Flights #18

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Jack's POV

Peyton and I headed back to the hotel. I had texted my mom asking what room we were staying in and picked up the key at the front desk. Peyton hadn't let go of my hand since the beach. "Thank you," I said to the lady at the front desk while giving her a smile. Peyton began giggling as we walked away. "She was totally giving us a judging look back there," Peyton said. I laughed. "She knows what we're up to," I whispered back to Peyton. We stumbled into the elevator, laughing and holding hands. The lady at the desk still giving us a glare as the door closed. Once the door was finally shut, I turned around to face Peyton as she was leaning against the back wall. "Why don't we get a head start?" I said in a low voice. She bit her lip and nodded. I smirked at her before forcefully pressing my lips to hers. Our lips moved fiercely against each other, having been apart for too long. I heard the elevator ding and the doors open. I quickly glanced back to make sure we were alone. Once it was clear, Peyton wrapped her arms around my neck and her legs around my torso. I held onto her body and quickly reattached our lips. I pushed her against the wall outside the elevator. "Jay," Peyton said through kisses. "What room number?" I continued kissing her, moving down to her neck. "Jay, please, I need you." I pulled away from her body and set her down. "Let's go," I said while grabbing her hand. We quickly walked down the hallway until we came to our room. I pushed the door open and made sure it closed behind us. Peyton tugged my arm. "Come on," she cooed leading us to the bed. She began pulling my shirt over my head and next she unbuttoned my pants, gently feeling beneath my waistline. I inhaled sharply at the sensation. She smiled at my evident satisfaction. She then laid down on the bed, pulling me down with her. I hovered over her, relishing in the moment before I pulled her shirt over her head. I then dove back down to her neck and began kissing her gently. Little whimpers escaped her mouth and her breathing quickened. As my mouth moved closer to her chest, I unclasped her bra, tossing it aside. My mouth moved to her sensitive spots making her body writhe beneath me. Feeling her little frame under me, made me physically need her even more. I moved down to her pants, unbuttoning them how she had mine. I slid them off her body and then let my fingers play with the lace of her underwear. "Jack," she breathed. My fingers moved gently over the fabric, drifting down to her inner thighs. I could feel her physical need for me through the lace. She breathed my name again, this time with more pleading. My hands then pulled her underwear off, tossing it off to the side with her other clothing. My fingers moved back to Peyton's now exposed skin. I tickled the outside of her before I let my fingers inside. Her back arched with the pressure and her fingers dug into my back. I pulsed my fingers in and out of her as she moaned my name. After a few moments, I kicked my pants off along with my briefs. I had never needed Peyton so badly. Peyton bit her lip as she looked at my naked body over hers. She pulled me closer to her and then guided me inside her. Peyton moaned as I began thrusting inside of her. I kept a steady rythym, grinding my hips against hers. She clenched the sheets and bit her lip. Our sweaty bodies moved together. It felt so right to finally be with Peyton again. Moans began to pass my own lips at the feel of Peyton. "Harder, babe," Peyton said to me, moving her hands to my hair. I pushed harder into her, feeling her legs wrap around me. Peyton moaned even louder, calling my name in the process. "Fuck," I said as I felt her body clench around my member. I grunted at the tight feeling. "Fuck, Peyton." I thrusted quicker, feeling our skin slap against each other. Peyton began to arch her back. I felt both our climaxes coming. She was gasping and moaning as we both finished. "Jack!" She called out as she finally finished, her legs shaking. I pulled out of her and collapsed on top of her bare body. Our heavy breathing in sync. Her body was sweaty as I laid against her. Peyton gently ran her fingers through my long hair at the nape of my neck. We didn't speak. There wasn't anything to say. I had never felt closer to Peyton than I had in that moment.

Peyton's POV

As Jack laid against me, I felt closer to him than I ever had. Our naked bodies laid in solace together and the silence was comfortable. We had been intimate plenty of times, had sex more than I could count but nothing had compared to the moment we had just shared. Maybe it had been the months apart, maybe it had made our love for each other grow stronger, but whatever it was made me thankful for Jack. It made me thankful we had gotten back together because I never knew it was possible to feel so connected with a person. I replayed the moment over and over in my head. The feeling of being with Jack. The way he knew my body so well and handled me so gently. He quietly rolled off of me then and settled in next to me on the bed. He wrapped his arm around me so that I could lay against his solid chest. His heartrate was still quick as we laid there. My eyes felt heavy as my breathing calmed. My body felt safe curled up next to Jack's. I let myself start to drift away when Jack's deep voice broke the silence. "Pey," he said. "Hmm," I murmured. "I love you," he said. "I love you, too." I told him. "No I mean I really love you," he said quietly. "I love you more than anything in this world. I love every part of you and everything about you." I nodded against him. "Jay, I know. I feel the same way, babe." I reassured him. "This summer was rough but we got through it, don't stress anymore, you have me now, okay?" I told him, still laying on his chest, my eyes falling shut again. I felt him nod and then we were surrounded by silence again. I was almost asleep when Jack spoke up again and what he said next I was not expecting. "Peyton Rose Logan, will you marry me?"

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