how much I missed her. After enjoying the landscape for a bit, I went back inside to continue working. I decided I would just call my mom the next day to ask her about coming out to visit so she could get the news of a lifetime.

Peyton's POV

My psychology class dragged on and on. The professor was talking about something to do with pottie training and how it affects who we become. I zoned out and doodled on my notebook. I thought about Grace and how I hadn't talked to her in forever. I made a mental note to see if she could visit when my mom did so I could share the news with them both at the same time. The kid next to me in the lecture hall began snoring and jolted me out of my thoughts. I attempted to focus again on what the professor was saying but I swear it was as though he was trying to be boring. His monotone voice echoed throughout the hall. I sighed and sat back in my chair. All of a sudden, my lower back began to ache. It had been happening the past few days. I winced at the slight pain in my abdomen and lower back. I took a drink of my water bottle and it passed. The pains had been happening every so often. It was odd knowing the pain was from a little baby growing inside of me. Jack and my baby to be exact. I smiled at the thought. Even though I wasn't used to opening up to people and letting them in during difficult times, I was happy Jack made me open up to him. He had changed me for the better. Having Jack support me through the rough times helped me become genuinely excited for the baby. Finally, the class ended. It was my last class of the day so I picked up all my bags and my laptop. Sam was waiting outside of my class. Girls were gawking at him as they passed, he acted like he didn't notice but the smirk on his face indicated that he totally did. Sam had started taking classes at UCLA to get his degree along with his music career he was working on. Sammy's class ended right when mine did so he would drive us home at the end of the day. "Well hey Mr. Ladies' Man." I joked with him as I walked up to him. He smirked. "Save it, Pey," he said. Another pain ached through my abdomen. I winced slightly. Sam's smile dropped. "Woah, you okay?" He asked. I smiled up at him once the pain passed. "Yeah I'm fine, I looked it up. Sometimes you can get aches and pains early on." I told Sam, trying to talk quietly so no one would over hear. Only Jack, Johnson, Sam and I knew about the pregnancy and I wanted to keep it that way. "Peyton are you sure? Have you told Jack?" Sam questioned me. "Yeah Sammy I'm fine, I don't want to tell Jack. He'll worry about me like crazy and honestly it's nothing. I promise." Sam looked reluctant but he finally gave in. "Alright, well at least give me your backpack," Sam took my bag off of my back and carried it as he led us to the car.


When Sam and I got home from classes, Johnson and Jack had gone to a meeting. I sat at the counter and decided I would crank out the paper I had for English while the house was quiet. A few minutes later, Sammy came out of the bedroom in a different outfit with his keys in hand. "You good if I leave for a bit? I was gonna meet up with Skate in the studio." He told me. I rolled my eyes and chuckled. "Sam, I'm pregnant not dying. I'll be fine. Have fun." I told him. "Hey, you're my best friend's girl. I have to make sure you're safe when he's not here to do so." Sammy smiled at me. I gave him a loving smile in return. "Ok, I'll see ya," he said while turning to leave. "Bye!" I called after him as I heard the door close. After a few hours of focusing and studying my butt off, Jack and Johnson finally came home. "Hey baby," Jack greeted me with a kiss on the forehead as they came clattering inside. I yawned. "Hi, babe," I smiled up at him. "Someone's tired," he chuckled. I nodded and rubbed my eyes. It was only around 8 at night but I was exhausted. "Have you eaten?" Jack asked me. I nodded. "I made myself some gourmet Mac'n Cheese." I giggled. "You're quite the chef, Pey." Jack joked. "But listen, I'm going to eat with Johnson. Why don't you go upstairs to bed and I'll join you when I'm done?" Jack suggested. The sound of our warm, cozy bed sounded amazing. "Ok, goodnight boys," I said while heading upstairs. Once I was upstairs, I didn't even bother to shower. I just slipped into pajama shorts and one of Jack's hoodies. I crawled under the covers and quickly fell asleep.


I stood at the top of the Empire State Building. The wind catching strands of my hair and blowing them around my face. It was overcast, the fog blocking the city below. I looked directly up. A bright light shone above me. It hurt my eyes. Suddenly, the ground beneath began to disappear. Then, I was falling. My limbs dropping through middair. I flailed around, attempting to stop my fall but nothing was there except air. I felt the wind speeding past me, pushing my body down harder and faster. I gasped as my body lost all control and fell past the clouds. Falling, falling, falling...I woke with a start. Jack and my bedroom was pitch black. Jack's silhouette lay next to me in the dark. My breathing was rapid from the dream I had just experienced. I tried to get my bearings when the sharp pain stabbed my abdomen again. I clutched onto my stomach to attempt to make the pain less. As the pain became more tolerable, something didn't feel right. I noticed then that my shorts and underwear were soaking. I gasped. Slowly, I stretched my hand down to feel the sheets. They were soaking, too. My body went numb. "Jack," I whispered through the darkness while gently shaking his shoulder. He began to stir. "Hmm...Pey? What is it?" He asked through his groggy voice. "I think something is wrong," I said barely above a whisper. Jack was fully alert then. He sat up quickly and turned the bedside lamp on. "What's wrong?" He asked as he turned to face me. I pulled the covers back and on the sheets was a giant blood stain. I gasped once I saw it in the light. "Oh my god..." Jack's jaw dropped at the sight. We both were frozen. Jack forced himself out of his shock and into action. "Come on, were going to the hospital," Jack said. He came over to my side of the bed and picked me up bridal style. I wrapped my arms around his neck and buried my head into him. He carried me downstairs quickly and grabbed his keys off the counter. We both were silent. I couldn't speak as I felt the tears coming. I tried to choke them back. Jack held on to me tighter. A single tear rolled down my cheek. Jack's arms were strong and felt like my safe haven. But Jack's arms couldn't even make this situation feel better.

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