Distance #25

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Peyton's POV

"Peyton!" My mom called to me. It was a Sunday morning, my one day off of work. I groaned, not wanting to be awake yet. "There's a letter for you on the counter! I'm going to the store! Love you!" With that, I heard the garage door close and my moms car pull out of the driveway. I rolled over in bed, realizing I had a few texts from Jack. I had barely been able to talk to him since I had been so busy with work. "Hey babe, I know you're probably asleep but I just wanted to say that I miss you and love you more than you know. You're the most amazing (and sexiest) girl I know. Can't wait to see you in five days." I smiled but felt sad all of sudden. Jack was constantly letting me know he was thinking about me when I had barely made time for him these past few weeks. It broke my heart a little but I figured I should go see what letter I could possibly have. It had been years since I had gotten something in the mail. As I made my way down the long hallway, Ryan was still asleep in his room. I quietly walked down stairs, the air conditioning giving me goosebumps on my bare legs. A white envelop sat on the kitchen granite countertop. The front was addressed to me but it had no return address. I couldn't help but be intrigued on who would send me a letter. I gently opened it and pulled out several pieces of paper that were folded neatly. I unfolded them and saw 'Dear Peyton,' scrawled at the top. My heart fluttered because I immediately knew who wrote it. I gathered up the papers and walked out to the sunroom, curling up on the big chair, pulling my knees to my chest. I unfolded the papers again and began to read.

'Dear Peyton,

It's been a while since we last talked and I wanted you to know I haven't stopped thinking about you once. I think back on these past few weeks and can't think of a time you haven't been on my mind. I know that you'll probably give me a hard time for writing you a cheesy letter but my sister says girls like this stuff, so here goes nothing. While you've been busy at work, I've been stuck missing you, but I've also been reminiscing on all our memories. I know it was fate that we met at that show choir competition back in March. I thank God everyday for allowing me to meet an amazing girl like you. I knew you were the one for me when you didn't get bored when all we could do is text or talk on the phone because of the distance between us. I don't know many girls who make long distance relationships work but I'm so happy we have. I was also reminiscing on prom and how absolutely stunning you looked. The thought of you in that beautiful coral dress will forever be imprinted in my memory. I also can't stop thinking about Sam's beach house and the night we spent on the beach. That makes me miss you even more...if you know what I mean. Anyways, it's not just the big events we've shared together that I love. I was also thinking of all the little moments. Our phone calls that last until three in the morning where we end up talking about the most random things. I love our FaceTime sessions when you're curled up in bed in a big sweatshirt and no makeup yet still manage to look flawless. I love when we haven't seen each other in forever and I finally get to hold you in my arms again. I love how you blush and look down everytime I compliment you. I love how you are so strong and independent and I'm so happy you've allowed me into your life. I love how we've grown to know everything about each other, from favorite colors to our deepest secrets. I'll never forget our long walks around the city whenever I visit when we hold hands and talk about all our dreams and adventures and secrets. I've never felt this way with a girl before and as scary as it is, it's the best thing to ever happen to me. I know were just two teenagers but these past 4 months with you in my life have been the best 4 months anyone could ever ask for. I love you Peyton Rose Logan. I'll love you always. I hope everything is going okay for you and I can't wait to see you in a few days.



P.S. I don't want to hear any shit about this from anyone, it stays between you and me. End of story.

P.P.S. I'm not embarrassed of you, it's just this is super corny for a guy.

P.P.P.S. Love you baby

P.P.P.P.S. Seriously. No one.

I laughed atJack's millions of post scripts. He was the biggest goofball I knew. The letter was totally cheesy but that didn't mean it didn't make my heart melt. I loved reading everything Jack thought about us. I folded the letter up and placed it back in the envelope. I looked out at the summer sun that was still rising over the tree tops and glistening on the pool. Jack truly was the greatest thing to come into my life and I couldn't believe in a little over a month we would be at the same school, together, every single day.

Jack's POV

It was Sunday morning and Johnson and I were working on some new music. I felt my phone vibrate and pulled it out of my pocket. It was a text from Peyton. 'Thanks for the letter you goon. You must have a lot of free time on your hands...haha just kidding, I loved it babe. And I love you even more 😘." I laughed at her sarcasm, as annoying as it was it definitely was one of my favorite things about her. "Remember what I said, no one else finds out! Love you too, Pey. Can't wait to see you soon." I quickly responded. Johnson grabbed my phone out of my hands then. "Dude focus. We have a lot to get done." He scolded me. "Okay okay, sorry, I'll focus." I apologized while grabbing my phone back. I said goodbye to Peyton and got back to work. It was easier to say goodbye when I knew that in less than a week we would be together for a whole weekend and I had plenty of ideas on how I was going to help her relax.

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