Distance #6

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Peyton POV

"Tell me everything." Grace demanded of me as I opened my front door and let her in. It was Saturday morning and I was still in my pajamas. "Well good morning to you, too," I laughed. Every Saturday morning since we were little Grace would come over and we would have breakfast and watch cartoons. She lived only a few doors down so she would just walk over. "There is no time for that, you went on a date with fricken Jack Gilinsky. I need all the details pronto." She said excitedly while sitting at the countertop in my kitchen. "It was amazing, he was so sweet and we had so much fun," I told her while sitting on top of the counter across from her. My mom was already at work so we had the house to ourselves. "He's so hot, oh my gosh, but did he kiss you!?" She squealed. I started to blush and smile. "Oh my god!! He sooo did! What was it like!? Holy shit, P. Logan! You kissed Jack Gilinsky!" I started laughing. Remembering last night, made me get all giddy. After the Ferris wheel ride, Jack had walked me back to the train station and made sure I got on safely after we had a long goodbye. It was sad thinking it could be a while before we saw each other again. He texted me later that night saying he had a great time and hopefully we would see each other again soon. "So does that mean you guys are together now?" Grace asked me. Her ombré hair was pulled into a loose pony tail and she had on a baggy sweatshirt with leggings. "Good question, we didn't ever talk about what we are," I told her. Grace's jaw dropped. "What!? He's going home tonight, you don't know when you'll see each other again, he kissed you, and you didn't even talk about what you are!?" Grace was appalled but I just didn't know how to bring that up with Jack. Would he want another long-distance relationship? "Get dressed." Grace told me as she stood up and started walking towards the door. "Where are you going?" I asked her. "We've got all day. We're catching the next train to the city and finding Jack before he leaves." With that, she turned and walked out the door, leaving me sitting in the kitchen. As reluctant as I was to do what Grace said, a part of me wanted to see Jack again and establish what we were. After last night, there was no denying I had fallen head over heels for him, but had he done the same for me?

Jack POV

I lay in the hotel bed staring at the ceiling. The clock read 9:00. Johnson and I still had about two hours before we had to be in the hotel lobby to head to the event. I couldn't fall back asleep because I couldn't stop thinking about last night. It was terrible having to say goodbye to Peyton, but the rest of the night had been incredible. Johnson stirred in his bed and lifted his head off the pillow. He squinted his eyes in the bright light. "What time is it?" He mumbled. "9," I told him. "Dude, go back to sleep," he told me before rolling over, facing his back towards me. "Can't," I replied. He rolled back over and sat up, fully awake now. "Last night was that good, huh?" Johnson asked me. I nodded and smiled. "So where does that leave you guys?" He asked me. That question had been on my mind all night and all morning. I had absolutely no clue. From the second I saw Peyton at that show choir competition, I knew I was crazy about her and last night's date proved that to be even more true. When we kissed, I didn't want to let go of her. But, I had just gotten out of a relationship because it wasn't working due to distance, so would another long - distance relationship be smart? "Listen, man, you're obviously totally into her, why not just make it official?" Johnson asked me while running his fingers through his hair and leaning back against the head board. "Because, Leigh and I just broke up because of the distance issue, I mean we wrote a song about it..." Johnson nodded his head, agreeing with what I said. "Okay I get that, but who's to say that Peyton isn't the one? I know that sounds corny, but we've been best friends since kindergarten and I've never seen you this into a girl. You're so much happier...and distracted but that's beside the point," he told me while giving me a smirk. "All I'm saying is, I think you should go for it. And if it's meant to be then obviously distance won't be an issue." I knew what Johnson was saying was right. Something with Peyton felt different. And maybe we wouldn't be together forever but right now, I wanted to be with her. "Yeah but when will I see her again? Last night was our only chance," I told Johnson, realizing I had no clue when I was going to see her again. "Well then call her and tell her, it's better than nothing, right?" I didn't want to say this kind of thing over the phone but I supposed Johnson was right, since it really was my only option. I decided I would wait until later since it was still early. Since I knew I still wouldn't be able to sleep, I picked up the book on the nightstand while Johnson rolled over and went back to bed. The book was all about the hotel, I figured I had nothing better to do so I flipped through the pages. Something on the 'History of the Hotel' page caught my eye. It talked about when the hotel was built. I skimmed the paragraphs. 'The West Hotel, amongst many other iconic buildings that fill the Chicago skyline, were all built and some owned by the contracter Michael J. Logan. Many people say that Logan owns the Chicago skyline, an incredible legacy to leave behind after being tragically killed in a car accident in 2008.' I stopped reading after that. My mind was spinning, this 'Michael Logan' had to be Peyton's dad. I knew Peyton's dad had died and it would be too much of a coincidence for another man with the last name Logan, from Chicago, to die the same year. I wondered why she never told me about her dad.

Peyton POV

I couldn't stop fidgeting the whole way to the city. "Would you relax?" Grace said to me. "Everything will be just fine." She wrapped her arm around my shoulders. Grace always knew how to comfort me. Even when my dad died, we were just eleven years old but she came over and helped me get through it and has helped me through everything ever since. "Jack would be crazy not to be into you," she said to me. "Plus, he went on a date in the city with a girl who's dad built the city," I laughed at Grace's comment. "Oh please, he doesn't know who my dad is." I told her. She gave me a shocked look. "Are you serious? Man, if my dad was Michael Logan, I would never let anyone forget it. I would be like 'yeah, that's right, I own Chicago and am rich as hell," I started cracking up and playfully hit Grace's arm. "Shut up, Gracie! I just wanted Jack to know me for me, you know?" She nodded but then added, "Still, I would want him to know if I was filthy rich," I rolled my eyes and laughed. Grace was such a goofball. But I was happy for that, because for a few minutes she had distracted me from Jack and my nerves had disappeared, but they quickly came back, bigger than ever.

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