Trouble in Paradise #25

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Jack's POV

I laid in bed, staring through the darkness at the ceiling. The clock next to me read 1:34 AM. As much as I wanted Peyton to have space, I was beginning to get nervous. I didn't like that she was out and alone at this hour. I had texted her and called her but she hadn't replied. 'Relax, Jack' I kept trying to tell myself but it wasn't working. I rolled over in bed, attempting to get comfortable. Just then, I heard Peyton's quiet footsteps coming up the staircase. I quickly turned on the light on the nightstand and sat up. Peyton walked into the room and closed the door behind her. "Pey, are you okay? You had me worried sick." I anxiously asked, relieved to have her at home. She nodded and began undressing. "Just needed some time," she replied softly, not making eye contact with me. I sighed, trying to remain calm with how she was acting. "You're okay though?" I asked again, wanting to make sure nothing had happened while she was out. "As okay as I can be right now," she answered, no emotion in her voice. She then made her way into the bathroom, shutting the door behind her. I fell back against the headrest and rubbed my eyes. I knew she was upset about the pregnancy but I didn't understand why she always had to shut me out when things got hard.

Peyton's POV

I knew Jack was worried sick about me but I just wanted to be alone. He was so optimistic about this whole pregnancy thing and I couldn't handle it. An eighteen year old couple could not handle a baby. This was exactly why my mom didn't want us moving in together. We had finally made up and now this happened. She was going to be livid. As I washed my face, I felt my stomach churn in knots. I couldn't believe this was real life. I took an extra amount of time in the bathroom as to avoid Jack. Thankfully he got the hint because when I walked out of the bathroom the light was off and he was already asleep. I slipped into bed next to him and turned my back towards him, not in the mood to cuddle tonight. As I laid in bed, I pictured the night sky I had stared at for the past few hours. When I had left the house earlier, I went to the only place I felt alone. It was up the mountain near the back of our building where I could lay out and watch the stars. They were more visible because it was somewhat removed from the light pollution of the city. I had laid there for hours, looking at the immensity of the universe and asking why this had to happen. Now laying next to Jack, the reality sunk in even more. I felt like crying. I seriously had no clue what we were going to do.

Jack's POV

The bright California sun lit up the room. I rolled over to look at the clock. It read 9:32. I felt for Peyton next to me but she wasn't there. I wasn't even out of bed yet but I knew the day was going to be a rough one. My feet managed to find their way to the plush carpet. My body was exhausted from the emotional strain the previous night so I didn't even attempt to walk downstairs quietly, rather allowed my feet to fall heavy against the ground. "God damn, good morning to you, loud ass," Sam said sarcastically from the kitchen where he was making toaster waffles. "Fuck off, Sammy," I told him through squinted eyes as I ran my fingers through my bed head. He chuckled but then looked at me seriously as I took a seat at one of the stools at the high counter. "How are you?" He asked, concern in his voice. I just laughed. "Great," I answered sarcastically. "Where's Peyton?" I asked. Sammy motioned to the door. "She already left for class," he said through the bacon in his mouth. I rolled my eyes. Peyton's class wasn't until 10:30 and I always drove her. "Whatever, I'm going to go shower. Johnson and I have a photo shoot today." I told Sammy while leaving the kitchen. "Yo, Jack! Dude I'm sorry about all this Peyton stuff. Let me know if I can help." Sam called after me. "Thanks dude," I answered while climbing the stairs. As I undressed to get in the shower, thoughts ran through my mind. How were we going to tell our families? How were the fans going to react? But the biggest question of all, how the hell was I going to get Peyton to not push me farther away?

Peyton's POV

I had gotten to campus early as to avoid Jack in the morning. I didn't want to hear anything more about our situation. Instead, I went to the quad and studied for a big psychology test I had that day. After both my classes, I got lunch and then continued to stall so that I wouldn't have to go home. I knew by this time Sam, Johnson, and Jack would all be home and I didn't feel like facing them. As I walked around the campus for what felt like the eightieth time that day, I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. A text message from Jack was glowing on the screen. I sighed and unlocked my phone to read the message. 'Photo shoot ran late. Johnson and I won't be home until later. Sammy is at some party with Nate. Please go home and get some rest, you haven't been home much. Also, look on your pillow. Love you no matter what. - J." Jack's text made my heart flutter. I may be upset and not in the mood to be with Jack, but I did love him. I loved him with all my heart. I decided to listen to his text and began walking back home.


"Hey there sweet girl," I cooed to Cali as I walked in the door. She wasn't such a little puppy anymore but she still acted like one. She jumped all over me, attempting to give me kisses everywhere. "Come on cutie, let's go see what Jay left for me on my pillow," I told the dog as I set my bag and books on the counter. The apartment was quiet, a very rare occurrence. I made my way upstairs and into the bedroom. An envelope was laying neatly on my pillow. As I got closer, I recognized what it was. It was the letter I had written Jack when I wasn't sure if he would wake up from his coma. I hadn't realized he had kept my letter. I gently took it out of the envelope and looked at my familiar writing. The paper was worn, as though Jack had read it plenty of times. I skimmed my words, the words I wrote to Jack when I believed I had truly lost him forever. I talked about how I was an idiot for pushing him away. Right then, I knew what Jack was trying to do. He wanted me to let him in. I folded up the letter and put it back in the envelope. The stillness of the apartment was comforting. I looked around as thoughts swarmed through my head. I loved Jack but I was better at pushing people away.

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