Trouble in Paradise #29

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Jack's POV

I placed Peyton's shaking body into the front seat. I then quickly jogged around to the driver's side and hopped in. My mind was spinning as I sped down the quiet Los Angeles streets. Peyton didn't make a sound as she sat curled up in the passenger seat. She looked so frail and little. I felt tears forming in my throat as I processed what was going on. It wasn't fair. It wasn't fair Peyton had to go through so much emotional stress. The streets lights illuminated the highway as we made our way to Cedars Sinai, only a few other cars on the roads. It was around 2 in the morning. I could tell Peyton was still shaking so I reached over to her. I picked up her hand that was laying in her lap. She held onto my hand tightly. I brought our hands up to my mouth and kissed her hand. "It's going to be okay," I whispered through the silent car. She just sniffled in response. Finally, the hospital came into view. I didn't even bother to park the car. I pulled up to the emergency room and jumped out to get Peyton. I held her in my arms as we walked in. The nurses seemed to realize exactly was happening because they immediately ran around the desk and got a stretcher. I placed Peyton down and they whisked her away. It all happened so quickly I hardly had time to think. All I knew was suddenly I was screaming Peyton's name and chasing after her. A male doctor stepped in front of me then. "Sir, I'm sorry but you'll have to wait out here." I felt tears streaming down my face. "She can't be alone, please doctor," I cried. I didn't even care that it was 2 am in an emergency room and that I was an 18 year old boy sobbing to a random male. All I cared about was Peyton. The love of my life. She was alone back there having who knows what happen to her. "She's in safe hands," the doctor told me kindly, trying to calm me down. "How about you park the car and then come back in and we'll see how she's doing?" He suggested. I appreciated him being calm with me but I couldn't react or be polite. My whole world felt like it was crashing down on me.

Peyton's POV

I felt extremely disconnected as the nurses rushed me behind closed doors. I didn't know where Jack went but I felt alone. Everything was spinning as I watched the hospital lights zip above me. Eventually, the nurses stopped me in a room. I laid there and waited for the doctor to come in. My mind drifted to the last time I was in this hospital. It was when I thought I had lost Jack forever. I felt tears silently roll down my face as I prayed that another miracle would occur in this building. Something felt different this time, I felt that ping in my gut that I had gotten years ago when I was eleven.


A doctor came into the room. I wasn't sure how long it had been but Jack still wasn't with me. The doctor was friendly and explained what he was going to do. I nodded my head that it was okay for him to continue and then closed my eyes. I just wished Jack could be there with me. I didn't want to go though this alone. As I pinched my eyes shut and braced for the doctor to start the ultrasound, I felt Jack's familiar rough hand grab onto mine. My body relaxed under his touch. I gripped on tightly to his and he leaned down and kissed my forehead. "I'm right here babe." He whispered to me.

Jack's POV

I was so grateful to be holding Peyton's hand during the ultrasound. I had to convince the nurses to allow me back but they eventually caved in. I don't think they could stand to see me cry anymore. I couldn't help it, I needed to be with Peyton. I quickly ran back to Peyton's room to find the doctor just beginning the test. Peyton was laying with her eyes closed. I slipped in and held onto her hand. After the ultrasound, the doctor took a moment to go out to the nurses' station. Peyton and I stayed in the private room we had been placed in. I continued holding Peyton's hand. We didn't talk as we waited for the doctor's return. I tried to remain calm but I didn't understand why the doctor was taking so long. The ultrasound should've shown it all. Why did he have to go out to the nurse station? I just wanted the news. Good news I prayed. Peyton was quiet and distant even though she was sitting right next to me. I had never been in this situation and didn't exactly know how to comfort her. Finally, the doctor came back in. Peyton tensed up and gripped my hand tighter. I swallowed hard. The doctor's expression was difficult to read. He was quiet while he stood in front of us. "So?" I questioned, becoming impatient. The doctor cleared his throat, "I'm very sorry..."

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