Trouble in Paradise #26

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Jack's POV

The photo shoot Johnson and I were at ran late so I didn't get home until 9ish. A part of me was thankful about that because it meant less time with Peyton. As much as I wanted to be supportive, she was making it difficult to do so. Johnson and I walked into the apartment to find it quiet and empty. "Sammy must be out or something," Johnson guessed. I nodded but I was more concerned where Peyton was. "I'm gonna go see if Peyton is upstairs." I told Johnson while making my way through the apartment to the staircase. When I walked into the bedroom, I found Peyton asleep in bed with Cali curled up next to her. A slight smile crept across my face. My two girls were sleeping so peacefully, I couldn't help but love the sight. Seeing Peyton, laying there so innocent and quietly, broke my heart a little. As angry as I was with her reaction, I knew how difficult this pregnancy situation was for her. I decided in the morning I would take her to the doctor to get it officially confirmed. If the doctor said she really was pregnant, we could handle it then, but for the night, I just wanted to lay with her. I slipped off my Vans and then unbuttoned my khakis. They fell in a puddle on the ground while I removed my black tshirt. I then gently crawled into bed next to Peyton after turning the bedside lamp off. Peyton's little frame fit perfectly against me, I nuzzled my head in the crook of her neck and whispered in ear. "I love you, Peyton." She gently stirred and mumbled, "I love you too, Jay." With that, we both fell into a peaceful sleep in each other's arms. I tried my best to enjoy the moment knowing that the when we woke up, we would have to face the reality of Peyton being pregnant.

Peyton's POV

I felt groggy as I woke up. The sun was beginning to shine into the room, a light beam stretching across the bed. The room felt cool but I quickly felt Jack's body heat against me. I then realized his arms were wrapped around me, pulling me against his solid chest. It felt like forever since Jack had held me. His embrace made me feel safe but for some reason, it felt different on this morning. I felt sick to my stomach, knowing that our intimacy caused our current situation. I quickly untangled myself from Jack and went to take a shower. I needed to clear my mind. As the warm water pelted against my back, I tried to ease my mind and not think about the baby that was growing inside of me. I wasn't ready to be a mom, I didn't want my life to change. All I needed was Jack right now, I wasn't ready to start a family. Water rushed over my body, as it fell I allowed myself to cry. My tears falling down my face with the water from the shower. Suddenly, Jack came into the bathroom then. He was in just his briefs and his hair was all messed up from sleeping. He looked exhausted as he ran his fingers through his hair. "Morning, Pey." Jack said, his usual chipper tone nonexistent. "Morning," I said quickly, attempting to cover my tears. Jack luckily didn't seem to notice as he started to put toothpaste on his toothbrush. "Peyton, we should go to the doctor today." Jack said, somewhat gently but I also knew he wasn't going to take no for an answer. "Okay." I told him. He seemed surpised by my response but didn't question it. Jack continued to brush his teeth and I finished showering. The air between us wasn't the laid back comfort it normally was. All I felt was a tension hanging in the air like humidity on a summer day.


"Alright, P! Let's go!" Jack called up the stairs. I quickly slipped on a pair of boots and swallowed hard. I made my way downstairs to find Jack standing by the door with his keys in hand. "Let's go do this," he said, a sweet smile on his face. I nodded and tried to give him a smile back. He placed his hand on the small of my back and led me out of the door. The whole ride to the doctor's office was spent in silence. I kept my gaze glued on the mountains and how the sunlight was shadowed across them. Jack's hard gaze was staring directly ahead. I could tell he was tense by the veins in his forearms. Finally, the doctor's office came into view and Jack pulled into the parking lot. We both climbed out of the car and began walking in. As we made our way through the parking lot, Jack gently slipped his hand into mine and gave it a slight squeeze. To my surprise, I held on tightly to his hand, suddenly greatful for his touch. The automatic sliding doors opened for us and we walked in. I checked in with the lady sitting behind the front desk and then took a seat next to Jack in the waiting room. As we sat, I watched a little toddler running around by his mom. My heart sank and I tried to block out my thoughts. I was brought back to reality by the nurse who called, "Peyton Logan?" I nodded and got up, reaching for Jack's hand again. The nurse smiled and led us back to the examination room. "Dr. Lawrence will be right in to see you," she informed us before leaving us. Jack and I sat in silence yet again until finally the doctor came in. "Well good morning! I'm Dr. Lawrence, I'll be helping you out this morning!" A lady with a pixie hair cut and brunette hair said cheerfully as she shook my hand. I smiled and said hi. She then went and shook Jack's hand before sitting on the stool. Dr. Lawrence had small features and a friendly face. "So I hear we're here for a pregnancy test, correct?" She said it without hesitation but I cringed as I heard the words pass her lips. Jack spoke up for me. "Yes, she took a home test two days ago but we just want to get it confirmed." He told Dr. Lawrence. She nodded. "We can definitely do that. Peyton if I could just have you sit up here," she smiled at me while patting the examination chair. I moved to the seat and watched her as she got needles ready to draw my blood. After several tests and squeezing Jack's hand, Dr. Lawrence came back into the room. "You're at home test was correct. Peyton you are pregnant." She smiled at us. I felt a wave of sickness hit me and I let go of Jack's hand that was still holding mine. I folded my hands in my lap and nodded. "Okay thank you," I told the doctor. "I hope you two have a great rest of your day. Nice meeting you both. Best of luck!" The doctor shook our hands before leaving and then it was just me and Jack and silence again. "Let's go home," Jack said while getting up.

Jack's POV

The ride home was quiet and once we got back home, Peyton immediately started to go upstairs. I felt all my anger build up and I couldn't contain it anymore. I called after Peyton. "Peyton, are you ever going to talk to me about this?" I yelled. She stopped halfwayup the stairs and looked at me. "What's there to talk about?" She asked, staring at me with cold eyes. My blood started to boil. "What's there to talk about!? I don't know, maybe the fact that you're pregnant with my child! The fact that we have no clue what we're going to do! You can't just pretend this isn't happening because it is Peyton!" I said angrily. She didn't even flinch. "Jack, I didn't want this." She said flatly. "And you think I did!? God, Peyton. I don't want this either. I just don't get why the fuck you have to push me away. This isn't only affecting you!" I fought back. She walked back down the stairs and closer to me. "Yeah but you didn't just make up with your mom after not talking for three months! She's going to kill me, Jack! This is exactly why she didn't want us to move in together!" Peyton raised her voice back at me. "Okay but why shut me out? Why make me feel so god damn awful about this? All I want is to help you and you reject it all! It's bullshit Peyton! That's my baby too, I have to deal with all of this too!" I countered her. She looked flustered and angry. "I can't stand how damn positive you are about this! We're only eighteen! You have a career, I have school! How can you be postive about us having a baby!?" She yelled back. "Because we can't change it! There's nothing we can do!" I told her. "Yeah well I wish we could." She said angrily. "What? Do you regret us making love? Do you not love me enough to want my children?" I asked, feeling hurt by her reaction. As much as I kept telling myself it was just because she wasn't ready for a baby, a part of me thought maybe she didn't want to spend the rest of her life with me. Maybe she didn't love me like I loved her because I pictured forever with her. Peyton's anger disappeared and her face softened. "God, Jack. No. No, that's not it. Is that what you think? That I regret us?" She asked. I slightly nodded, somewhat embarrassed by feelings. "Jack, I could never regret us. I love you so much," she said quietly. "So then why do you push me away? Why are you so incredibly against this baby?" I asked genuinely, all anger gone from my voice. She looked down at her feet, she looked so vulnerable that I took an instinctive step closer to her. "That's how I deal with things. It's how I got through my dad's death. I push people away. I don't know, Jack. I'm not good with people I guess." She admitted. "Pey, you don't have to push me away. I'm always going to be here for you and here to support you." I told her, trying to help her change how she dealt with hard issues. I didn't want her to push me away every time things got rough, I wanted to get through things together. She took a breath and continued. "And I'm so against this baby because I'm scared. We're young. We live alone in LA. You're career is taking off which means you'll be gone a lot. I don't want to raise a baby on my own. I watched my mom do it and I don't want that." Shock coursed through my body, that thought never crossed my mind. I held Peyton's shoulders and lifted her chin up so she would look at me. "You and our baby come first. No matter what. I will never, ever, leave you alone. Do you understand me?"

I told Peyton sternly. She nodded and a single tear rolled down her cheek. I wiped it away with my thumb and pulled her against me. "It's okay to cry, baby. I'm right here."

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