Flights #5

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Peyton's POV

The sun had fully risen by the time I woke up again after Jack and my morning fun. When I rolled over, Jack wasn't next to me. I assumed he had snuck out and went back to the guest bedroom so my mom wouldn't see us in bed together. I crawled out of bed and put clothes on and then walked down the hall to find Jack. As I pushed open the guest bedroom door, Jack wasn't laying in the bed, the bed was fully made. I frowned, wondering where he could be at this time in the morning when he usually enjoyed sleeping in. Just then, I heard my mom's laughter float up from the kitchen. I made my way down the familiar wooden staircase and turned into the kitchen. I found my mom and Jack. My mom was laughing at something Jack had said while Jack flipped pancakes. I smiled at the sight. My mom turned from her seat at the counter when she heard me walk in. "Morning, sweetie! How did you sleep?" She greeted me. "Really well," I said to her, smirking slightly to Jack. "Want some?" Jack offered, while placing freshly cooked pancakes on a plate. "I would love some," I said while sitting down next to my mom at the counter. Jack and my mom kept laughing and talking while I simply enjoyed the moment. "What's on your mind, P?" Jack asked a few minutes later, my silence apparently becoming noticeable. "Oh nothing," I claimed but they both eyed me. "No, it's just, I love moments like these and today's our last day all together...that's all." I told them honestly. "Oh baby, don't worry. I am going to come visit you both on tour so often you're going to be kicking me out. We're going to spend plenty of time together, okay? Your dream is to travel, so seize the moment!" My mom told me while standing up to give me a hug. I felt relieved with my mom's words. "Alright, well in that case, you two continue to enjoy your breakfast because I need to go pack!"

Jack's POV

Once we finished breakfast, I helped Mandy clean up the kitchen before heading upstairs to Peyton's room. I knocked slightly on her door before pushing it open. "How's it goin?" I asked her while finding a spot on her bed amongst all her clothes. "Terribly!" She said, clearly overwhelmed. "I've never packed for a tour before! What does someone even pack for a tour!?" I chuckled at her. "Hey! Jack Gilinsky. This isn't funny! I'm being serious!" She scolded me. I laughed more causing her to throw a sock at me. "Ow!" I complained which made her shoot me a look. "Okay, okay," I said, placing my hands up in defeat. "Pey, just pack anything. You look beautiful in everything you put on," I paused. "And take off..." She smirked at my added comment. "That's it! I'm kicking you out! I need to pack!" Peyton shooed me out of her room, leaving me standing in the empty hallway. I chuckled before returning to the guest bedroom to check that all my things were in order.


"Thanks again for everything, Mandy," I thanked Mandy later that day as I gave her a hug goodbye. "Of course, honey. You're welcome anytime. I wish you the best of luck on this tour. You're such a talented young boy," she told me while hugging me tighter. I smiled at her and pulled away. She then moved onto Peyton, hugging her tightly and telling her goodbye. Just then, Grace came walking up the driveway with about three bags in hand. She was struggling with the weight and looked like a mess. Ryan laughed and went to help her. "Gracie, what on earth are you doing?" Ryan asked while taking her bags. "I'm going with Peyton and Jack." She declared. "You are!?" Peyton said in shock and excitement. "Well I figured I've never seen your house in LA and I miss you already so mind as well come for the first leg of the tour," Grace explained. "Yes yes yes!!!" Peyton screeched while running to give Grace a hug. With that, we finished saying our goodbyes and all loaded into Ryan's truck, Grace's things included. Mandy stood on the driveway and waved goodbye to us as we pulled out. I wrapped my arm around Peyton as we sat in the backseat. Grace sat in front next to Ryan and fought him on what radio station to play. I chuckled as Peyton laid her head on my shoulder. I couldn't wait for this tour to start. I could show my beautiful girl off to the world. I could spend months with her on end, seeing the entire country and more. I kissed the top of her head, the smell of summer filled her hair. It was an odd feeling, an odd moment, the moment when you realize home doesn't have to be a place with walls and rooms where you grew up. As we sat in that backseat of that car, the summer day zipping by outside, the constant changing of music filling the background, I realized that my home had become Peyton. Her arms, her scent, her embrace, her kiss, all of it was more home to me than any place I had ever lived. Peyton was my home and I wanted it to stay that way forever.

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