Trouble in Paradise #13

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Peyton's POV

I hung up the phone after my call with Jack. A part of me was angry but the other part realized Jack was just being a good guy. Yet, Jack not wanting me to disobey my mom made me even more angry with her. If she had just said yes, we wouldn't be having this problem. I stood up from the bench I was sitting on and headed back towards my dorm room. My blood was boiling with anger towards my mother. I had never given her any reason to not trust me plus I would still be in school. I decided then that I was joining Allie and going to that party. I needed to get rid of my thoughts and have fun. I walked back inside the dorm and up the main staircase. I unlocked our dorm door and walked in, Allie was just grabbing her bag to leave. "I'm coming with," I told her. She looked at me in surprise. "You're going out?" She genuinely asked. "Yeah, just give me a second to get ready." I told her. She nodded and sat down on her bed. "Is everything okay?" She asked while she watched me dig through my drawers, searching for something to wear. "Yeah, just need a night out," I responded while finally deciding on an outfit. Allie just nodded. I quickly slipped out of my yoga pants and into a pair of skinny jeans. I threw off my worn tshirt and replaced it with a flowy tank top that allowed some cleavage to show. "Are you sure everything is ok?" Allie asked again as I took my hair out of the braid it was in, running my fingers through the waves."Yeah," I assured her with a smile. "Just need a break," I said while applying some light makeup and spraying on perfume. I took one last look in our full length mirror and then turned to Allie. "Let's go," I smiled while opening the door.

Jack's POV

"Jack! Yo, Jack!" I heard someone calling my name over the sound. I wasn't sure what time it was or how long it had been since I talked to Peyton. Johnson pushed his way through the people over to me. "Dude we're heading out," he told me. He paused for a second. "Wait...are you totally wasted?" He asked me. I started laughing at his comment. "Fuck bro, you reak of vodka, how much did you drink?" Johnson questioned me while taking my arm and leading me through the people. Eventually we made our way to the front of the apartment where Cameron, Nash, and Sam were all waiting for us. "What happened to him?" Nash asked as we approached them. "Got himself wasted out of his mind, that's what happened." Johnson said. Sammy looked me over. "Damn, I'm drunk but not that drunk." He paused. "Sort of wish I was though..."he said. We both started laughing but Johnson just rolled his eyes. "Let's get you drunk bastards home." He tugged on my arm and pulled me out of the apartment. I stumbled behind him. Sammy came up and put his arm around my shoulders. "Why the sudden urge to drink like a mad man?" He asked me. I fumbled to even stand up, everything was spinning in front of me and I could hardly see. "Peyton," I managed to slur. Sam threw his head back. "Ahhh I see," he said. I felt like my insides were on fire and all I wanted to do was throw up. "I've never met two people more in love than you two, I swear. It makes me sick." Sam told me. That was the last thing I remembered before I doubled over to throw up on the sidewalk and everything from there went black.

Peyton's POV

The next thing I knew, Allie and I were at some fraternity house. It had been a few hours and I had managed to get myself totally faded. The combination of weed and alcohol in my system made it difficult to see but I still found myself swaying to the obnoxiously loud music. Girls dressed in revealing clothes were everywhere and even more preppy guys filled the room. Random people were dancing around me. I had a Red Solo Cup in my hand, filled with beer. Suddenly, a large figure knocked into me and spilled all down the front of my clothes. "Woah I'm sorry," a tall blonde guy turned around to steady me. "I didn't see you there," he paused and looked me over. "I'm not sure how I didn't given how hot you are." I ignored his comment and wiped the beer off my shirt. "Come dance with me," he said while taking my arm and pulling me onto the dance floor. I was too gone to resist so I followed him, the world beginning to close in on me. I knew I had too much to drink but it was too late now. The random guy who was leading me onto the dance floor pulled my body against his and began dancing. "Stop," I attempted to mumble but he couldn't hear me over the music. My head was spinning and I felt all the drinks coming back up. "Peyton let's go," Allie said, quickly pulling me away from the strange guy. I wasn't sure how she found me but I was glad she had. She got us outside of the fraternity house before she stopped us. "Did that guy do anything to you?" She asked me. I shook my head while stumbling around. "Okay let's get you home," she said while leading me back to our room.


The Sunday morning sunlight shown way too brightly into my room. I groaned and rolled over, already feeling my massive hangover setting in. My head was throbbing and I couldn't remember anything from the night before. All I knew was I had thrown up for hours and that even though I partied to forget Jack, he never once left my mind. I yanked my covers over my face to block the light. "It's so bright," I heard Allie groan from across the room, clearly hungover too. I sat up in bed and it felt like my head was going to explode. Nausea somehow still consumed my body as well. "I'm never fucking drinking ever again." I declared while rubbing my temples. "You can say that again," Allie agreed. Suddenly a knocking came from the door. "Who could that possibly be this early?" I groaned while slowly climbing out of bed, regretting the previous night more and more with each step. I glanced in the mirror. My hair was in a messy bun and I looked sleep deprived. Yet with the condition I was in, I didn't have the energy to care. I dragged my feet over to the door and opened it. Jack's tall figure stood in the doorway, dressed in a black tshirt and khakis, he looked down at me. Was I still drunk and seeing things or was he actually standing there? "Jack, what are you doing here?" I gasped in surprised. He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair, "I'm a fucking mess without you. Move in with me."

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